12-20-2015, 11:21 PM
I'd like to suggest putting that font we currently use back and find a new one.
It looks nice and fancy and all. But uh. There are some issues with it.
Some of the letters can be unreadable (in my example, I would've never known that was an F and an A if I didn't know it was a fire alter), and there's the classic level 69 cunnels, fire craps, and etc. where all the capital T's look like C's.
Maybe there's a fancy, but still readable font we can change it to? Or maybe we can just make all of that lower case so we don't have those funky-looking letters? Fortunaschwein is a font that has the same kinda feel to it, but it's readable, as an example. (http://www.pickafont.com/images/fonts/la...in.ttf.png)
I know some y'all didn't like this in the first place, where y'all at?
It looks nice and fancy and all. But uh. There are some issues with it.
Some of the letters can be unreadable (in my example, I would've never known that was an F and an A if I didn't know it was a fire alter), and there's the classic level 69 cunnels, fire craps, and etc. where all the capital T's look like C's.
Maybe there's a fancy, but still readable font we can change it to? Or maybe we can just make all of that lower case so we don't have those funky-looking letters? Fortunaschwein is a font that has the same kinda feel to it, but it's readable, as an example. (http://www.pickafont.com/images/fonts/la...in.ttf.png)
I know some y'all didn't like this in the first place, where y'all at?