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Class Balancing: Martial Artist
Bumping this thread. There are practically only Martial Artists, Gunners, and ultra-Tanks left trying to PvP. The kipup nerf was great, but more is undoubtedly needed to bring MA in line with every other class. At the very least, the change to Light Tomahawk. MA already has free, powerful healing and the undisputed highest mobility in the game, it doesn't need to be reduced to spamming a full damage (often 100+) autohit over and over until you stun them and win. Please remove the stun, for the love of god.
"[url= Wrote:Kameron8 » Mon Feb 22, 2016 3:07 am[/url]"]Bumping this thread. There are practically only Martial Artists, Gunners, and ultra-Tanks left trying to PvP. The kipup nerf was great, but more is undoubtedly needed to bring MA in line with every other class. At the very least, the change to Light Tomahawk. MA already has free, powerful healing and the undisputed highest mobility in the game, it doesn't need to be reduced to spamming a full damage (often 100+) autohit over and over until you stun them and win. Please remove the stun, for the love of god.

"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
I might also add that "Aid" from the monk tree is still a spammable heal for yourself, since 3m self-heals were addressed a while ago.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

[Image: SdToNmJ.gif]
I agree, MA needs the boot hard. Anything combined with it is just too much. Shukuchi for one def. needs a range nerf. It allows rushing to a degree no other class can even come close to, especially when you can run across the map in 4M.
My proposal: Change the Light Tomahawk input for Stun into an input to get the bonus damage for being airborne instead. It'd still be a pretty dang decent move with this change, considering.

Also, Since Shukuchi was changed to teleport movement (Read: Avoiding all hazards and traps, completely negating some classes' ways of keeping them at bay, like Entangle Traps) AND adding it's range boost to it's skills, I'm not opposed to lowering the range boost to compensate. Like maybe +3-+4 instead of what it currently gets away with.
*loud burp*
Shukuchi would be fine so long as it did one action.

If your next action is a Geldoren, it consumes Shukuchi.
Light Tomahawk? Consumed.


That'd make Shukuchi infinitely more balanced than it is right now as the person can't abuse it unless they're a Dully or a low HP Felly.

1 > 3 (1-2) > 2 > 3
Adjusted - Light Tomahawk's Urawaza effect changed from Stun to Rank*20% chance of Guard Break.
Adjusted - Shukuchi Move bonus now reduced to be equal to Rank.
* Bug Fixes
- Heaven Kick now properly receives the bonus damage from distance and effects that increase/decrease kick damage.

While I know that you tried to balance this Dev. I really do.

It's still uh.


Crane Hop is still one the most imbalanced things in the game and is something that makes everyones life a living hell because 1M is nothing, pretty much ever. It stops double attacking with certain things, and double moving. However you can still move in, attack, crane hop away and get away with it scott free. Void Assassins get free Backstab > Cutthroat with it always being at the person's back unless they can't hit. Mobility options are still some of the strongest in the game.

Not to mention, the one thing that everyone was practically screaming for, aside from LT nerf, was... Shukuchi Nerf.

Shukuchi may only be 5 squares now, but it's still better than charge. It increases the range of skills all on it's own, and can give movement bonuses, etc. It needs to be changed so that it can't chain into rather powerful skills. As it stands, you can Shukuchi > MOVE > Geldoren/LT. assuming that you max out your range, that allows for 15 squares of movement, and.. 5 or 6 (depending on how it works) extra squares ontop of that for your melee range. Yes, you may say, archers get more range than that and they don't have to buff up but... They're broken as shit too. They just don't get nearly as much bullshit going for them as MA.

Knockdown is nearly nullified due to Kip Up, a recent nerf changed this for HA uses, but it is still ridiculously powerful for everyone but Dullahans... Hell, you can still have a Turtle Shell and use this for just 1M because #Mutation.
They can fear people.
Mobility Options 4 days.
Guard Break (this is a new and pretty damn strong one to deal with people guarding)
Combo's well into a TON of other classes.
Healing Options

It reallyyyyyyyy isn't okay.
I know, MAs are pretty broken when you list things like that.

+ They don't even need weapons!
+ Punches hurt my soft bones.
+ They look toned as hell because they work out all the time.

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