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General Survey: Summoner.
So, for everyone who even bothers to use summoner, or even those who face a lot of summoners. In your honest oppinions, how do you feel about it, and its promotions? How strong do you feel most youkai are? Do you feel there should be more of them? Do you feel they're viable in PVP right now? Do you feel they're viable in PVE right now? Do you feel the focus drain on them compared to their power is worth it? Do you feel that there's enough variety with their damage types? (Elemental and magical/physical?) And are there any concerns you have overall with the class tree or youkai themselves?

This is just a simple general survey to see a majority oppinion of a class I personally adore, it's mostly for curiosity. But it could also help improve the game a bit, maybe even get us some more background lore over Summoners in the world, youkai and the ether itself?
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Have you ever saw Spo's elf?
Have you ever saw FP Hitler?
Have you ever saw any bonder spamming that annoying Axe skill?

If anything, it's probably you doing a poor job at being a summoner.
A lot of things are strong in the game, because people actually stop for a sec and do researches, pick a calculator and beep-da-boop until they find what's OP or not. Minmaxers are the result of that. It's not like if people get 'power' in the game because they feel like. And also the reason Balance-fu is so filled with salt and complains. Just because people's 'average, meta builds' are being outmatched by gimmicks.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
To start things off, Summoners can be a real pain if done right. See Spo's elf (Myra Rose). Once you get a bunch of Youkai to Lv.60 (At least 4), You will see how of a nightmare Summoner class is.

Moving on, Summoner heavily relies on the Youkai skills but I have never seen people actually using the offensives that come with the Class's promotions. I'd like to see Developer putting more use into them so that people may want to use them more.

Another fact, I'd also like a certain Passive skill to be implemented, aside from Raigen's previously suggested Friends till the End.

A kind of passive that if you own three Bonded Youkai who are at their Max Level (Does not have to be 60, depends on your Innate skill rank.) Nullifies their FP drain for two rounds once the user's FP hits 0. It may sound a little overpowered so if anyone has objections, let me know.

But as a word in the end. I think Summoner is much of a danger already. And one worse than any other.
[Image: unknown_-_Copy_2.png]
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Yeah, I play that elf, Myra Rose.

Alright this post has been something I've been stewing for a bit of a long time, as someone who is currently playing the most viable PvP summoner, Youkai are very strong, and if you can maintain them, the amount of strategy and situations you can work around is insane, that summoner I have, is not even something specifically tailored to summoner as a race, they're an elf, and their stats, are fairly alright for what they need to do, 65 base WIL, 40 base DEF, 40 base RES, 57 base VIT and 40 base FAI, so far they have an extremely high win record, and not because each summon is individually strong itself, because a lot of people fail to realize that elemental resistance and decent RES actually cut down on a summoner's DPS SO much (thus their FP will take a dive from more rounds of having to wail on you), but rather they are very strong because the amount of strategy they can perform in each and every single match is crazy.

Quote:How strong do you feel most youkai are?
This is a rather iffy question, a lot of youkai are really powerful, however some are not even worth considering.
For example. this is summoning summoner only.

Great Youkai(to summon): Seiyruu, Terrasque, Izabe, Wawa, Asrai, Kilkenny, Carbuncle, Byakko, Lilu
Terrible Youkai(to summon): Snow Crow, Apus, Sazae Oni, Orbello, Firefox, Legume,

Anything else falls under "meh", where its quite alright to summon them, however as you'll notice with the "great youkai" list, each one has diversity in what they can do and all provide their own little merits of trouble, and thats not a bad thing.

Quote: Do you feel there should be more of them?
Yes, yes, 100% yes, more youkai just means more strategies, as long as they are balanced.

Quote:Do you feel they're viable in PVP right now?
I'm sure you've seen my elf do it's work, they have a 95% win ratio in almost any 1v1, mainly because I think of every match as more of a strategy game, where my opponent is who I must predict.

But yes, they are plenty viable in PvP as long as you build right, And you are smart enough to know which youkai excel at doing what, and with total control, they are great, best update to come to summoner in a long time.

Quote:Do you feel the focus drain on them compared to their power is worth it?
In PvP, their focus drain is neccesary, like it or not, you must find ways around that, otherwise summoner would be extremely unfair to play against.

Quote: Do you feel that there's enough variety with their damage types? (Elemental and magical/physical?)
Yes, and yes, there are no elements that they don't cover, and they all have varying stat modifiers, and damage types, that much is undisputed.

Quote:And are there any concerns you have overall with the class tree or youkai themselves?
My concern is that, the class itself synergizes too well with many other classes, but not with itself, bonder and grand summoner is not a good combination, so destiny'ing a summoner feels worthless, and installing is what strays summoners away from actually summoning most of the time.


Overall, Summoner is a plenty viable class, infact I'd just say that the class itself is overbearing when the right person is playing it, it just has a steep learning curve, and the requirements for training this class are steep (Hello having to train youkai, its terrible.) but trust me when I say the rewards are well worth it, and the class is mostly about strategizing against your opponent more than anything, and to me, that is plenty welcome, as it creates meaningful and engaging gameplay.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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