08-23-2021, 01:41 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-24-2021, 02:32 AM by Araidnee.
Edit Reason: Added unlock conditions, fixed a few typos, added class banners
Sigrogana Legend 2 is a game with a lot of classes. 32 of them, to be exact. It's a lot to comb through, and It can be hard from just looking at skills to tell what exactly each class is supposed to be doing at a glance. This guide is here to give a very brief look at each of them to help you decide what you want to play.
A quick example of the anatomy of each summary:
![[Image: c30182050ec09f29d9a0f05b41a286e9.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/c30182050ec09f29d9a0f05b41a286e9.png)
Each class grants a series of stats as a bonus just for using the class, and half that bonus if it's being used as a subclass. Preferred/Primary stats are the main stats that a class' skills work off, or stat that help the class function.
Class unlock conditions will also be listed if they have any. A short summary describes what the class is good at, and a few skills that are interesting or useful are listed as examples of what the class can do. The promoted classes also inherit all purchased skills and passives of their base class, and can continue to use Main Class only skills from the base class. For additional information on classes and their skills, check the Official Wiki.
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The skills within a class are all color coded for skill categories and restrictions. You get 35 points to spend in each class, plus an additional point from each class tree's unique Trait, and one more point if you're playing a human. Destiny characters get 50 points instead, but are restricted to one tree.
Red Border skills are Offense class skills that focus on dealing damage.
Blue Border skills are Defensive or Movement abilities that let you reduce damage taken or reposition yourself.
Yellow Border skills are beneficial supportive effects that need to be cast.
Orange Border skills are utility skills that are usually heavily tied to a class' gimmick.
Green Border skills are passive skills that are always active as long you have them equipped. Some contain toggles to enable or disable them during combat.
Grey Border skills are passive abilities that do not need to be equipped. They frequently give a bonus to Hit, Evasion, or a stat.
Any ability with two inward pointing arrows is a Main Class Only skill, and cannot be used if the class is in your Sub-Class slot.
Classes that utilize Basic Attacks or skills that act like them generally benefit from using Critical Hits, and classes focused on spells and offensive skills (That don't count as basics) often don't have much use for Critical Hits.
Without any further ado, on to the classes.
Archer Tree
![[Image: 25ffb5a285cd108f41c9d303db2d3c67.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/25ffb5a285cd108f41c9d303db2d3c67.png)
Archer and Archer promotions focus on dealing damage from a distance with bows and guns. On hit effects and status effects are prevalent within this class tree.
+2 SKI, +2 CEL, +1 LUC
Primary stats: STR or SKI, GUI for Traps
The main ranged physical tree in Sigrogana. Archers use bows to deal physical damage at a huge distance. They have a variety of skills to boost basic attacks with a bow, and a handful of harmful status effects. They round out their kit with field control effects like Crippling Shot and Entangle Trap.
Notable Skills
Pulling Shot
Deals damage and pulls a target towards you or, if you have Dynamic Shooting, towards a placed trap. Can also inflict the Knocked Down status on enemies in conjunction with Cripple Leg, removing part of their turn and setting up other party members who may need Knocked Down to boost their skills.
Entangle Trap
Places a trap on the ground that, when triggered, will end a target's movement, deal damage, and create terrain that hinders movement. In PvE, this can be used to effectively remove enemy turns by trapping enemies at a range they can't strike from. Market Target can also set up an enemy to take a big hit.
Fire Arrows
Increases damage dealt by a percentage of your Fire Attack, and gives your basic attacks a chance to inflict the Burn status, inflicting damage over time. Also works with skills that count as basic attacks like Snake Shot and Pulling Shot! If you have the relevant element's Mage enchantment (from subclass Mage or an allied mage granting the effect), the secondary effect gets a boost.
![[Image: 314e607089d0891897a8f8563ddbc37f.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/314e607089d0891897a8f8563ddbc37f.png)
+2 DEF, +2 SKI, +1 RES, +1 LUC
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, DEF
To Unlock: Lv 20 Archer, win a fight while wearing Heavy category armor and a bow.
Arbalest is the heavy alternative to the speedier archer classes. They make heavy use of Basic Attack based skills, can inflict the powerful Stun status effect that removes a target's turn, and even use skills that scale with your Battle Weight. Many of their skills take the effects of melee weapons equipped as a Sub Weapon in your Hands slot. Contains numerous tank buster skills to shred high DEF enemies. Can also deal elemental damage with Oill Chain.
Notable Skills
Blowback Cannon
Deals big damage with high power sub weapons, knocks back the target, and inflicts the powerful Stun effect, removing a turn from the target.
Buster Cannon
Removes a target's physical damage reduction entirely, dramatically raising the damage the entire party deals to a target.
Special Armament
Allows you to use a Sword, Axe, or Spear equipped as a sub weapon as an arrow you shoot out at enemies to use Cannon skills. After using Cannon skills, you need to wait for a cool down to use another Cannon skill.
![[Image: e53da4e1156a0e4ebf88a83fa8a8c512.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/e53da4e1156a0e4ebf88a83fa8a8c512.png)
Magic Gunner
+3 SKI, +2 CEL, +2 WIL, +1 LUC
Primary Stats: SKI, GUI, LUC
To unlock: Lv 20 Archer, Lv 10 Mage, win a fight with a gun equipped.
Sigrogana's resident gun class. They use special Shells to add extra static damage and effects to their basic attacks. They can charge up their Shells to have more powerful effects using High Charge, Overcharge, or by landing critical hits with Spark Drive.
Notable Skills
Chain Shell
When an enemy gets hit, static electric damage spreads to nearby enemies. When charged, the damage and range of the spread increases. Allows the Magic Gunner to hit large groups of enemies at the same time, which they otherwise may struggle with.
Parting Shot
Deals a basic attack (with shells!) and moves you away from a nearby target in one action. Saves valuable actions when you need to get some distance from an enemy that got too close.
Allows you to attack with two guns at once, as long as both your main and sub weapon guns are handguns. More shots means more shells, which means more shell effects. Magic Gunner also has abilities to boost the single shot guns like the Shotgun or the Jackhammer rocket launcher.
![[Image: 0276d435fd1fdfee871ca356d2a029b8.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/0276d435fd1fdfee871ca356d2a029b8.png)
+2 SAN, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +2 CEL
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, WIL, focused elemental attack stat
To unlock: Lv 20 Archer, win a fight with Light category armor equipped
Ranger takes the range of Archer and raises it even higher by automatically applying Longdraw at the start of combat. Ranger is primarily a magic damage class, using unique bow only spells to unleash a variety of elemental attacks. It's also one of the few class that can make use of Acid and Sound elements. They can boost their skills once every few turns with Annorem to unleash powerful bonus effects on their spells.
Notable Skills
Sonic Arrow
One of the few skills that uses Sound element damage, and can inflict the powerful Silence status for three turns when boosted with Annorem, disabling all magical skills on the target.
Cherry Blossom
Deals Earth damage, knocks enemies airborne, and strengthens allies near the tree you place on the field. Can be used with Annorem to heal a massive amount of HP to an area, or with Gentle Garden to heal a selected target. One of the few healing skills in the game that doesn't scale with Faith or Light Attack.
Rain Trap
Doesn't deal damage, but inflicts stays on the field to inflict Soaked over an area. Frigid Arrow, electric elemental attacks, and other classes like Tactician and Aquamancer can gain bonus effects using the Soaked status.
Curate Tree
![[Image: 43546235e71c4449d02639fe1306b821.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/43546235e71c4449d02639fe1306b821.png)
Curate and it's promotions contain most and arguably the best healing skills in the game. The promotions share a focus on Light and Water elements, and due to their stat investments, Curate tree classes also tend to boast some of the highest max FP in the game.
+2 WIL, +2 CEL, +1 RES
Primary Stats: WIL, FAI
Curate is one of the few healing focused classes in the game. They have a variety of healing and support effects to keep your party in peak condition, and they have high scaling Light and Water attack skills. They use Spears and Tomes.
Notable Skills
Single target healing skill that scales with Light Attack. Can be used to heal an area with Mass, or provide a much stronger heal to an adjacent target with Detailed Care from the Priest promoted class.
Recovers up to 50 FP, extends buffs caused by you on all allies by 2 rounds, boosts LUC, and sometimes grants a bonus effect like a free cast of Sanctuary. Great for longer dungeons, and fantastic for keeping buffs from any class active.
Grants bonus DEF and RES to yourself and nearby allies. It's passive as well, granting free damage reduction to your and close units.
![[Image: 756a551f6f32e1f3d79323c58b7f9ee8.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/756a551f6f32e1f3d79323c58b7f9ee8.png)
+1 WIL, +2 CEL, +3 VIT, +2 FAI
Primary stats: WIL, VIT
To unlock: Lv 20 Curate, Defeat a Fangs (the boss os Whirlpool BDP, can also rarely be found in static Whirlpool dungeons as well, like the lv 20 on northern Sigrogana)
Once upon a time, Water element was pretty neglected. Now, Aquamancer is here to shower support, field control, and Water damage over the field. Nearly every skill they have works off Water Attack, and they can clear negative status effects with ease. Aquamancer has a unique gimmick of Aquae Crest, which is gained every turn and when spells are cast, and is spent automatically when casting certain spells to grant them additional effects.
Notable Skills
Dancing Water
Creates a tentacle on top of a Flooded tile that automatically attacks nearby enemies every turn, and attempts to inflict Immobilize, which removes an enemy's movement actions. Dark Water terrain from Hexer can also be substituted to deal Dark damage instead.
Water Wall
Creates a wall that blocks movement and projectiles. Stops archers and gunners in their tracks, and when used with skills like Dead Sea to create Flooded Water tiles, it can reconfigure the battlefield as you please.
Call Storm
An invocation spell that requires charging, but once cast causes a large variety of positive effects for the party, like spreading your buffs to all allies and making Flooded Water last longer. When you cast it again, it grants bonus effects like casting free lighting and wind spells at random enemies every turn for free! The boosted Water Attack can also be used to boost Brine Blade's effect for allies.
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Lantern Bearer
+2 WIL, +2 CEL, +2 RES, +1 DEF, +1 LUC
Primary Stats: WIL, focused elemental attack
To unlock: Lv 20 Curate, Lv 10 Mage
Lantern Bearer uses massive area of effect elemental spells that grant allies bonuses based on the element they used in a large area round them. They can also heal with and revive allies with Phoenix. Lantern Bearer is a very simple class to play, but can have some struggles as a subclass or on characters with low FP.
Notable Skills
Deals Dark element damage to a large area, and protects the party by inflicting Blind on enemies and raising allies' RES.
