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Optional Huggessoa themed super boss
There's a noticeable lack of difficult bosses that let you grab a party and use your hard(I guess)-earned stats to their fullest extent while making you go "Oh man, that was a close fight" aside from getting back attacked by spatials in a crazy dungeon. So I've attempted to come up with a boss that can't be solo'd (even the tips say parties are fun!) and is difficult in the sense of "if you don't deal with this stuff correctly you're gonna have a bad time" but not too difficult like "you messed up, party is dead". It could be used in an optional dark themed dungeon or just for future reference something (pls).

So here's what I have. Long post incoming.

Darky The Dark (Name is a placeholder cuz I'm bad with names, also goes for anything else with a name in this topic, numbers also subject to change if not reasonable)

Hp: 10000 (intended to 4 people wailing on it)
FP: 10000
0% in all elemental resistances

Abilities -

Deathbringer (passive): As the name implies, this being wastes no time in killing everything in front of it. They have 10 momentum.

Nightmare Blade (passive) - Normals attacks will do dark physical damage. If the target is feared they will do magic damage instead and gain +100 to hit.

Lord of Darkness (passive): All dark damage dealt will ignore any elemental resistance or absorbs. They are also immune to blind and silence.

Immovable Casting (passive): When an S rank invocation has started, this skill will grant the user "Immovable" status for 3000 lvl. This status makes it so the user's invocations cannot be interrupted and any damage taken will not lower their HP for x rounds or until the invocation has ended. X = to level. X is reduced by damage taken and "Immovable" is removed once X is 0.

Ruinous Torment (passive): Every 6 rounds the tiles under all non-pet/youkai enemies will leak darkness in a 3 range from-the-center AOE for 2 turns. During the 2nd turn, the tiles will explode dealing heavy darkness damage to anyone inside. When below 30% HP, this occurs every 3 rounds.

Damnation: Focuses on a target (like jammer omega) for 5 turns and chases after them until it wears off or they die. Applies hunted level 30 as long as they are focused.

Physical shield: While this is up, the user's HP is not reduced by damage and they must take 500 physical damage to break this. Lasts for 3 turns and if not broken, the shield explodes and deals dark damage to all enemies. Can only be used once and cannot be used if below 80% HP.

Magic shield: HP is not reduced by damage while up and must take 700 magic damage in order to break. Lasts 4 turns and the shield will explode if not broken, dealing dark damage to all enemies. Can only be used once and cannot be used if below 70% HP.

Almighty Shield: HP is not reduced by damage while up and the user gains a random 50% elemental weakness. They will only take damage from elemental weaknesses and the shield needs 1000 damage to break. Lasts 5 turns. Can only be used once and only if the user is above 40% HP and below 70% HP.

Night Terror: Casts a debuff on all enemies inflicted with hunted, immobilizing them for 3 rounds and disabling their skills and silencing them. Has a 6 round cooldown.

Gaze of Huggessao: 6 range. Inflicts dark damage on a target and fears them for 3 rounds along with any other enemies within 2 tiles of them. Will not use on a target already feared.

Scorn of Huggessao: S rank Invocation. Can only be used once when below 51% hp. When cast, it will deal unresistable dark damage to all enemies equal to 80% of their current health while applying 50 lvl hunted and (whateverlvl) burn for the rest of the battle.

Impending Death: Can only be used when below 40% HP and only twice. Marks an enemy with Impending Death, lasts 2 rounds.

Dreaded Earth: Can only be cast on an enemy marked for death. Deals 700 unresistable dark damage to the target in an AOE 1 tile around them. Damage is divided equally among all enemies hit. Enemies killed by this cannot be revived.
If I want a real boss I'd fight Zera instead. But I don't agree with this, if bosses in dungeons are a problem, they need to be buffed, but then again, nobody wants to fight them because the rewards even from massive cores suck ass.

I don't see much reward in making the game currently harder unless it's story related, and right now the only story related gods involved are any of them that are dead, or Zera (who's also dead).
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!
The rewards can be changed any time and this doesn't make the game any harder. Just like how people choose to wait around for a crazy dungeon to spawn to start grinding and can wait as long as they want to, this is completely optional and simply for fun. And this isn't a god but just some crazy monster with a lot of dark damage.
With the skills and stats suggested? This makes Atlus level difficulty cry. If that's not a god, I don't know what is. On top of that, I really doubt a party of four at the current state in the game can even attempt to beat this.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!
It's meant to be difficult. I'm trying to avoid the instant nuke fodder for bosses we have at the moment. And to elaborate a bit on a point I made earlier, I mean optional dark themed dungeon as in a permanent dungeon that won't affect randomly spawning dungeons so it's really out of the way and not disrupting anything.

Also, that's why I said "(Name is a placeholder cuz I'm bad with names, also goes for anything else with a name in this topic, numbers also subject to change if not reasonable)". Numbers are not set in stone, just a starting point that I based off 4 level 60s wailing on it with a Lantern Bearer required cuz healer and it's open for discussion. Tactician also highly recommended.

Personally, I'd say it would have low res/def with okay str and skill. This makes it so only the focused target that's hunted and feared will take a lot of damage while everyone else can shrug off any attacks. The main thing I'm having trouble coming up with is figuring out if it's reasonable to expect Lantern Bearers to bring good FP regen or leech off the boss with maxed out capacity (cuz what mage doesn't have capacity?)

As far as HP goes, I really don't want it to die in 4 turns because that won't give it a chance to go through its abilities so if it does get lowered, it should have some decent crit evade to avoid being slaughtered by an MG with chainshell.
"Four Turns"

You severely overestimate a group of 4 level 60s ability to kill shit. 10k damage in 4 turns is next-to-impossible, especially with this thing going "IM CASTING SO UR DAMAGE GOES TO MY CASTING!" or any of its numerous shields.
exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
This would take over 50 turns as it is, with most parties getting wiped out in 5 unless they built .specifically. to combat this.
-shrug- Hence why I said the numbers are not set in stone.
But no, I'm really not overestimating. Melees can generally put out 100-200, depending on a crit, 300 if you're a VA per hit at level 60 when a target doesn't have massive defense so we're looking at like 200-400 per turn for 1 person. Evokers can do like 300 after CM or 200. LBs can also do like 150-200 a turn.
I've tried out every single class and it's always consistently looked like that.

So expecting 4 level 60s to do close to 1k damage a turn when they start wailing on it is not some far fetched exaggeration.
And things like Absolute Death exist and that Tactician skill that increases damage dealt.
I'm taking things like that into consideration.
"[url= Wrote:Daisuke » Thu Nov 27, 2014 12:25 am[/url]"]So expecting 4 level 60s to do at least 1k damage a turn is not some far fetched exaggeration.

Yes it is, it very much is.

Crits don't happen very often, low DEF or not, generally it's still about 100 or so? That from a few people varies depending on their classes. Evokers -may- be able to get that much, but they still have to spend multiple turns in order to do so, but then again, they have lower HP than others and die a lot quicker.

It's not even just about that, the abilities that are set here can really kill an entire party in about 3 rounds, or a tad more. This is a nearly impossible feat just from reading all of this.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!

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