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Lore Questions: April (2016)
-How far does Shaitan carapace go? We know it covers everything but the face/front upper body in the end, but can it grow further or in uncommon ways? (Say, uh, maybe like a monster or something. I don't know good examples--)
-Can Shaitan carapace be different colors than black? Not saying rainbow carapace, but maybe having white, or a dark tint of other hues other than greyscale? The wiki just says they're black but I wanna make sure.
-What are Mercalan faith's view on pre-marital sex and prostitution?
-Can elves become vampires without a real issue? I mean, the ears aren't in the racial menu...
[Image: da4KzKk.png]
I realize this is technically late, but since this hasn't been answered yet--

Would having an Isespian Charms (or other forms of earth res materials) impact the durability of an illusion or is Isespia on illusions like taking a match to a room of gas, so to speak.
[Image: b89f62f8ce.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_m7g6clz79C1rpqqpz.gif] I'm also still Batman.
How's void poisoning exactly a poison? Something in blood?
Glykins get any resistance to it? Could a WT use their abilities to 'suck' it out?
Not sure if I'm late, but since there isn't a May thread yet, I'll post here.

-Would a vampire ever knowingly be allowed to join the church of Mercala, assuming they were a good person and upheld the tenents?

-Relating to the bright darkness trait for vampires, does being 'less evil' also make them more tolerant to sunlight?

-A few months back, you compared Iahsus to the Black Omen from Chrono Trigger, but assuming I recall correctly, the Black Omen only showed up after Chrono & gang's time shenanigans. Does this mean Iahsus also came about via time shenanigans?

-It's also been said in the past that grimalkin are kind of like an albinism for felidae. Does this mean that grimalkin don't breed true? If no, do grimalkin parents have a higher chance of giving birth to grimalkin offspring? If yes (to breeding true), do grimalkin parents have a similar chance of producing a normal felidae as normal felidae have of producing grimalkin?

-How 'aware' are doriads before they manifest? Do they come from a single tree, or a forest as a whole?
Can Youkai bind objects they hold value in to themselves so when summoned they appear with said items? Or is this possible at all?

If yes, can they be brought forth without these items at times as well? Would it be at the will of the summoner or the youkai?

And Can Youkai summon themselves from the summoners contract list?

Where specifically do youkai go when they are contracted as well? Are they aware of the summoners action while not summoned?
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Quick round of questions for our newest class:

1. Is there a specific manner for how Spellthiefs keep hold of their stolen spells, or does it vary from person to person?

2. How long does it take for a robbed caster to get their spell back?

3. Amongst civilizations in general, how legal is spell-snatching?
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
"[url= Wrote:KhalidtheGrey » Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:21 pm[/url]"]Here's something that has bugged me for a long time and I cannot seem to find an answer.

What is the spacial nature of the Void? Meaning, if one were to push a sealed container into the Void, would the Void permeate the object even if it was some how 'void proof' or 'void resistant'? Or does the Void behave like it has at least one higher dimension of movement to go through, meaning it can go around an object's casing to seep in despite it being sealed in three dimensions.

In case I'm not clear enough, a cube in 4D space has open holes, because it is missing 4D sides. Same way a square is not a container in 3D space.

The void is still a 3D space, but the nature of actual void energy is unclear. Not that it matters because nothing is void-proof.

"[url= Wrote:Sarah54321 » Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:11 pm[/url]"]Naga question! How long would it have taken for the snakemen babies to form in the womb? How long is pregnancy? This is important, you see, because I need to find out how many babies aproximately they'd have to have given birth to.

I haven't really thought about it but we can assume it's similar to humans.

"[url= Wrote:Exxy » Mon Apr 11, 2016 8:13 pm[/url]"]Assuming this hasn't been asked yet. . .

*-I realize Haunting's description describes it as a "Mist" but what exactly is it? Can you elaborate on it or is it one of the RP mechanics that fall under "Left Up to the Character" for the most part?

-How does Holy Water affect Vampires? I imagine it has the same effect as Glykin Blood but I couldn't find it on the Wiki or a reliable source for this.

-How is Holy Water made? From Mercalan Priests blessing water or-?

*-Gambling! While there is a Den dedicated to this in Oniga, how does the rest of the world of Sigrogana feel about it? This pertaining to the multiple variations we're all-to-familiar with in the real world: card games, blood sport/animal fighting, etc.