Hard Light
Grants a 25 percent damage resistance to the element you currently have invoked. When combined with Bask in Light, and can grant a whopping 35 percent resistance to an element of choice. When used in conjunction with other elemental damage reducing effects and equipment (along with raw RES), you can reduce magic damage to practically nothing.
Imbue Strike
Changes physical attacks involving your spear to the element you have invoked. Lets you exploit elemental weaknesses easily, or it can be used to trigger on-hit effects that rely on specific elements, like Soaked's electric damage spreading.
![[Image: e916e01959daca8d12a9d2a5ac88db80.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/e916e01959daca8d12a9d2a5ac88db80.png)
+2 WIL, +1 CEL, +2 RES, +3 FAI
Primary Stats: FAI
To unlock: Lv 20 Curate, Rank 5 Devotion (from the Talents menu)
Priest is Curate+. Better healing, bigger light spells, stronger status cures, and powerful invocation spells. Watch out for high FP costs! They can also gain boosts if you have Staff items (purchased in Lispool) in your item belt.
Notable Skills
Divine Shower
Powerful full field Light element damage to all enemies, and it ignores evasion so it will always deal full damage. It also inflicts blind to keep your party safe.
Heals the entire party cheaply and quickly. Requires very high FAI to use effectively.
Detailed Care
Massively increases the healing of any spells used adjacent to an ally. Use in conjunction with Rescue or communicate with your party for ease of use.
Duelist Tree
![[Image: 7706febd3680a84f8fe7231bc46ed17a.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/7706febd3680a84f8fe7231bc46ed17a.png)
Duelist classes focus on high Evasion, high damage, and high action count. Duelist and Duelist promotions use Critical Hits and discounted momentum costs to use more actions per turn than anyone else. They also posses a number of skills relating to evading and countering attacks.
+2 SKI, +2 CEL, +1 STR
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, CEL
Duelist uses either a sword or spear to fight with style, using skills to grant themselves extra momentum when they dodge attacks. Most of Duelist's promoted classes rely heavily on base Duelist's passives to make full use of their own gimmicks.
Notable Skills
Dashes through enemies to deal damage and move yourself at the same time. Can be used to reposition and attack in the same action. Also gains unique bonuses if enchanted by Mage's buffs, like creating Ice Sheet tiles or being able to score Critical Hits.
When an enemy attacks you at melee range, you have a chance to instantly strike back. It can even strike back when a foe misses you.
The first time you get a critical hit, you gain an extra Momentum, allowing you to do more actions in your turn. Can only be used by main class duelist and it's promotions, but can very easily result in getting an extra full action every turn. A must have.
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+3 CEL, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +1 LUC
Primary Stats: STR, SKI, CEL, focused elemental attack (Fire is easiest)
To unlock: Lv 20 Duelist, win a fight after becoming Airborne at least 8 times (The Crane Hop skill from Martial Artist sub-class can help)
One of the few classes that focuses on spears, Firebird relies of making themselves and enemies Airborne. Flying races like Heron and Phenix have racial abilities that can open new possibilities up for the class, but anyone can use the full potential of Firebird if they just believe. Or use the Flying Spear weapon. They generate and spread feathers on the field that detonate enemies, and can be spent to enhance some effects.
Notable Skills
Lift Off
A spell that deals elemental damage based on your current Mage enchantment (Fire by default, Badge accessories can also be used to change the element) and knocks all enemies airborne while spreading feathers. A bread and butter combo starter for the class, and an amazing ability to pull out as a subclassed Firebird as well to provide easy mass Airborne that scales with an elemtn of your choice.
Wind Flourish
A targeted push or pull that generates feathers while you reposition a target. Can also be used to reposition enemies around your feathers or dangerous terrain tiles like Sear.
Converts unused Momentum into feathers. Can be used in conjunction with Riser and Boon of Apus to generate huge amounts of feathers quickly, and gives you something to do with any leftover momentum at the end of a turn.
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No stats boosted, according to in-game Info page
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, VIT
To unlock: Lv 20 Duelist, win a fight with less than 10 percent HP remaining
Ghost spends its own HP for powerful effects and high damage skills that get stronger as their HP decreases. When the going gets tough, they use their trusty Wraithguard to take damage for them, before unleashing big attacks boosted by their special Claret Call status effect. Uses Swords and Axes.
Notable Skills
Places a ghost friend down who cannot act nor move, but takes roughly a third of incoming damage for you. He can still get hit for full damage when attacks hit him directly, so try to keep him out of the range of area of effect skills.
Red Rain
Spend a bit of HP to create an area that follows enemies and constantly applies Claret Call to enemies. Claret Call increases damage dealt to enemies by you, and is needed for certain ghost skills like Painproof to function.
Rising Game
Increases STR, WIL, SKI, CEL, RES and LUC based on how much HP you're missing, up to +6 to all stats when at 10 percent or less of your max HP. The effective range for it can be expanded by raising your max HP or via skills like Afflicted Spectre.
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+2 CEL, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +2 LUC
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, CEL
To unlock: Lv 20 Duelist, win a fight with a Katana category sword and an Unarmored category (or unequipped) torso armor equipped
Kenseis use katanas to deliver a flurry of quick strikes to enemies and apply frequent effects to lower hit and evasion rates against them. If they use a katana , they get discounted momentum costs on many skills, allowing them to use more of them each turn. Many of their offensive skills also have Elemental Impact effects if they have Mage enchants active on them (Or are using a Badge accessory).
Notable Skills
Pushes an enemy forward and deals damage to them. Only costs 2 Momentum if you use a katana. Extremely cost effective damage that can shift enemies around the field to keep allies safe or shove an enemy into a range for someone else to follow up.
Sheathe Sword
Put yourself in a stance to counter enemy attacks. If used at the end of your turn when you also have Hidden Cut, deals bonus damage to all enemies hit that turn when using Kensei skills. The counter damage can also be boosted with Counter Edge.
Automatically applied when Sheath Sword successfully counters, reducing the target's evasion. Enemies marked by Touki can also be targeted by Absolute Pace, which adds your Scaled STR as bonus damage when you next hit the target after you evade an attack.
Mage Tree
![[Image: 9c2ec4475f1f51ac73cee9c00a10c330.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/9c2ec4475f1f51ac73cee9c00a10c330.png)
Mages are experts in elements. They have a number of special Enchantment abilities that add Elemental Impact effects to many skills from various classes, and can work with nearly any stat investment thanks to the variety of elements they use. Easy to build and simple to play, Mage is a great class tree for beginners.
+2 WIL, +2 RES, +1 CEL
Primary Stats: WIL, focused attack element (STR, SKI, CEL, DEF, or LUC)
Mage is an extremely simple class to play with a huge variety of spells for every occasion. Each element has a loosely shared gimmick shared among the spells. Fire has explosions and Sear tiles that inflict damage when stepped on, Ice has Ice Sheets that reduce movement, Wind has range, pushes, and inflicts damage over time with Lingering Damage, Earth has Magnetize that reduces enemy evasion against you, and Electric spells can earn critical hits via special Lightning Crits. Using your Enchantment buffs, you can make certain skills you and your allies use gain these secondary effects as well.
Notable Skills
Deals Earth damage over an area, and pulls in Magnetized enemies. Deals bonus damage to nearby enemies, and gets expanded range if you are using the Earth element Enchant.
Static Air
Increases an ally's LUC, and deals damage to enemies when the ally avoids an attack. Can also be expended to activate Charge Weapon, which grants a big damage boost to their next attack, and pairs well with the Excel line of weapons.
The Fire element enchant spell. Raises the Fire Attack, STR, and WIL of the target, and grants access to Elemental Impacts. With Auto Enchant, these can be obtained for free at the start of every fight, making Mage a great subclass for many classes. Elemental Augment also gives a small bonus damage attack based on your enchanted element, and is even granted to other characters you enchant.
![[Image: fb25c13aa918fd41bf615438c0e72dea.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/fb25c13aa918fd41bf615438c0e72dea.png)
+3 WIL, +2 CEL, +2 SKI, +1 LUC
Preferred stats: WIL, focused attack element
To unlock: Lv 20 Mage, win a fight with an Unarmored category (or unequipped) armor equipped
Capable of some of the biggest individual hits in the game, Evoker can frequently break four digit damage under the best of circumstances. Evoker has the ultimate firepower when it comes to elemental damage, at the price of lengthy invocations. Their skills can be FP hungry, but they have skills to discount these costs.
Notable Skills
Intensify Cold
At the cost of an invocation, deals heavy damage and forces an ice weakness on the target, allowing you and your party to take full advantage of weakness bonuses like extra damage and Momentum. Can also inflict Frostbite, causing the target to take damage per ice sheet tile they step on.
Charge Mind
For 6 Momentum, causes the next Evoker spell you cast deals well over double damage. Though it uses an entire turn, Charge Mind allows for even more extreme damage output out of the already high damage invocation spells. Can also be used with Brainstorm to give you more time until you use it up, or Elemental Overtime to add massive damage to basic attacks without using up Charge Mind.
High Speed Divine Words
Main Class only. Speeds up invocations , making them cost half as much momentum. Using this, you can cast invocations once per turn for the duration, greatly enhancing your action economy and leaving less room for enemies to break your invocations.
![[Image: 8e24e53944aaff8c3e87fdb215824234.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/8e24e53944aaff8c3e87fdb215824234.png)
+1 WIL, +3 DEF, +3 RES, +1 SKI
Primary Stats: WIL, RES
To unlock: Lv 20 Mage, win a fight with a Rustic or Doomed enchanted weapon equipped
Hexer uses powerful Dark element spells that use multiple elements at once to inflict nasty status effects on their foes. They have powerful invocation effects that can completely change the flow of battle, punishing foes who take too many actions or who attack the Hexer.
Notable Skills
Earthbound Vengeance
Deals Dark element damage to enemies for every attack they make. This effect stays on the field for a long time, and the damage adds up very quickly.
Plisfa's Masochism
Curse yourself with an effect that transfers to a foe when they attack you. Makes the target unable to dodge any attacks for a few hits or a few rounds, depending on which comes first. Helps pin down evasive targets, and if the Hexer isn't built for evasion, they won't be losing much while the curse is active on them.
Silent Spirit
Forces an enemy to attack you at reduced damage. Can be used to force Curses on to a target, or to forcibly activate counter attacks from other classes.
