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[Buff] Tactician
With base class skills done, I'd really love for Tactician to get a second look at. As stated in Cara's post awhile back about Tactician's...

Now, we aren't looking to make the already good class skills even better. even though staff of eyes does Analyze Weakness better. I'm wanting to have certain things looked at.

Attack Formation
Quote:Semi Diamond, can't place it on yourself, +25 HIT per person in it. It's good, but only good for ranged attackers. A physical attacker can't benefit from it because, generally? Generally they are forced to move into melee range because they don't have attacks that can hit. The issue though? If you're able to stand in an attack formation and attack.. You're probably a ranged attacker, and probably someone who benefits more from Volley Formation (because mg/arbalests missing? Hah). At max, it's +75. It's kind of 'meh'.

I'd like if it gave some extra dodge or something from fighting in a formation that effectively increases your ability to fight. Or hell. Just making it so you can put it down on yourself would be nice. Lord knows you can be knocked off of it with anything that does Knockback unless Spiked Treads. And even then, anything that decides to actually PULL you instead of knocking you back ruins it.

Bunker Formation
Quote:+5 DEF/RES per person in the thing. Can be placed at range, and provides quite a bit of support. Except that +15 DEF/RES (at max) isn't really that much nowadays. Especially with the things that shred DEF, or things that just get multiplied before it. It also can easily be shattered with a knockback/pull attack, even though you're 'bunkered down' to hold the position. I'd suggest instead of DEF/RES, maybe give some Damage Reduction? Hell, even giving some Knockback/Pull immunity would be a GREAT addition to this skill at higher tactician ranks. It's something that is sorely needed.

Field Medic
Quote:Field Medic is just a glorified Sal Volatile that costs a ton of FP to use. 25 HP that can revive allies is legitimately nothing. Oh it gets +1 extra HP for every tactics rank? That's 'cool'. I'd suggest maybe having it just be multiplied. 25*7 at max rank isn't so bad, considering how easy it is to lose tactics rank. (500 HP? Well boy howdy, you can take 25 HP and drop a point!) I could see it being multiplied by Tactics Rank/2 So at rank D, it's 12 HP + revive, but at max rank its 25*3. It'd be 'decent' at that point, though still worse than Phoenix or Second Chance ( a base class skill )

According to Plan
Quote:I don't think anyone uses this. Not because it's hard to hit with a tome, which it is. Simply because there are much better options to choose from. This is +10 FP if you decide to spend a turn basic attack hitting someone, which generally? Isn't that good. I'd suggest at higher Tactician Ranks it allows for leeching of FP instead of just outright gaining FP. Not too good, but it isn't so horrible.

Timely Withdrawal
Quote:This is fine as is. Maybe having the Tactician also count as the party leader (alongside the normal leader)? It'd allow for both parties to flee.

Performance Rating
Quote:I'm not going to lie. Before, Dev stated that "Tactician Ranks aren't Void Veil level hard to raise". That's a crock of shit.

"[url= Wrote:Neus » Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:02 am[/url]"]Yep, but it's not exactly Void Veil levels of time consuming to get it back up there. If you're taking a pounding as the tactician then your tactics might be a little off. And nothing about that argument justifies making the Tactician easier to kill than demerit.

In the current meta, fleeing from opponents once they have gotten into melee is next to impossible. If you Charge, you can't double move. If they knocked you down, can't move. Characters can traverse the entire map in one turn, hell. Sometimes they can be the entire map away and move > attack and be within range. See: Move (bonus of any kind (Charge/Shukuchi) just makes it worse) > Move > Attack (Heaven Kick, any of those now ranged monk attacks. Archer. Gunner. Pretty much anything because movement is a very fluid thing now). So, that easily demerits that 'if you're taking a pounding, ur not doing it right'. It's simply because every enemy can be in your face in one round and generally still attack.

Not only that, but to raise your tacticians rank, you must perform an order (3M), then if you follow your own order (if you decide to use attack order), then you get +1 Tactician rank. If all your allies can follow it, you get up to +3 Tactician Ranks. Which is all well and good. Except at max tactician rank, any multi hit can and will knock you down the track. Hell, anyone getting KO'd is instantly back to Rank 1. Which I agree with. However, it's really painful. A thousand Stab, Multi Shot Gunner, or even a simple Dagger Dancer, can shatter your tactician rank down to 1, and its a whole helluva lot harder to raise your Tacticians Rank than it is to get Void Veil energy. [Did they use magic? ENERGY. Also passive regen].

I suggest taking it away from 5% of your max HP, to something a tad more maneagable. 10%. There are already a ton of ways to lose Tactician Rank, don't throw another one in that is super easy to achieve with a pebble flicking you.

Thank you. That is all.
I'm basically on board with most of the suggested changes, but I'm also offering up...

- I don't understand the logic behind increased dodge while needing to stay in formation and having reduced freedom of movement as a result. But I can see it working from a balance standpoint since +25 hit alone, for a ranged attacker (Because, as you said... yeah.) is... well... Personaly, my suggested change would be to allow you to place it at range, with the triangular formation around an enemy, to effectively tell your team, "Go, get that one!" But that would likely be kind of annoying to manage unless you can change it's directions with the +/- keys. (See: Libegrande)

- If it gets to a point that a party actually needs to consider fleeing, the tactics rating is probably already shot to hell, so the auto-flee at S rank is... well... dumb. That's basically my only issue with the skill. But it doesn't make it less dumb.

I approve of suggested changes. This is just my two cents.
*loud burp*

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