-Dullahans and Lichs!! Given the fact the Lich is a somewhat incorporeal being and the Dullahan is a vessel, would it be possible for a lich to find itself inside the Dullahan's armour via any means? Assuming this is possible, could this be parasitic in nature to the Lich as the Dullahan requires a good amount of Focus to act to the point their form dissipates and returns to the phylactery? How would the soul and the energy react together, etc, etc. I'm sorry for an overly long series of questions but a recent conversation really piqued my interest in this concept, mind you I'm not saying I want to go around RP'ing as a Dully-Lich but I just want to know where this concept sits in RP/Lore fashion.

*-Do Kaelensians, like Lupines and Felidae, have two sets of ears? Had a conversation about this with no other backing given other than player logic and the Wiki being kind of vague to an extent ("They are a human-like race possessing ____-like ears and a tail. . .", ". . . the Kaelensia >resemble< humans with some exceptions, typically carrying >some< animalistic physical traits, such as ears, tails, or wings. . .&quotWink.

-Are there any Mercalan-related factions aside from the Sun's Ichor and Church Knights aside from the church itself? Which, if any, could be playable upon approval?

Edited in Post-May Deadline:

-Are mercenary cells allowed to be based in civilized areas like Sigrogana's Empire, Kysei, Gold, etc? If so, what restrictions are maintained upon them, any regulatory groups, etc?

1) I've always imagined Haunting as stepping back and quickly moving out-of-sight to the target location, usually through shadows or some sort of mist. But it doesn't really matter and I leave it up to character choice within reason.
2 and 3) Holy water is water blessed with light magic. Vampires don't like light magic, therefore they don't like holy water either.
4) It's seen about the same in most regions, which is to say questionably if not banned, due to the violence that tends to surround it.
5) Liches and Dullahans are very similar in that they are souls inhabiting a vessel. For this reason they are inherently completely incompatible.
6) Kaelensia have only one set of ears. If they would have animal ears, they replace the human ears, but can be in the same spot as human ears would be. Some animal-eared Kaelensia have them higher up on their head, some don't. It varies. The same applies to all special-eared races. When they are described as being a human-like race, or resembling humans, it means they are identical to humans, except for the animal traits (ears, wings, tail, etc.)
7) Probably.
8) Mercenaries and sellswords in general, even in larger groups, don't usually require any sort of approval or special governance. However, breaking laws still carries the full weight of the crime, even if you're a mercenary.

"[url= Wrote:Soapy » Fri Apr 15, 2016 9:53 pm[/url]"]Can Doriad ever be 'born' in BDP (such as the Forest type)?
If so, what about from the miniature planets?

How about Dark Zones?

Are there any other 'unusual' places they might (or might not) be able to hail from, other than Karaten's magic forest and Alstalsia?

When was the Salamander Structure first founded?

How long did it take to spread beyond Karaten?

How long does it take to set up in new areas?

Karaten is said to make a large profit from implementing and maintaining it, how much does this cost exactly?

Are there any known places that haven't had it set up yet for one reason or another, such as Egwyn?

When was Sun's Ichor founded, and when was it denounced?

How large was it in terms of members, approximately? Are we talking maybe a dozen, or a few hundred?

Did they operate internationally, or were they mostly only present in Lordwain/Lispool?

I find it a little odd they could take Mercala's teachings that far when she's still around. What did The Voice have to say about their actions, if anything? Am I wrong to assume she just kept quiet until they started making mistakes?

Is there any chance we can get some sort of a power scale for various creatures and people?

For example, how do Dragons, Wyverns, Gods, and high level PCs generally stack up against each other?

Gods are surely the most powerful, but by how much? I imagine human Ryart was at least as strong as a top tier PC, but just how much more power did he get to be able to take on Zera? Are we talking shooting up from level 60 to 60,000 or what?