![[Image: bb035cbfe712d829e45310046c72a55c.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/bb035cbfe712d829e45310046c72a55c.png)
Rune Magician
+3 WIL, +3 GUI, +2 SKI
Preferred Stats: WIL, focused attack element (Your tome's element)
To unlock: Lv 20 Mage, exhaust the dialogue options of the Librarian in northern Karatynn
Rune Mage creates and stack runes on the ground that can be used to set traps for enemies who step too close, or whirling tops that slash enemies as they pass. Field control and status effects are your specialty, and you can buy the entire spell list for the class at once if you're a human. Rune effects get stronger the more are stacked together, but each stack can only contain one of each rune.
Notable Skills
Elemental Rune
Deals damage of your tome's element to an enemy for 2 Momentum. Cheap and effective as an attack spell in it's own right, but the damage can raise dramatically if stacked a Destruction Rune. You could also apply a Magnet Rune for it to chase enemies, or immediately use Solo Rush/All Rush to send it forward for a cheap, long range attack.
Null Rune
Prevents a rune from triggering (and thus being removed from the field), or removes a buff from an enemy. You can use Null Rune in conjunction with Razor Rune to create a spinning blade you can stack higher and slide around using the Turn and Rush skills to deal damage every time it passes an enemy.
Swift Rune Crafting
Reduces the cost of Rune skills to 1 Momentum for the rest of the turn, allowing you to place 6 runes at once. Use this opportunity to load down an enemy with status effects, cover the field in runes, or make a single massive rune instantly. Hotkeys recommended to speed things up and not drive your party members insane.
Martial Artist Tree
![[Image: 16402ce466f454e3b96228a205e1e4c0.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/16402ce466f454e3b96228a205e1e4c0.png)
Martial Artist contains a wide variety of promotions that all share the Fist weapon. Be sure to plan ahead for the stats that skills in your Promoted class uses, as many are not shared with the base Martial Artist class.
Martial Artist
+2 STR, +2 SKI, +1 CEL
Primary Stats: STR
Martial Artist is the only class tree that can effectively use Fist weapons, so of course they're also the one class that can choose to ignore that and use no weapons at all. They have a variety of self boosts and physical skills that get them into the heat of the fight and help them stay there.
Notable Skills
Heaven Kick
Moves you next to an enemy and deals damage. Good range, and can attack multiple targets at once with Urawaza active.
Adds an action input to certain Martial Artist skills in exchange for bonus effects. You can intentionally fail the inputs if you don't want the added effects.
Empty Palm
Allows you to fight with no weapon equipped, replacing your lack of a weapon with a 100 STR scaling bare fist with some bonus hit and critical. Using this along with Mixed Martial Arts lets you use a glove in your Arm equip slot instead of a Fist weapon and still have a fist weapon available in that slot, which opens up some interesting combinations with subclasses like using a bow in one hand with Archer's Gloves, but still having full access to your Martial Artist skill list so you can play the Ranger/Boxer of your dreams.
![[Image: 3ea83db09c548f042ef2187cf60c5f5d.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/3ea83db09c548f042ef2187cf60c5f5d.png)
+2 DEF, +2 VIT, +2 STR, +2 SKI
Primary Stats: STR, DEF or RES
To unlock: Lv 20 Martial Artist, win a fight with Boxing Gloves equipped (25 arena medals at the arena's exchange)
Boxer is the defensive Martial Artist promotion. They can negate predicted enemy attacks with Geist Schritt skills while building up Schwartz Sturm for a big finisher. Boxer's Geist Schritt skills make a good addition to any class via subclassing, but it can be hard to fit a fist weapon into other classes.
Notable Skills
A finisher that uses all of your Schwartz Sturm charge to deal Earth element damage and trap nearby enemies in a circle of rocks with you.
A finisher that instantly kills a target. If you hit a player or boss, they are instead punched so hard into the sky they are removed from the fight for a round, and take damage when they land again.
Geist Schritt (Eins)
Dash forwards, and if you take a basic attack before next round, you negate the attack, gain momentum to instantly act again, and dash towards your target. The other counter skills attempt to bait attack skills and not being targeted at all, respectively.
![[Image: b379fd1fe02fe4b05e8232ee84df8252.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/b379fd1fe02fe4b05e8232ee84df8252.png)
+2 SKI, +2 CEL, +2 DEF, +1 STR, +1 RES
Primary Stats: STR, sometimes FAI
To unlock: Lv 20 Martial Artist, use Martial Artist's Meditate skill while at full HP at the start of a fight
Monks build up vast amounts of Ki to power up with a golden aura and then drop a large energy orb on their foes. This sounds... familiar. They have extremely cheap movement through Backflip, and some interesting sub-class utility with skills like Serpent Strikes and Aid.
Notable Skills
Setting Sun
An area of the field (that grows with higher Ki) gets marked to take heavy Fire element damage in three rounds. The damage increases with Ki spent, and can scale to extreme sizes.
Power Up
Converts leftover Momentum to Ki and restores FP. If a large amount is spent at once, you gain extra Ki and FP.
Ki Awoken
Grants +10 to all stats and extra Ki regeneration in exchange for taking damage that doubles every round. Additionally, if your Ki exceeds the limit, you get instantly knocked down and stunned. The knockdown can be effectively negated via Kip-Up from base Martial Artist.
![[Image: 55f3c1ecdce87ef67302c5ce5e041619.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/55f3c1ecdce87ef67302c5ce5e041619.png)
+2 CEL, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +2 WIL
Primary Stats: STR, SKI, WIL
To unlock: Lv 20 Martial Artist, win a fight after using Martial Artist's Heaven Kick, Light Tomahawk, and Peddling Wheel skills in a single battle
Verglas is an ice themed Martial Artist promotion that can either be a close range fighter with various combos for any situation, an Ice element mage who uses Ice Points to enhance specialized attack spells, or a hybrid combination of the two. Beware of high FP costs, This class can chew through FP like no other.
Notable Skills
(Ice Point Guard active) Rising Kick -> Axe Kick -> Face Stomp
This combination of skills makes you airborne, knocks down an enemy by expending your airborne, and then deals heavy damage with Face Stomp to finish off your turn. Requires Ice Point Guard to be active, and also requires Chimera Style. The damage is worth the set-up!
Crawling Spikes
Channel your inner grindylow and deal absurd amounts of damage to people way too far away. Each time the spikes make contact with an Ice Point, they fire out again, bouncing off and dealing increased damage each bounce.
Rapid Kick
Deal 6 kicks to a target. Ice Point Greaves, base Martial Artist's Phoenix Talon, or any other effects that raise kick damage can dramatically raise the damage of this skill.
Rogue Tree
![[Image: 56b1b74292c7dcf0edc205eb19371846.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/56b1b74292c7dcf0edc205eb19371846.png)
Rogue's class tree boasts the most benefits to critical hits and backstabs, but is by no means locked in to that role. Void Assassin and Spellthief can both be played as caster classes, and the base Rogue traps carry their utility into any class or promotion.
+2 LUC, +2 CEL, +1 SKI
Preferred Stats: STR or SKI, GUI, CEL, LUC
Rogue uses their unique movement utility and traps to outmaneuver opponents. Their Trickery effects let them take multiple actions at once, and Twin Dance allows them to unleash a flurry of dagger attacks to quickly wear down foes.
Notable Skills
Gust Trap
Places a trap on the ground that activates when a (non-flying) enemy steps into the activation range. Can be used to effectively remove turns from monsters, and inflicts poison to boot. Also compatible with Elemental Impacts from Mage's enchantments! Can also be placed with Quick Slide if it is the first trap in your skill list.
Pocket Sand
Usable once per fight. Inflicts Blind on a nearby target. If you have Steal, it will also attempt to steal a buff, and, if successful, will also perform a basic attack on the target.
Twin Dance
When you attack with a dagger, you can also follow up with a weakened attack with a sub weapon dagger. Combine with Relentless Strikes or weapons with on hit effects (such as the Tessen series of fans), and the damage starts to climb very quickly.
![[Image: 065e50c3d4bd77ddf261d3325e5aa581.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/065e50c3d4bd77ddf261d3325e5aa581.png)
+2 STR, +2 CEL, +2 LUC, +1 DEF, +1 SKI
Preferred Stats: ???
To unlock: Lv 20 Rogue, win a fight with a Wrench equipped (25 arena medals at the arena exchange, may need Axe Expertise - Adaptation from the Talents menu to equip)
Engineer prefers to solve practical problems by building robots to do the work for you. Build a powerful Railgun to deal a delayed hit to an enemy at range, or deploy a Metalaegis to safeguard you or your allies. Notably, this class has no main class only skills.
Notable Skills
Deploy: Turret
Create a robot friend that shoots at things for you. With the Security System skill, the turret will automatically shoot at attackers when you evade an attack.
Counter melee damage with an electric shock, and it can also be manually detonated for additional damage. This can also be granted to allies with Upgrade (Electro Shield), which also grants bonus critical to the target.
Put a timer on the lifespan of your robot in exchange for granting it 2 more Momentum each round. On death, the robot will detonate, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
![[Image: 3181db6122a2e9e4dbc5992cab843ec3.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/3181db6122a2e9e4dbc5992cab843ec3.png)
+2 WIL, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +2 CEL
Primary Stats: WIL, CEL
To unlock: Lv 20 Rogue, steal a positive status with Rogue's Steal skill (Cat Mask and other equipment versions of the skill do not count)
Spellthief has the unique ability to take spells from other classes with Spell Snatch and Snatch Spell to add to their own spell until you remove them from the skill pool menu. You can even obtain certain monster only spells, or pick fights with other players to round up the spells you want.
Notable Skills
Final Flare
On your next basic attack hit, expends all of your stolen spells until the end of the fight to cast multiple at random on a single target with reduced damage. The damage may be greatly reduced by the target's resistances, but is capable of severe damage to a target.
Causes area attacks and healing to no longer distinguish between ally and enemy. Allows you to do some fun tricks like making a boss monster Rampage other enemies, or make an enemy's mass healing spell have to heal you as well.
Margin Manipulation
Reduces incoming spell damage to increase the damage dealt by your next spell. A useful defensive utility, and it's automatic as well.
![[Image: 3bc1c81ae4938e267336d5221d181941.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/3bc1c81ae4938e267336d5221d181941.png)
Void Assassin
+2 CEL, +3 SKI, +2 RES, +1 LUC
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, RES, GUI
To unlock: Lv 20 Rogue, warp using any Mage's Guild
Void Assassins open portals to the mysterious Void for fun and profit. They have an anti-mage role, benefiting greatly from backstabs and taking very little damage from magic thanks to their high RES. Players sometimes get a little touchy about the lore surrounding this class and skills, so beware if you plan to play PvP.
