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Put that font back where it came from or so help me
I'd like to suggest putting that font we currently use back and find a new one.
[Image: ab5f3b41b3.png]
It looks nice and fancy and all. But uh. There are some issues with it.
Some of the letters can be unreadable (in my example, I would've never known that was an F and an A if I didn't know it was a fire alter), and there's the classic level 69 cunnels, fire craps, and etc. where all the capital T's look like C's.
Maybe there's a fancy, but still readable font we can change it to? Or maybe we can just make all of that lower case so we don't have those funky-looking letters? Fortunaschwein is a font that has the same kinda feel to it, but it's readable, as an example. (

I know some y'all didn't like this in the first place, where y'all at?
[Image: da4KzKk.png]
I don't like the current font at all, it looks too over-the-top. I would prefer something more like Fortunaschwein, yeah.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
Or use the good old Papyrus? ..Anyone?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I added a new setting option that will let you change to the old font if you desire.

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