1) No.
2) Nope.
3) Most likely not.
4) Roughly 80 years before the start of SL2, which I believe was 300 AC, so about 220 AC.
5) Depends on how developed the area is and how large it is. If it's wilderness then it doesn't take more than a few weeks, since the land can be safely shaped without regard for much else. In developed areas such as towns, it can take several months, since the mages will have to work around existing buildings and have to be more delicate.
6) It varies from area to area so I can't give you an 'exact' cost.
7) Egwyn doesn't trust foreigners and mages least of all, so it's very unlikely that the structure is established anywhere on Egwyn. Maybe for one or two recluse mages living far away from anyone else, but otherwise, no.
8) 40 years or so. It's mentioned the children of the original Sun's Ichor are rumored to be running around and playing at vampire hunting, so it would be around that timeframe. That would also make the Church Knights a '40 years or so' order, since they were established after the Sun's Ichor was denounced.
9) About a hundred men at its peak.
10) They went wherever they were told vampires were, so all over.
11) This is a complicated answer. First of all, Mercala doesn't speak all of the time. Since speaking causes stress to the Voice, she only really speaks through her when necessary. Secondly, you're assuming that Mercala particularly disagrees with vampire hunting. The issue wasn't the action, but the method; the Sun's Ichor were extremely cruel, which reflected badly on the Church, which is very bad for Mercala. When the Sun's Ichor gained infamy, she was forced to act, denounced them, and established the Church Knights.
12) Gods >> Dragons >>>>>>>>> high level PCs > Wyverns. This list is not all-inclusive.
13) Well, we can look at what Ryart's tale told us and base our judgements off of that. Ryart, the human, stood absolutely no chance against Zera, despite being hailed as one of the greatest warriors of the time. Truth be told, no matter what he did, Ryart, the human, probably wouldn't even be able to scratch Zera. Ryart, the Dragon, on the other hand, according to legend, was able to fight Zera to a stalemate that eventually lead to both of them dying, albeit Ryart first. Thus, we can assume the power difference between a human and a God is insurmountable, even if you had an army of Ryarts. However, a God's power is heavily influenced by the number of followers/believers, so an army of Ryarts could maybe take on a God with not many followers, if it was significantly weak to begin with.

"[url= Wrote:Kavoir » Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:08 am[/url]"]I cannot find this in the old Threads other than a bit about Mersales is(which was given in terms of map size) so umm how large are the continents?
I always assumed Sigrogana was about the size of North America and the rest where proportional in terms of relative map size but I do not know where this assumption came from.

I don't think Sigrogana is quite as big as North America. Honestly, I haven't thought about it in terms of miles either, so you'll just have to use the map and guesstimate. (Don't take things like how long it takes to walk from Cellsvich to Dormeho into account...)

"[url= Wrote:iDarkCara » Wed Apr 20, 2016 4:29 am[/url]"]How well known are the Celestial Gods and do they have an impact on the land as we know it or are they more of a mythology-like role where they were just sort of named but have no actual impact?

Further more, are they responsible for each respective element or more of just association?

Are there cults or other forms of worshipers that would rally behind a specific Celestial God?

Final-- Are they consider pagan gods?"

1) They're well known but they're more mythological; obviously, the stars didn't come from the Void, they didn't fight in Heaven's Contention. They've just always been there.
2) Just an association.
3) Maybe some astronomers but otherwise, they're not really worshipped in the classical sense.
4) No.

"[url= Wrote:Snake » Wed Apr 20, 2016 8:21 pm[/url]"]Detective questions:
1- What does it take for a person to be able to join 'the Agency'?
2- Can a player character be a part of them at all for now? If so, how?
3- Where is their 'HQ' located at?
4- Does the agency members has some, if any power over closed investigations?
5- Do they have any authorities like a Guard, or just enough morale to be trusted by them?

Mecha questions:
1- Can Mechanations who got their bodies damaged beyond repair somehow transfer their scars to another brand new?
2- If so, how expensive/complex would the operation be?
3- If it's easy, can they like, swap bodies with another mechanations if they need?
4- Can their 'scars' be removed and stored away for an indefinite time? (if not, how long until they 'run out of life-force'?)

Magical questions:
1- Can magic be used for raw convenience? For example, in a situation you reunite some wood, snap your fingers to light it up with flames then use your Focus to make the shadows printed on the wall shape-shift and dance for your amusement?
2- What's all it takes to use magic? Big Focus reserves, strong determination and willpower or just knowing how to because there's always an efficient trick behind it?

oh my fucking god im so sorry again Dev, ended up giant

1) A background check, looking for conflicts of interest, previous associations, any criminal record, and so on. Proof of extraordinary deductive reasoning or attention to detail.
2) They can, but keep in mind a GM can kick your character out if they do anything not-detectivey.
3) Kysei.
4) I don't understand the question, but the Agency only gets involved when contacted to do so. Generally, they work together with the local crime investigation forces.
5) They do not have any legal authority that the person employing them does not also possess.

1/2/3) A Mechanation body damaged beyond repair would involve destruction of the scar. Everything else is replaceable.
4) No.

1) If you knew such magic, yes.
2) Focus, knowledge, and practice.