Notable Skills
A special basic attack that can only be used from behind an enemy that inflicts Silence on hit, preventing the use of all magic. Use your Voidgates or Rough Tumble from base Rogue to get behind enemies easily. This skill can also take advantage of your backstab bonuses.
Create a portal you can use to teleport to another portal you've placed. You can use Fray or Detogate to use these portals to deal damage, or you can use Void Refraction to duplicate projectiles from you or an ally out of each gate. This can even duplicate some spells like Curate's Light Arrow or certain attack skills like Ranger's Twin Shot.
Grants magic damage reduction, and also stores Void Energy which can be spent by certain other skills. Absorb Veil can restore FP from it, Veil Off can be used to turn that energy into Critical Hit chance, and many other effects.
Soldier Tree
![[Image: 37663fdbfa5b9ca8ddd3ed12e4bf3e81.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/37663fdbfa5b9ca8ddd3ed12e4bf3e81.png)
Soldier classes are primarily focused on physical damage from melee range. With a wide variety of promotions, Solider contains a little something for everyone.
+2 STR, +2 VIT, +1 SKI
Preferred Stats: STR, DEF
Soldier uses sword, axes, and spears to hit first and ask questions later. Boasting incredible party utility, Soldier can sometimes struggle without a party to back them up.
Notable Skills
One of the heaviest hitting attacks in the game for it's cost, but can only be used on Knocked Down enemies. The damage increases as enemy health falls, so it should be used as a coup de grace.
Increases movement range for very little Momentum. If used in conjunction with Bash, you can push any target you want to more or less anywhere on the field.
Lets you take basic attacks in place of a nearby ally with slightly reduced damage. Can be used alongside other damage reduction skills and counters to keep allies safe and deal damage back at the same time.
![[Image: d5f97a1a25685060057fe5822a06c697.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/d5f97a1a25685060057fe5822a06c697.png)
Black Knight
+2 DEF, +2 VIT, +2 STR, +1 SKI, +1 LUC
Preferred Stats: STR, DEF
To unlock: Lv 20 Soldier, move in an L shape (like a Knight in chess)
Black Knights are massive, physically bulky tanks built like brick walls wearing flak jackets. They have a wide variety of attack skills to attack from any angle. Certain skills invoke the black wind to extend their range, which then alters secondary effects of skills used later in the turn. I... don't think "invoking the black wind" means farting?
Notable Skills
Warp beside an isolated enemy and perform a basic attack with bonus Hit. If you haven't used a Black Wind skill yet, this skill has extended range, otherwise it gain bonus Critical Hit chance.
Grants a ZoC one tile around you to provoke an Attack of Opportunity. In less tactical terms, if an enemy move into a square next to you, get get an immediate basic attack against them that ends their movement.
Main Class only. When enemies attack you at melee range, you have a chance based on your DEF to parry them, reducing damage taken and giving them the Flatfoot status, which can lead into Checkmate.
![[Image: 3d77edb40ce37e55366430793fc6a551.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/3d77edb40ce37e55366430793fc6a551.png)
Demon Hunter
+2 DEF, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +2 CEL
Preferred Stats: STR, SKI, DEF, CEL
To unlock: Lv 20 Soldier, Kinu 2 cleared (The Chinatoa Mines duel from the main story quests, check the wiki for more info)
Demon Hunter has four stances, each with a different focus. You can switch stances more or less freely, but you should probably avoid investing into more than two stances due to the limits on skill points. Reaver does aerial and elemental melee attacks, Deseperado has unique gun skills, Cobra has evasion and Airborne movement skills, and Matador has revenge focused dark attacks. The class has an emphasis on longer combo strings, but it mixes well with those from other classes.
Notable Skills
Reaver -> Rising Tide/Desperado -> Nitro Drop -> Reaver into Elemental Rave
Both Rising Tide and Nitro Drop launch both you and your enemy into the air, where you can then follow up with Elemental Rave's Bonus Bloodshed effect for bonus damage. The Reaver skills are also Elemental Impact compatible with Mage's enchantments!
Cobra -> Leaping Lizard -> Winged Serpent -> Matador -> Crashing Bull -> Bellowing Stag
Launch yourself into the air, reposition to an area with more enemies, crash down to the ground and deal damage with Crashing Bull while launching all enemies, then follow up with Bellowing Stag for more damage and knockdown to all targets. Deals unresistable damage on the first hit, and only scales off Dark Attack for the second. Try to end the turn in Matador Stance to continue building rage.
Martial Lawbreaker
While in Reaver Stance, ignores weapon requirements for skills. This allows you to use Reaver skills with a bow, or Execute from base Soldier with a gun. It opens up myriad possibilities with subclasses. Get creative!
![[Image: 947a37494a2fbb36008520861dbe2065.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/947a37494a2fbb36008520861dbe2065.png)
+1 STR, +1 WIL, +2 SKI, +2 CEL, +1 DEF, +1 RES
Preferred Stats: WIL, focused elemental attack
To unlock: Lv 20 Solider, win a fight with a Tome category weapon equipped (may require Fluency - Adaptation from the Talents menu)
Tactician holds a wide variety of specialized attack spells and powerful supportive effects best suited to a party, or things you can pretend are party members like mercenaries, Youkai, and Engineer bots. They have a unique gimmick called Tactics Rank that improves the effects of certain skills based on how often party members have followed orders or exploited elemental weaknesses.
Notable Skills
Domino Resonate
One of the few skills in the game that uses Sound Attack. Inflicts knockdown and damage on all enemies in a line, and pushes them a good distance away. Also boasts very high scaling with Sound Attack.
Assault Order
Increases the damage of basic attacks for the entire party, which improves further with high power tomes and high Tactics Rank. Every time someone uses the order to boost their attacks, your tactics rank increases. Scales well with allies who enjoy using Critical Hits. With On Your Mark, the first order you have equipped will be applied for free at the start of combat.
Volley Formation
Improves the critical hit rate of ranged weapons from within the formation per unit standing on your tiles. Your gunners will love you.
Summoner Tree
![[Image: a6d80384b1f09d134b0d8de34b82ebfc.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/a6d80384b1f09d134b0d8de34b82ebfc.png)
Summoner calls upon Youkai to act as separate units during battle. They consume FP equal to their level every turn, and the number you can have at once is limited by your Faith stat. They boast high FP regeneration and numerous skills to discount Youkai summoning to compensate for the high cost.
+2 WIL, +2 CEL, +1 RES
Primary Stats: WIL, FAI
Base Summoner is, simply put, an absolutely terrible class. You'll be very reliant on your Youkai and subclass before you unlock the promotions. The Contract is a mandatory skill that lets you recruit Youkai in the first place.
Notable Skills
Energy Transfer
Restores a Youkai's FP with some of your own. Can be helpful to keep a Youkai in the frey for longer, but be mindful that if your own FP runs out, the Youkai will be unsummoned.
Cracked Mirror
Free FP regeneration. Crucial for balancing out the cost of keeping your Youkai on the field, and makes a great subclass ability.
Changes your base stats to that of the Youkai you Installed plus a bonus if you have the relevant Affinity skill, which can raise or lower the soft caps on stats significantly, altering the end results of your scaled stats. Additionally, gives you access to all of your Youkai's skills and spells, both passive and active, including elemental resistance skills. Summoner promotions often do more with this skill.
![[Image: b220f1bb4d32033f5400930465457d24.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/b220f1bb4d32033f5400930465457d24.png)
+2 WIL, +2 SKI, +1 CEL, +1 LUC, +2 STR
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, WIL, FAI
To unlock: Lv 20 Summoner, win a fight with three or less Youkai in your Youkai menu
Bonder favors quality over quantity, using either one or three Bonded Youkai (Youkai with high friendship) as they fight alongside their companions. They are often a Basic Attack skill focused class.
Notable Skills
Infernal Strike
Summon a Youkai and immediately send it out in front you to a attack an enemy. If you only have one Bonded Youkai, it also uses a basic attack. You can use the Contract Uno and Contract Tres skills outside of combat to control how many Youkai are available for this effect.
Pinball Strike
Warp to an enemy and smack it with a basic attack to shove to away. Any of your Youkai along it's path get a free attack on the target as it's moving.
Shared Pain
Halves damage taken, but splits it between you and all your Youkai. Pairs well with Healing Discharge and high DEF/RES or high max HP Youkai.
I assure you this is a different class
Grand Summoner
+2 WIL, +2 SKI, +2 CEL, +2 FAI
Preferred Stats: WIL, FAI
To unlock: Lv 20 Summoner, win a fight with three or more Youkai in your Youkai menu
Grand Summoner is a believer in quantity over quality. With the best FP regeneration in the game and the highest FP consumption in the game, Grand Summoner can flood the field with Youkai before forcibly banishing them en masse to cause damage.
Notable Skills
Judgement Blade
A reliable ranged magic spell in it's own right that gains a significant damage bonus against Youkai or targets Installed with a Youkai. Paired with Soul Chains, Youkai Tamer, and a weapon that gains bonus damage against Youkai, you can force an install on an enemy to hit them will Judgement Blade for greatly increased damage.
Heals and revives all of your Youkai, summoned or not. An important skill to keep your Youkai fighting-fit in longer dungeons.
Chain Unsummon
Unsummons a target Youkai and all nearby Youkai. When paired with Impact Dismiss and Dimension Resonance, each Youkai deals significant damage when unsummoned that increases per Youkai dispelled at once. Use Summon Storm or Ripple Dimension to field many Youkai on to the field quickly.
![[Image: caf839bfd381736b284a73db86eadc26.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/caf839bfd381736b284a73db86eadc26.png)
+2 SKI, +2 CEL, +2 LUC, +2 STR
Important Stats: STR or SKI, CEL
To unlock: Lv 20 Summoner, keep three of your own Youkai on the field at the same time
Shapeshifter takes full advantage of Install to gain large stat boosts and use special Momentum efficient skills based on the Youkai or tribe they're installed with. They can also Install a Youkai with another Youkai via Chimera Install, allowing you merge two Youkai who nullify each other's weaknesses and other strange combinations.
Notable Skills
Grow Appendage
Grow an extra limb based on the Youkai you're currently installed with. These limbs grant extra skills or passive effects, depending on the race of Youkai.
Plant Rejuvinate
Can only be used with a Plant type Youkai. Recovers health per turn and cures a status effect. If there is no status effect, you heal more instead. Can be used to offset the HP cost of Shapeshifter skills, and stacks with other regeneration effects. Only costs 1 Momentum.
Bloody Shift
Main Class Only. When you land a Critical Hit, any Youkai Evoke skills cost one less Momentum in exchange for 1 percent of your HP each cast. Allows you to do more per turn in exchange for HP.
