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Boss? More like fodder!
I definitely agree with these points (and feel like they were over-looked):

"[url= Wrote:Spoops » Tue Apr 26, 2016 7:16 pm[/url]"]Bosses get different skills based on their levels, new player problem solved already.

"[url= Wrote:Ranylyn » Tue Apr 26, 2016 4:04 pm[/url]"]What SL2 needs is more endgame specific dungeons, not harder bosses across the board.
Adding to this, if you dare say the dungeons that are statics to farm 10*s are endgame content-worthy please stop.

"MegaBlues" Wrote:I'd say that the reward for clearing a boss should match it's difficulty. It's no exaggeration that you can go through hundreds of massive cores before finding something worthwhile.

And now that you can't legally trade to your own characters? The chance of finding something good is even lower.

There's merit to this concern but I think it'd be better tackling the problem in stages (Settling on a (Re-)Balance/implementation of the content, then worrying over the reward).

Also, can we refrain from throwing out one-liners that shoot down a person's contribution, said one-liners that ultimately don't offer to contribute much to the overall topic? *gets off soapbox*
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
I more so said that because they already do gain different skills per level, you won't see a low level jammer with divide, for example.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Chaos, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one. Re-reading your oher post, I do not personally believe I was mistaken in my interpretation, but I do admit to being in the middle of changing medications and I'm not at my best, so it's possible I'm simply approaching it with the wrong mindset.

I'm going to withdraw from this thread until I'm feeling better, and see how it looks from a clear mind. And if I was out of line, I'll apologize now.

EDIT: Removed excesive unneeded details.
*loud burp*

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