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[2.54b] Possible Server Crashing Bug
As of very recently, two crashes occurred, each at the time that the same person attacked a rune with a melee or ranged basic attack.

It might be coincidence, so take what I state with a grain of salt.

It was tested twice, one for each of the crashes- though on accident for the record, I just got this information from someone about the event.

One rune was completely built, the other was not. It was attacked once per crash, and the moment it hit, the server came crashing down.

I would have images for this, but I told the people testing that it was probably best to not crash the public server a third time, even if it was just happenstance all along.

Here's the quote from the player.

  1. -For complete detail. The first crash was caused by a ranged attack to a rune. (Normal Rune) Second crash was the third attack, which was also melee, the first two attacks were ranged and did not do anything to the rune. There was also waterwall (Aquamancer wall) in the rune during those three attacks.

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