A quick example of the anatomy of each summary:
![[Image: c30182050ec09f29d9a0f05b41a286e9.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/c30182050ec09f29d9a0f05b41a286e9.png)
Each class grants a series of stats as a bonus just for using the class, and half that bonus if it's being used as a subclass. Preferred/Primary stats are the main stats that a class' skills work off, or stat that help the class function.
Class unlock conditions will also be listed if they have any. A short summary describes what the class is good at, and a few skills that are interesting or useful are listed as examples of what the class can do. The promoted classes also inherit all purchased skills and passives of their base class, and can continue to use Main Class only skills from the base class. For additional information on classes and their skills, check the Official Wiki.
![[Image: 596d04e64d94f91f2f52ee9496e8bdf7.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/596d04e64d94f91f2f52ee9496e8bdf7.png)
The skills within a class are all color coded for skill categories and restrictions. You get 35 points to spend in each class, plus an additional point from each class tree's unique Trait, and one more point if you're playing a human. Destiny characters get 50 points instead, but are restricted to one tree.
Red Border skills are Offense class skills that focus on dealing damage.
Blue Border skills are Defensive or Movement abilities that let you reduce damage taken or reposition yourself.
Yellow Border skills are beneficial supportive effects that need to be cast.
Orange Border skills are utility skills that are usually heavily tied to a class' gimmick.
Green Border skills are passive skills that are always active as long you have them equipped. Some contain toggles to enable or disable them during combat.
Grey Border skills are passive abilities that do not need to be equipped. They frequently give a bonus to Hit, Evasion, or a stat.
Any ability with two inward pointing arrows is a Main Class Only skill, and cannot be used if the class is in your Sub-Class slot.
Classes that utilize Basic Attacks or skills that act like them generally benefit from using Critical Hits, and classes focused on spells and offensive skills (That don't count as basics) often don't have much use for Critical Hits.
Without any further ado, on to the classes.
Archer Tree
![[Image: 25ffb5a285cd108f41c9d303db2d3c67.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/25ffb5a285cd108f41c9d303db2d3c67.png)
Archer and Archer promotions focus on dealing damage from a distance with bows and guns. On hit effects and status effects are prevalent within this class tree.
+2 SKI, +2 CEL, +1 LUC
Primary stats: STR or SKI, GUI for Traps
The main ranged physical tree in Sigrogana. Archers use bows to deal physical damage at a huge distance. They have a variety of skills to boost basic attacks with a bow, and a handful of harmful status effects. They round out their kit with field control effects like Crippling Shot and Entangle Trap.
Notable Skills
Pulling Shot
Deals damage and pulls a target towards you or, if you have Dynamic Shooting, towards a placed trap. Can also inflict the Knocked Down status on enemies in conjunction with Cripple Leg, removing part of their turn and setting up other party members who may need Knocked Down to boost their skills.
Entangle Trap
Places a trap on the ground that, when triggered, will end a target's movement, deal damage, and create terrain that hinders movement. In PvE, this can be used to effectively remove enemy turns by trapping enemies at a range they can't strike from. Market Target can also set up an enemy to take a big hit.
Fire Arrows
Increases damage dealt by a percentage of your Fire Attack, and gives your basic attacks a chance to inflict the Burn status, inflicting damage over time. Also works with skills that count as basic attacks like Snake Shot and Pulling Shot! If you have the relevant element's Mage enchantment (from subclass Mage or an allied mage granting the effect), the secondary effect gets a boost.
![[Image: 314e607089d0891897a8f8563ddbc37f.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/314e607089d0891897a8f8563ddbc37f.png)
+2 DEF, +2 SKI, +1 RES, +1 LUC
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, DEF
To Unlock: Lv 20 Archer, win a fight while wearing Heavy category armor and a bow.
Arbalest is the heavy alternative to the speedier archer classes. They make heavy use of Basic Attack based skills, can inflict the powerful Stun status effect that removes a target's turn, and even use skills that scale with your Battle Weight. Many of their skills take the effects of melee weapons equipped as a Sub Weapon in your Hands slot. Contains numerous tank buster skills to shred high DEF enemies. Can also deal elemental damage with Oill Chain.
Notable Skills
Blowback Cannon
Deals big damage with high power sub weapons, knocks back the target, and inflicts the powerful Stun effect, removing a turn from the target.
Buster Cannon
Removes a target's physical damage reduction entirely, dramatically raising the damage the entire party deals to a target.
Special Armament
Allows you to use a Sword, Axe, or Spear equipped as a sub weapon as an arrow you shoot out at enemies to use Cannon skills. After using Cannon skills, you need to wait for a cool down to use another Cannon skill.
![[Image: e53da4e1156a0e4ebf88a83fa8a8c512.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/e53da4e1156a0e4ebf88a83fa8a8c512.png)
Magic Gunner
+3 SKI, +2 CEL, +2 WIL, +1 LUC
Primary Stats: SKI, GUI, LUC
To unlock: Lv 20 Archer, Lv 10 Mage, win a fight with a gun equipped.
Sigrogana's resident gun class. They use special Shells to add extra static damage and effects to their basic attacks. They can charge up their Shells to have more powerful effects using High Charge, Overcharge, or by landing critical hits with Spark Drive.
Notable Skills
Chain Shell
When an enemy gets hit, static electric damage spreads to nearby enemies. When charged, the damage and range of the spread increases. Allows the Magic Gunner to hit large groups of enemies at the same time, which they otherwise may struggle with.
Parting Shot
Deals a basic attack (with shells!) and moves you away from a nearby target in one action. Saves valuable actions when you need to get some distance from an enemy that got too close.
Allows you to attack with two guns at once, as long as both your main and sub weapon guns are handguns. More shots means more shells, which means more shell effects. Magic Gunner also has abilities to boost the single shot guns like the Shotgun or the Jackhammer rocket launcher.
![[Image: 0276d435fd1fdfee871ca356d2a029b8.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/0276d435fd1fdfee871ca356d2a029b8.png)
+2 SAN, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +2 CEL
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, WIL, focused elemental attack stat
To unlock: Lv 20 Archer, win a fight with Light category armor equipped
Ranger takes the range of Archer and raises it even higher by automatically applying Longdraw at the start of combat. Ranger is primarily a magic damage class, using unique bow only spells to unleash a variety of elemental attacks. It's also one of the few class that can make use of Acid and Sound elements. They can boost their skills once every few turns with Annorem to unleash powerful bonus effects on their spells.
Notable Skills
Sonic Arrow
One of the few skills that uses Sound element damage, and can inflict the powerful Silence status for three turns when boosted with Annorem, disabling all magical skills on the target.
Cherry Blossom
Deals Earth damage, knocks enemies airborne, and strengthens allies near the tree you place on the field. Can be used with Annorem to heal a massive amount of HP to an area, or with Gentle Garden to heal a selected target. One of the few healing skills in the game that doesn't scale with Faith or Light Attack.
Rain Trap
Doesn't deal damage, but inflicts stays on the field to inflict Soaked over an area. Frigid Arrow, electric elemental attacks, and other classes like Tactician and Aquamancer can gain bonus effects using the Soaked status.
Curate Tree
![[Image: 43546235e71c4449d02639fe1306b821.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/43546235e71c4449d02639fe1306b821.png)
Curate and it's promotions contain most and arguably the best healing skills in the game. The promotions share a focus on Light and Water elements, and due to their stat investments, Curate tree classes also tend to boast some of the highest max FP in the game.
+2 WIL, +2 CEL, +1 RES
Primary Stats: WIL, FAI
Curate is one of the few healing focused classes in the game. They have a variety of healing and support effects to keep your party in peak condition, and they have high scaling Light and Water attack skills. They use Spears and Tomes.
Notable Skills
Single target healing skill that scales with Light Attack. Can be used to heal an area with Mass, or provide a much stronger heal to an adjacent target with Detailed Care from the Priest promoted class.
Recovers up to 50 FP, extends buffs caused by you on all allies by 2 rounds, boosts LUC, and sometimes grants a bonus effect like a free cast of Sanctuary. Great for longer dungeons, and fantastic for keeping buffs from any class active.
Grants bonus DEF and RES to yourself and nearby allies. It's passive as well, granting free damage reduction to your and close units.
![[Image: 756a551f6f32e1f3d79323c58b7f9ee8.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/756a551f6f32e1f3d79323c58b7f9ee8.png)
+1 WIL, +2 CEL, +3 VIT, +2 FAI
Primary stats: WIL, VIT
To unlock: Lv 20 Curate, Defeat a Fangs (the boss os Whirlpool BDP, can also rarely be found in static Whirlpool dungeons as well, like the lv 20 on northern Sigrogana)
Once upon a time, Water element was pretty neglected. Now, Aquamancer is here to shower support, field control, and Water damage over the field. Nearly every skill they have works off Water Attack, and they can clear negative status effects with ease. Aquamancer has a unique gimmick of Aquae Crest, which is gained every turn and when spells are cast, and is spent automatically when casting certain spells to grant them additional effects.
Notable Skills
Dancing Water
Creates a tentacle on top of a Flooded tile that automatically attacks nearby enemies every turn, and attempts to inflict Immobilize, which removes an enemy's movement actions. Dark Water terrain from Hexer can also be substituted to deal Dark damage instead.
Water Wall
Creates a wall that blocks movement and projectiles. Stops archers and gunners in their tracks, and when used with skills like Dead Sea to create Flooded Water tiles, it can reconfigure the battlefield as you please.
Call Storm
An invocation spell that requires charging, but once cast causes a large variety of positive effects for the party, like spreading your buffs to all allies and making Flooded Water last longer. When you cast it again, it grants bonus effects like casting free lighting and wind spells at random enemies every turn for free! The boosted Water Attack can also be used to boost Brine Blade's effect for allies.
![[Image: 7ca59efa8b60c53724b3d532f0265c1d.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/7ca59efa8b60c53724b3d532f0265c1d.png)
Lantern Bearer
+2 WIL, +2 CEL, +2 RES, +1 DEF, +1 LUC
Primary Stats: WIL, focused elemental attack
To unlock: Lv 20 Curate, Lv 10 Mage
Lantern Bearer uses massive area of effect elemental spells that grant allies bonuses based on the element they used in a large area round them. They can also heal with and revive allies with Phoenix. Lantern Bearer is a very simple class to play, but can have some struggles as a subclass or on characters with low FP.
Notable Skills
Deals Dark element damage to a large area, and protects the party by inflicting Blind on enemies and raising allies' RES.
