Poll: What do you think should happen to the Sentencing System?
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Keep it as it is (Additive sentences that can end up lasting a long time)
9 40.91%
Combine the systems (Keep additive sentences, but with an option to take a disability over a long sentence)
11 50.00%
Change it to where long sentences are replaced with character disabilities
2 9.09%
Total 22 vote(s) 100%
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On Sentences
As per the Imprisonment topic, I've been told that the current way that sentences are handled (See: additive sentences, where all crimes on record stack up for the total sentence, with no real limit on how long it can last) is either unfair or too debilitating. Bear in mind, I am not thinking of modifying this system, as I feel like it's suitably punishing according to how many crimes the accused have committed.

However, if a majority believes that we should look towards a different kind of system, I have an idea in mind. Here's an early draft:
Quote:Crippling Punishment System

This sentencing system will normally work like the Additive Punishment System; crimes will be divided into three groups based on intensity, with sentences taking much less time than normal. This can be achieved by either removing the wholly additive nature (I.e. making previous offenses only add 10 mins/1 hour for each minor/major respectively) or decreasing the time served for each charge (I.e. Minors only take 1 OOC hour and Majors only take 8 OOC hours).

However, for particularly repeating offenders (and anyone who commits Severes), alongside their sentence, their character will receive a Disability; or in other words, the character will accept a change that involves the loss of some limb, function or ability. The details on these Disabilities are as follows:
-The disability inflicted is proportionate to the particular crime(s). For instance, if you were caught stealing too many times, one of your hands would be cut off.
-While ideally this would be represented via RP, If Dev is able (and finds the time/will/choice) to do it, this can be represented through the system.
-If you receive a disability, you are required to RP it. Trying to weasel your way out of it or fix it (without explicit GM approval) will be treated as Godmodding and will be punished accordly.
-All Disabilities will be ICly given in a manner that keeps any particular qualities (such as Vampirism and its immortality) from fixing it.
-Disabilities will be determined by GMs only.

Of course, I personally believe that most aren't exactly keen on having their character crippled when they get arrested for certain things. However, if I see that enough people would like to have this system over the current one, we can give it a shot. It is also possible to add on an option of 'I'll just cripple my character instead of serving a long time in Prison'.... Again, if people want it.

If you feel like none of the options presented are good ideas, then I would implore you to provide an alternative system in a different topic. Just know that in that case, I'll be the judge on whether or not I'll take it.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
Just start having trials for the accused with lawyers to prosecute/defend the accused. Some social workers to plea to the law for a shorter sentence, that sort of deal. Have we ever considered who's on the peoples' side in these situations? Does everyone not deserve a fair trial? What kind of empire is this?
this is the empire of hard knocks, cabrone

the only right you have is the right to decide which way you get cut in half
If it becomes a matter of cutting off the offending limb for the crippling system, don't aim for a hand or something, that's just the tool. The brain is what tells the hand to move and commit the crime. Big Grin MORE BEHEADINGS!

(I'm kidding, I'm totally impartial about this.)
Let's also consider that... you know... we have incredibly limited control over our stats due to RNG. Yes, we can affect growths, but I've gotten 20 Cel on a 5% and I've gotten 25 skill on an 80% (by level 60 on both, yes.) So mechanically, this cannot be enforced, and it'd be ridiculously stupid to, as an example, remove someone's arm but for them to still have a two-handed weapon (like a bow,) or to remove a leg due to their reputation for evading capture (but still able to use a wooden prosthetic to hobble around, but naturally not as nimble and well-balanced as before) while still having 60+ Cel.

Not to mention, the intensive editing of existing pictures or finding a new picture that reflects the change. Because you can't trust everyone to read your text.

And lastly, on the topic of not being able to trust everyone... I know some people would godmod it. Sure, some people may just try to shrug it off as not a big deal due to bravado while still being visibly impacted ("My arm would have just gotten in the way, anyways!" - A character from Telltale's "The Walking Dead," name witheld for spoilers) there's also those who would either flat out ignore that it ever happened when no one who knows is around, or turn it into some "I'm so badass that it legit doesn't affect anything, I'm still as great as ever" edgelord crap. While I at least trust a decent chunk of the community to own up to it, not everyone would. (Ironically, the people I trust to own it are also typically powergamey, bringing us back to my first point.)

So just keep it to sentences. That's punishment enough, and affects most people much more equally, IMO.
*loud burp*

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