Hard Light
Grants a 25 percent damage resistance to the element you currently have invoked. When combined with Bask in Light, and can grant a whopping 35 percent resistance to an element of choice. When used in conjunction with other elemental damage reducing effects and equipment (along with raw RES), you can reduce magic damage to practically nothing.
Imbue Strike
Changes physical attacks involving your spear to the element you have invoked. Lets you exploit elemental weaknesses easily, or it can be used to trigger on-hit effects that rely on specific elements, like Soaked's electric damage spreading.
![[Image: e916e01959daca8d12a9d2a5ac88db80.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/e916e01959daca8d12a9d2a5ac88db80.png)
+2 WIL, +1 CEL, +2 RES, +3 FAI
Primary Stats: FAI
To unlock: Lv 20 Curate, Rank 5 Devotion (from the Talents menu)
Priest is Curate+. Better healing, bigger light spells, stronger status cures, and powerful invocation spells. Watch out for high FP costs! They can also gain boosts if you have Staff items (purchased in Lispool) in your item belt.
Notable Skills
Divine Shower
Powerful full field Light element damage to all enemies, and it ignores evasion so it will always deal full damage. It also inflicts blind to keep your party safe.
Heals the entire party cheaply and quickly. Requires very high FAI to use effectively.
Detailed Care
Massively increases the healing of any spells used adjacent to an ally. Use in conjunction with Rescue or communicate with your party for ease of use.
Duelist Tree
![[Image: 7706febd3680a84f8fe7231bc46ed17a.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/7706febd3680a84f8fe7231bc46ed17a.png)
Duelist classes focus on high Evasion, high damage, and high action count. Duelist and Duelist promotions use Critical Hits and discounted momentum costs to use more actions per turn than anyone else. They also posses a number of skills relating to evading and countering attacks.
+2 SKI, +2 CEL, +1 STR
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, CEL
Duelist uses either a sword or spear to fight with style, using skills to grant themselves extra momentum when they dodge attacks. Most of Duelist's promoted classes rely heavily on base Duelist's passives to make full use of their own gimmicks.
Notable Skills
Dashes through enemies to deal damage and move yourself at the same time. Can be used to reposition and attack in the same action. Also gains unique bonuses if enchanted by Mage's buffs, like creating Ice Sheet tiles or being able to score Critical Hits.
When an enemy attacks you at melee range, you have a chance to instantly strike back. It can even strike back when a foe misses you.
The first time you get a critical hit, you gain an extra Momentum, allowing you to do more actions in your turn. Can only be used by main class duelist and it's promotions, but can very easily result in getting an extra full action every turn. A must have.
![[Image: e311a89746b43e7455efe5c22b7c9e4d.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/e311a89746b43e7455efe5c22b7c9e4d.png)
+3 CEL, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +1 LUC
Primary Stats: STR, SKI, CEL, focused elemental attack (Fire is easiest)
To unlock: Lv 20 Duelist, win a fight after becoming Airborne at least 8 times (The Crane Hop skill from Martial Artist sub-class can help)
One of the few classes that focuses on spears, Firebird relies of making themselves and enemies Airborne. Flying races like Heron and Phenix have racial abilities that can open new possibilities up for the class, but anyone can use the full potential of Firebird if they just believe. Or use the Flying Spear weapon. They generate and spread feathers on the field that detonate enemies, and can be spent to enhance some effects.
Notable Skills
Lift Off
A spell that deals elemental damage based on your current Mage enchantment (Fire by default, Badge accessories can also be used to change the element) and knocks all enemies airborne while spreading feathers. A bread and butter combo starter for the class, and an amazing ability to pull out as a subclassed Firebird as well to provide easy mass Airborne that scales with an elemtn of your choice.
Wind Flourish
A targeted push or pull that generates feathers while you reposition a target. Can also be used to reposition enemies around your feathers or dangerous terrain tiles like Sear.
Converts unused Momentum into feathers. Can be used in conjunction with Riser and Boon of Apus to generate huge amounts of feathers quickly, and gives you something to do with any leftover momentum at the end of a turn.
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No stats boosted, according to in-game Info page
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, VIT
To unlock: Lv 20 Duelist, win a fight with less than 10 percent HP remaining
Ghost spends its own HP for powerful effects and high damage skills that get stronger as their HP decreases. When the going gets tough, they use their trusty Wraithguard to take damage for them, before unleashing big attacks boosted by their special Claret Call status effect. Uses Swords and Axes.
Notable Skills
Places a ghost friend down who cannot act nor move, but takes roughly a third of incoming damage for you. He can still get hit for full damage when attacks hit him directly, so try to keep him out of the range of area of effect skills.
Red Rain
Spend a bit of HP to create an area that follows enemies and constantly applies Claret Call to enemies. Claret Call increases damage dealt to enemies by you, and is needed for certain ghost skills like Painproof to function.
Rising Game
Increases STR, WIL, SKI, CEL, RES and LUC based on how much HP you're missing, up to +6 to all stats when at 10 percent or less of your max HP. The effective range for it can be expanded by raising your max HP or via skills like Afflicted Spectre.
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+2 CEL, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +2 LUC
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, CEL
To unlock: Lv 20 Duelist, win a fight with a Katana category sword and an Unarmored category (or unequipped) torso armor equipped
Kenseis use katanas to deliver a flurry of quick strikes to enemies and apply frequent effects to lower hit and evasion rates against them. If they use a katana , they get discounted momentum costs on many skills, allowing them to use more of them each turn. Many of their offensive skills also have Elemental Impact effects if they have Mage enchants active on them (Or are using a Badge accessory).
Notable Skills
Pushes an enemy forward and deals damage to them. Only costs 2 Momentum if you use a katana. Extremely cost effective damage that can shift enemies around the field to keep allies safe or shove an enemy into a range for someone else to follow up.
Sheathe Sword
Put yourself in a stance to counter enemy attacks. If used at the end of your turn when you also have Hidden Cut, deals bonus damage to all enemies hit that turn when using Kensei skills. The counter damage can also be boosted with Counter Edge.
Automatically applied when Sheath Sword successfully counters, reducing the target's evasion. Enemies marked by Touki can also be targeted by Absolute Pace, which adds your Scaled STR as bonus damage when you next hit the target after you evade an attack.
Mage Tree
![[Image: 9c2ec4475f1f51ac73cee9c00a10c330.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/9c2ec4475f1f51ac73cee9c00a10c330.png)
Mages are experts in elements. They have a number of special Enchantment abilities that add Elemental Impact effects to many skills from various classes, and can work with nearly any stat investment thanks to the variety of elements they use. Easy to build and simple to play, Mage is a great class tree for beginners.
+2 WIL, +2 RES, +1 CEL
Primary Stats: WIL, focused attack element (STR, SKI, CEL, DEF, or LUC)
Mage is an extremely simple class to play with a huge variety of spells for every occasion. Each element has a loosely shared gimmick shared among the spells. Fire has explosions and Sear tiles that inflict damage when stepped on, Ice has Ice Sheets that reduce movement, Wind has range, pushes, and inflicts damage over time with Lingering Damage, Earth has Magnetize that reduces enemy evasion against you, and Electric spells can earn critical hits via special Lightning Crits. Using your Enchantment buffs, you can make certain skills you and your allies use gain these secondary effects as well.
Notable Skills
Deals Earth damage over an area, and pulls in Magnetized enemies. Deals bonus damage to nearby enemies, and gets expanded range if you are using the Earth element Enchant.
Static Air
Increases an ally's LUC, and deals damage to enemies when the ally avoids an attack. Can also be expended to activate Charge Weapon, which grants a big damage boost to their next attack, and pairs well with the Excel line of weapons.
The Fire element enchant spell. Raises the Fire Attack, STR, and WIL of the target, and grants access to Elemental Impacts. With Auto Enchant, these can be obtained for free at the start of every fight, making Mage a great subclass for many classes. Elemental Augment also gives a small bonus damage attack based on your enchanted element, and is even granted to other characters you enchant.
![[Image: fb25c13aa918fd41bf615438c0e72dea.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/fb25c13aa918fd41bf615438c0e72dea.png)
+3 WIL, +2 CEL, +2 SKI, +1 LUC
Preferred stats: WIL, focused attack element
To unlock: Lv 20 Mage, win a fight with an Unarmored category (or unequipped) armor equipped
Capable of some of the biggest individual hits in the game, Evoker can frequently break four digit damage under the best of circumstances. Evoker has the ultimate firepower when it comes to elemental damage, at the price of lengthy invocations. Their skills can be FP hungry, but they have skills to discount these costs.
Notable Skills
Intensify Cold
At the cost of an invocation, deals heavy damage and forces an ice weakness on the target, allowing you and your party to take full advantage of weakness bonuses like extra damage and Momentum. Can also inflict Frostbite, causing the target to take damage per ice sheet tile they step on.
Charge Mind
For 6 Momentum, causes the next Evoker spell you cast deals well over double damage. Though it uses an entire turn, Charge Mind allows for even more extreme damage output out of the already high damage invocation spells. Can also be used with Brainstorm to give you more time until you use it up, or Elemental Overtime to add massive damage to basic attacks without using up Charge Mind.
High Speed Divine Words
Main Class only. Speeds up invocations , making them cost half as much momentum. Using this, you can cast invocations once per turn for the duration, greatly enhancing your action economy and leaving less room for enemies to break your invocations.
![[Image: 8e24e53944aaff8c3e87fdb215824234.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/8e24e53944aaff8c3e87fdb215824234.png)
+1 WIL, +3 DEF, +3 RES, +1 SKI
Primary Stats: WIL, RES
To unlock: Lv 20 Mage, win a fight with a Rustic or Doomed enchanted weapon equipped
Hexer uses powerful Dark element spells that use multiple elements at once to inflict nasty status effects on their foes. They have powerful invocation effects that can completely change the flow of battle, punishing foes who take too many actions or who attack the Hexer.
Notable Skills
Earthbound Vengeance
Deals Dark element damage to enemies for every attack they make. This effect stays on the field for a long time, and the damage adds up very quickly.
Plisfa's Masochism
Curse yourself with an effect that transfers to a foe when they attack you. Makes the target unable to dodge any attacks for a few hits or a few rounds, depending on which comes first. Helps pin down evasive targets, and if the Hexer isn't built for evasion, they won't be losing much while the curse is active on them.
Silent Spirit
Forces an enemy to attack you at reduced damage. Can be used to force Curses on to a target, or to forcibly activate counter attacks from other classes.
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Rune Magician
+3 WIL, +3 GUI, +2 SKI
Preferred Stats: WIL, focused attack element (Your tome's element)
To unlock: Lv 20 Mage, exhaust the dialogue options of the Librarian in northern Karatynn
Rune Mage creates and stack runes on the ground that can be used to set traps for enemies who step too close, or whirling tops that slash enemies as they pass. Field control and status effects are your specialty, and you can buy the entire spell list for the class at once if you're a human. Rune effects get stronger the more are stacked together, but each stack can only contain one of each rune.
Notable Skills
Elemental Rune
Deals damage of your tome's element to an enemy for 2 Momentum. Cheap and effective as an attack spell in it's own right, but the damage can raise dramatically if stacked a Destruction Rune. You could also apply a Magnet Rune for it to chase enemies, or immediately use Solo Rush/All Rush to send it forward for a cheap, long range attack.
Null Rune
Prevents a rune from triggering (and thus being removed from the field), or removes a buff from an enemy. You can use Null Rune in conjunction with Razor Rune to create a spinning blade you can stack higher and slide around using the Turn and Rush skills to deal damage every time it passes an enemy.
Swift Rune Crafting
Reduces the cost of Rune skills to 1 Momentum for the rest of the turn, allowing you to place 6 runes at once. Use this opportunity to load down an enemy with status effects, cover the field in runes, or make a single massive rune instantly. Hotkeys recommended to speed things up and not drive your party members insane.
Martial Artist Tree
![[Image: 16402ce466f454e3b96228a205e1e4c0.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/16402ce466f454e3b96228a205e1e4c0.png)
Martial Artist contains a wide variety of promotions that all share the Fist weapon. Be sure to plan ahead for the stats that skills in your Promoted class uses, as many are not shared with the base Martial Artist class.
Martial Artist
+2 STR, +2 SKI, +1 CEL
Primary Stats: STR
Martial Artist is the only class tree that can effectively use Fist weapons, so of course they're also the one class that can choose to ignore that and use no weapons at all. They have a variety of self boosts and physical skills that get them into the heat of the fight and help them stay there.
Notable Skills
Heaven Kick
Moves you next to an enemy and deals damage. Good range, and can attack multiple targets at once with Urawaza active.
Adds an action input to certain Martial Artist skills in exchange for bonus effects. You can intentionally fail the inputs if you don't want the added effects.
Empty Palm
Allows you to fight with no weapon equipped, replacing your lack of a weapon with a 100 STR scaling bare fist with some bonus hit and critical. Using this along with Mixed Martial Arts lets you use a glove in your Arm equip slot instead of a Fist weapon and still have a fist weapon available in that slot, which opens up some interesting combinations with subclasses like using a bow in one hand with Archer's Gloves, but still having full access to your Martial Artist skill list so you can play the Ranger/Boxer of your dreams.
![[Image: 3ea83db09c548f042ef2187cf60c5f5d.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/3ea83db09c548f042ef2187cf60c5f5d.png)
+2 DEF, +2 VIT, +2 STR, +2 SKI
Primary Stats: STR, DEF or RES
To unlock: Lv 20 Martial Artist, win a fight with Boxing Gloves equipped (25 arena medals at the arena's exchange)
Boxer is the defensive Martial Artist promotion. They can negate predicted enemy attacks with Geist Schritt skills while building up Schwartz Sturm for a big finisher. Boxer's Geist Schritt skills make a good addition to any class via subclassing, but it can be hard to fit a fist weapon into other classes.
Notable Skills
A finisher that uses all of your Schwartz Sturm charge to deal Earth element damage and trap nearby enemies in a circle of rocks with you.
A finisher that instantly kills a target. If you hit a player or boss, they are instead punched so hard into the sky they are removed from the fight for a round, and take damage when they land again.
Geist Schritt (Eins)
Dash forwards, and if you take a basic attack before next round, you negate the attack, gain momentum to instantly act again, and dash towards your target. The other counter skills attempt to bait attack skills and not being targeted at all, respectively.
![[Image: b379fd1fe02fe4b05e8232ee84df8252.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/b379fd1fe02fe4b05e8232ee84df8252.png)
+2 SKI, +2 CEL, +2 DEF, +1 STR, +1 RES
Primary Stats: STR, sometimes FAI
To unlock: Lv 20 Martial Artist, use Martial Artist's Meditate skill while at full HP at the start of a fight
Monks build up vast amounts of Ki to power up with a golden aura and then drop a large energy orb on their foes. This sounds... familiar. They have extremely cheap movement through Backflip, and some interesting sub-class utility with skills like Serpent Strikes and Aid.
Notable Skills
Setting Sun
An area of the field (that grows with higher Ki) gets marked to take heavy Fire element damage in three rounds. The damage increases with Ki spent, and can scale to extreme sizes.
Power Up
Converts leftover Momentum to Ki and restores FP. If a large amount is spent at once, you gain extra Ki and FP.
Ki Awoken
Grants +10 to all stats and extra Ki regeneration in exchange for taking damage that doubles every round. Additionally, if your Ki exceeds the limit, you get instantly knocked down and stunned. The knockdown can be effectively negated via Kip-Up from base Martial Artist.
![[Image: 55f3c1ecdce87ef67302c5ce5e041619.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/55f3c1ecdce87ef67302c5ce5e041619.png)
+2 CEL, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +2 WIL
Primary Stats: STR, SKI, WIL
To unlock: Lv 20 Martial Artist, win a fight after using Martial Artist's Heaven Kick, Light Tomahawk, and Peddling Wheel skills in a single battle
Verglas is an ice themed Martial Artist promotion that can either be a close range fighter with various combos for any situation, an Ice element mage who uses Ice Points to enhance specialized attack spells, or a hybrid combination of the two. Beware of high FP costs, This class can chew through FP like no other.
Notable Skills
(Ice Point Guard active) Rising Kick -> Axe Kick -> Face Stomp
This combination of skills makes you airborne, knocks down an enemy by expending your airborne, and then deals heavy damage with Face Stomp to finish off your turn. Requires Ice Point Guard to be active, and also requires Chimera Style. The damage is worth the set-up!
Crawling Spikes
Channel your inner grindylow and deal absurd amounts of damage to people way too far away. Each time the spikes make contact with an Ice Point, they fire out again, bouncing off and dealing increased damage each bounce.
Rapid Kick
Deal 6 kicks to a target. Ice Point Greaves, base Martial Artist's Phoenix Talon, or any other effects that raise kick damage can dramatically raise the damage of this skill.
Rogue Tree
![[Image: 56b1b74292c7dcf0edc205eb19371846.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/56b1b74292c7dcf0edc205eb19371846.png)
Rogue's class tree boasts the most benefits to critical hits and backstabs, but is by no means locked in to that role. Void Assassin and Spellthief can both be played as caster classes, and the base Rogue traps carry their utility into any class or promotion.
+2 LUC, +2 CEL, +1 SKI
Preferred Stats: STR or SKI, GUI, CEL, LUC
Rogue uses their unique movement utility and traps to outmaneuver opponents. Their Trickery effects let them take multiple actions at once, and Twin Dance allows them to unleash a flurry of dagger attacks to quickly wear down foes.
Notable Skills
Gust Trap
Places a trap on the ground that activates when a (non-flying) enemy steps into the activation range. Can be used to effectively remove turns from monsters, and inflicts poison to boot. Also compatible with Elemental Impacts from Mage's enchantments! Can also be placed with Quick Slide if it is the first trap in your skill list.
Pocket Sand
Usable once per fight. Inflicts Blind on a nearby target. If you have Steal, it will also attempt to steal a buff, and, if successful, will also perform a basic attack on the target.
Twin Dance
When you attack with a dagger, you can also follow up with a weakened attack with a sub weapon dagger. Combine with Relentless Strikes or weapons with on hit effects (such as the Tessen series of fans), and the damage starts to climb very quickly.
![[Image: 065e50c3d4bd77ddf261d3325e5aa581.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/065e50c3d4bd77ddf261d3325e5aa581.png)
+2 STR, +2 CEL, +2 LUC, +1 DEF, +1 SKI
Preferred Stats: ???
To unlock: Lv 20 Rogue, win a fight with a Wrench equipped (25 arena medals at the arena exchange, may need Axe Expertise - Adaptation from the Talents menu to equip)
Engineer prefers to solve practical problems by building robots to do the work for you. Build a powerful Railgun to deal a delayed hit to an enemy at range, or deploy a Metalaegis to safeguard you or your allies. Notably, this class has no main class only skills.
Notable Skills
Deploy: Turret
Create a robot friend that shoots at things for you. With the Security System skill, the turret will automatically shoot at attackers when you evade an attack.
Counter melee damage with an electric shock, and it can also be manually detonated for additional damage. This can also be granted to allies with Upgrade (Electro Shield), which also grants bonus critical to the target.
Put a timer on the lifespan of your robot in exchange for granting it 2 more Momentum each round. On death, the robot will detonate, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
![[Image: 3181db6122a2e9e4dbc5992cab843ec3.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/3181db6122a2e9e4dbc5992cab843ec3.png)
+2 WIL, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +2 CEL
Primary Stats: WIL, CEL
To unlock: Lv 20 Rogue, steal a positive status with Rogue's Steal skill (Cat Mask and other equipment versions of the skill do not count)
Spellthief has the unique ability to take spells from other classes with Spell Snatch and Snatch Spell to add to their own spell until you remove them from the skill pool menu. You can even obtain certain monster only spells, or pick fights with other players to round up the spells you want.
Notable Skills
Final Flare
On your next basic attack hit, expends all of your stolen spells until the end of the fight to cast multiple at random on a single target with reduced damage. The damage may be greatly reduced by the target's resistances, but is capable of severe damage to a target.
Causes area attacks and healing to no longer distinguish between ally and enemy. Allows you to do some fun tricks like making a boss monster Rampage other enemies, or make an enemy's mass healing spell have to heal you as well.
Margin Manipulation
Reduces incoming spell damage to increase the damage dealt by your next spell. A useful defensive utility, and it's automatic as well.
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Void Assassin
+2 CEL, +3 SKI, +2 RES, +1 LUC
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, RES, GUI
To unlock: Lv 20 Rogue, warp using any Mage's Guild
Void Assassins open portals to the mysterious Void for fun and profit. They have an anti-mage role, benefiting greatly from backstabs and taking very little damage from magic thanks to their high RES. Players sometimes get a little touchy about the lore surrounding this class and skills, so beware if you plan to play PvP.
Notable Skills
A special basic attack that can only be used from behind an enemy that inflicts Silence on hit, preventing the use of all magic. Use your Voidgates or Rough Tumble from base Rogue to get behind enemies easily. This skill can also take advantage of your backstab bonuses.
Create a portal you can use to teleport to another portal you've placed. You can use Fray or Detogate to use these portals to deal damage, or you can use Void Refraction to duplicate projectiles from you or an ally out of each gate. This can even duplicate some spells like Curate's Light Arrow or certain attack skills like Ranger's Twin Shot.
Grants magic damage reduction, and also stores Void Energy which can be spent by certain other skills. Absorb Veil can restore FP from it, Veil Off can be used to turn that energy into Critical Hit chance, and many other effects.
Soldier Tree
![[Image: 37663fdbfa5b9ca8ddd3ed12e4bf3e81.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/37663fdbfa5b9ca8ddd3ed12e4bf3e81.png)
Soldier classes are primarily focused on physical damage from melee range. With a wide variety of promotions, Solider contains a little something for everyone.
+2 STR, +2 VIT, +1 SKI
Preferred Stats: STR, DEF
Soldier uses sword, axes, and spears to hit first and ask questions later. Boasting incredible party utility, Soldier can sometimes struggle without a party to back them up.
Notable Skills
One of the heaviest hitting attacks in the game for it's cost, but can only be used on Knocked Down enemies. The damage increases as enemy health falls, so it should be used as a coup de grace.
Increases movement range for very little Momentum. If used in conjunction with Bash, you can push any target you want to more or less anywhere on the field.
Lets you take basic attacks in place of a nearby ally with slightly reduced damage. Can be used alongside other damage reduction skills and counters to keep allies safe and deal damage back at the same time.
![[Image: d5f97a1a25685060057fe5822a06c697.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/d5f97a1a25685060057fe5822a06c697.png)
Black Knight
+2 DEF, +2 VIT, +2 STR, +1 SKI, +1 LUC
Preferred Stats: STR, DEF
To unlock: Lv 20 Soldier, move in an L shape (like a Knight in chess)
Black Knights are massive, physically bulky tanks built like brick walls wearing flak jackets. They have a wide variety of attack skills to attack from any angle. Certain skills invoke the black wind to extend their range, which then alters secondary effects of skills used later in the turn. I... don't think "invoking the black wind" means farting?
Notable Skills
Warp beside an isolated enemy and perform a basic attack with bonus Hit. If you haven't used a Black Wind skill yet, this skill has extended range, otherwise it gain bonus Critical Hit chance.
Grants a ZoC one tile around you to provoke an Attack of Opportunity. In less tactical terms, if an enemy move into a square next to you, get get an immediate basic attack against them that ends their movement.
Main Class only. When enemies attack you at melee range, you have a chance based on your DEF to parry them, reducing damage taken and giving them the Flatfoot status, which can lead into Checkmate.
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Demon Hunter
+2 DEF, +2 SKI, +2 STR, +2 CEL
Preferred Stats: STR, SKI, DEF, CEL
To unlock: Lv 20 Soldier, Kinu 2 cleared (The Chinatoa Mines duel from the main story quests, check the wiki for more info)
Demon Hunter has four stances, each with a different focus. You can switch stances more or less freely, but you should probably avoid investing into more than two stances due to the limits on skill points. Reaver does aerial and elemental melee attacks, Deseperado has unique gun skills, Cobra has evasion and Airborne movement skills, and Matador has revenge focused dark attacks. The class has an emphasis on longer combo strings, but it mixes well with those from other classes.
Notable Skills
Reaver -> Rising Tide/Desperado -> Nitro Drop -> Reaver into Elemental Rave
Both Rising Tide and Nitro Drop launch both you and your enemy into the air, where you can then follow up with Elemental Rave's Bonus Bloodshed effect for bonus damage. The Reaver skills are also Elemental Impact compatible with Mage's enchantments!
Cobra -> Leaping Lizard -> Winged Serpent -> Matador -> Crashing Bull -> Bellowing Stag
Launch yourself into the air, reposition to an area with more enemies, crash down to the ground and deal damage with Crashing Bull while launching all enemies, then follow up with Bellowing Stag for more damage and knockdown to all targets. Deals unresistable damage on the first hit, and only scales off Dark Attack for the second. Try to end the turn in Matador Stance to continue building rage.
Martial Lawbreaker
While in Reaver Stance, ignores weapon requirements for skills. This allows you to use Reaver skills with a bow, or Execute from base Soldier with a gun. It opens up myriad possibilities with subclasses. Get creative!
![[Image: 947a37494a2fbb36008520861dbe2065.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/947a37494a2fbb36008520861dbe2065.png)
+1 STR, +1 WIL, +2 SKI, +2 CEL, +1 DEF, +1 RES
Preferred Stats: WIL, focused elemental attack
To unlock: Lv 20 Solider, win a fight with a Tome category weapon equipped (may require Fluency - Adaptation from the Talents menu)
Tactician holds a wide variety of specialized attack spells and powerful supportive effects best suited to a party, or things you can pretend are party members like mercenaries, Youkai, and Engineer bots. They have a unique gimmick called Tactics Rank that improves the effects of certain skills based on how often party members have followed orders or exploited elemental weaknesses.
Notable Skills
Domino Resonate
One of the few skills in the game that uses Sound Attack. Inflicts knockdown and damage on all enemies in a line, and pushes them a good distance away. Also boasts very high scaling with Sound Attack.
Assault Order
Increases the damage of basic attacks for the entire party, which improves further with high power tomes and high Tactics Rank. Every time someone uses the order to boost their attacks, your tactics rank increases. Scales well with allies who enjoy using Critical Hits. With On Your Mark, the first order you have equipped will be applied for free at the start of combat.
Volley Formation
Improves the critical hit rate of ranged weapons from within the formation per unit standing on your tiles. Your gunners will love you.
Summoner Tree
![[Image: a6d80384b1f09d134b0d8de34b82ebfc.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/a6d80384b1f09d134b0d8de34b82ebfc.png)
Summoner calls upon Youkai to act as separate units during battle. They consume FP equal to their level every turn, and the number you can have at once is limited by your Faith stat. They boast high FP regeneration and numerous skills to discount Youkai summoning to compensate for the high cost.
+2 WIL, +2 CEL, +1 RES
Primary Stats: WIL, FAI
Base Summoner is, simply put, an absolutely terrible class. You'll be very reliant on your Youkai and subclass before you unlock the promotions. The Contract is a mandatory skill that lets you recruit Youkai in the first place.
Notable Skills
Energy Transfer
Restores a Youkai's FP with some of your own. Can be helpful to keep a Youkai in the frey for longer, but be mindful that if your own FP runs out, the Youkai will be unsummoned.
Cracked Mirror
Free FP regeneration. Crucial for balancing out the cost of keeping your Youkai on the field, and makes a great subclass ability.
Changes your base stats to that of the Youkai you Installed plus a bonus if you have the relevant Affinity skill, which can raise or lower the soft caps on stats significantly, altering the end results of your scaled stats. Additionally, gives you access to all of your Youkai's skills and spells, both passive and active, including elemental resistance skills. Summoner promotions often do more with this skill.
![[Image: b220f1bb4d32033f5400930465457d24.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/b220f1bb4d32033f5400930465457d24.png)
+2 WIL, +2 SKI, +1 CEL, +1 LUC, +2 STR
Primary Stats: STR or SKI, WIL, FAI
To unlock: Lv 20 Summoner, win a fight with three or less Youkai in your Youkai menu
Bonder favors quality over quantity, using either one or three Bonded Youkai (Youkai with high friendship) as they fight alongside their companions. They are often a Basic Attack skill focused class.
Notable Skills
Infernal Strike
Summon a Youkai and immediately send it out in front you to a attack an enemy. If you only have one Bonded Youkai, it also uses a basic attack. You can use the Contract Uno and Contract Tres skills outside of combat to control how many Youkai are available for this effect.
Pinball Strike
Warp to an enemy and smack it with a basic attack to shove to away. Any of your Youkai along it's path get a free attack on the target as it's moving.
Shared Pain
Halves damage taken, but splits it between you and all your Youkai. Pairs well with Healing Discharge and high DEF/RES or high max HP Youkai.
![[Image: 659700d418a71da31f3ed29df45549ee.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/659700d418a71da31f3ed29df45549ee.png)
Grand Summoner
+2 WIL, +2 SKI, +2 CEL, +2 FAI
Preferred Stats: WIL, FAI
To unlock: Lv 20 Summoner, win a fight with three or more Youkai in your Youkai menu
Grand Summoner is a believer in quantity over quality. With the best FP regeneration in the game and the highest FP consumption in the game, Grand Summoner can flood the field with Youkai before forcibly banishing them en masse to cause damage.
Notable Skills
Judgement Blade
A reliable ranged magic spell in it's own right that gains a significant damage bonus against Youkai or targets Installed with a Youkai. Paired with Soul Chains, Youkai Tamer, and a weapon that gains bonus damage against Youkai, you can force an install on an enemy to hit them will Judgement Blade for greatly increased damage.
Heals and revives all of your Youkai, summoned or not. An important skill to keep your Youkai fighting-fit in longer dungeons.
Chain Unsummon
Unsummons a target Youkai and all nearby Youkai. When paired with Impact Dismiss and Dimension Resonance, each Youkai deals significant damage when unsummoned that increases per Youkai dispelled at once. Use Summon Storm or Ripple Dimension to field many Youkai on to the field quickly.
![[Image: caf839bfd381736b284a73db86eadc26.png]](https://i.gyazo.com/caf839bfd381736b284a73db86eadc26.png)
+2 SKI, +2 CEL, +2 LUC, +2 STR
Important Stats: STR or SKI, CEL
To unlock: Lv 20 Summoner, keep three of your own Youkai on the field at the same time
Shapeshifter takes full advantage of Install to gain large stat boosts and use special Momentum efficient skills based on the Youkai or tribe they're installed with. They can also Install a Youkai with another Youkai via Chimera Install, allowing you merge two Youkai who nullify each other's weaknesses and other strange combinations.
Notable Skills
Grow Appendage
Grow an extra limb based on the Youkai you're currently installed with. These limbs grant extra skills or passive effects, depending on the race of Youkai.
Plant Rejuvinate
Can only be used with a Plant type Youkai. Recovers health per turn and cures a status effect. If there is no status effect, you heal more instead. Can be used to offset the HP cost of Shapeshifter skills, and stacks with other regeneration effects. Only costs 1 Momentum.
Bloody Shift
Main Class Only. When you land a Critical Hit, any Youkai Evoke skills cost one less Momentum in exchange for 1 percent of your HP each cast. Allows you to do more per turn in exchange for HP.