"[url= Wrote:Felkesste » Thu Apr 21, 2016 12:11 am[/url]"]Shut-In questions:
1- How densely populated is each of Sigrogana's cities, villages, etc.? I imagine a place like Tannis is probably on the low end, with the capital of Cellsvich being something pretty ridiculously high compared to the rest, Oniga could be anywhere from really high since it could house an entire continent's worth of people, to really low depending on how many folks just up and left...
2- How much of the world is still 'untamed wilderness'? Has technology, magic, and civilization's needs/will brought about 'civilized', or 'tamed' stretches of wilderness for the most part- or are humans still relying on small pockets of civilization to get by in some places, like Egwyn? Are there places where people are very clearly just prey, or lands where the weather is just too unforgiving?
3- Is the wilderness, and it's beasts prone to random evolution, or mutation? With all the dead gods, magic, and meddlesome folks, do the animals just mutate, or grow, or something else, from time to time? Do guards get training for what-if situations where giant bears, or glowing wolves wander into town, especially around Karaten?

1) The capital is obviously the most densely populated but beyond that it's sproadic, usually depending on what the location offers. Tannis is rather small, while Dormeho is bigger than it appears in-game, with houses and such along the coast. Some of the uninhabited for periods of time, belonging to sailors and so on.

"[url= Wrote:Spoops » Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:53 am[/url]"]Would a Reihou(or various other youkai specific healing) be able to heal someone who has installed themself with a youkai? At least lore wise, and not mechanically speaking.

Late Edit:

This seems to come up a lot, what are the average heights for the following races:

1) Probably not.
2) Not going to come up with numbers for all of these, but I'll give you some guidance. They're all mostly in line with each other, with 5-6 feet being average, depending on gender. Outliers would be Serpentkind are often slightly taller, Naga especially are hard to quantify since they're half snake.

"[url= Wrote:Clockworkers Doll » Thu Apr 21, 2016 6:34 pm[/url]"]-How far does Shaitan carapace go? We know it covers everything but the face/front upper body in the end, but can it grow further or in uncommon ways? (Say, uh, maybe like a monster or something. I don't know good examples--)
-Can Shaitan carapace be different colors than black? Not saying rainbow carapace, but maybe having white, or a dark tint of other hues other than greyscale? The wiki just says they're black but I wanna make sure.
-What are Mercalan faith's view on pre-marital sex and prostitution?
-Can elves become vampires without a real issue? I mean, the ears aren't in the racial menu...

1) I don't really understand what you're asking.
2) No, it's always black.
3) Negative.
4) Yes.

"[url= Wrote:iDarkCara » Mon May 02, 2016 6:10 pm[/url]"]I realize this is technically late, but since this hasn't been answered yet--

Would having an Isespian Charms (or other forms of earth res materials) impact the durability of an illusion or is Isespia on illusions like taking a match to a room of gas, so to speak.

Earth magic only disrupts illusions when it's significant. A simple charm wouldn't intefere.

"[url= Wrote:Galethvia » Wed May 04, 2016 10:02 am[/url]"]Not sure if I'm late, but since there isn't a May thread yet, I'll post here.

-Would a vampire ever knowingly be allowed to join the church of Mercala, assuming they were a good person and upheld the tenents?

-Relating to the bright darkness trait for vampires, does being 'less evil' also make them more tolerant to sunlight?

-A few months back, you compared Iahsus to the Black Omen from Chrono Trigger, but assuming I recall correctly, the Black Omen only showed up after Chrono & gang's time shenanigans. Does this mean Iahsus also came about via time shenanigans?

-It's also been said in the past that grimalkin are kind of like an albinism for felidae. Does this mean that grimalkin don't breed true? If no, do grimalkin parents have a higher chance of giving birth to grimalkin offspring? If yes (to breeding true), do grimalkin parents have a similar chance of producing a normal felidae as normal felidae have of producing grimalkin?

-How 'aware' are doriads before they manifest? Do they come from a single tree, or a forest as a whole?

1) Probably, although they might not be very accepted.
2) Most likely.
3) You're reading too much into the comparison.
4) I meant that a grimalkin is a rare 'defect' that can be born to felidae parents. They can also be born to felidae + off-race parent, and is more common this way.
5) They come from a single tree.

"[url= Wrote:Raigen.Convict » Sat May 07, 2016 7:56 pm[/url]"]Can Youkai bind objects they hold value in to themselves so when summoned they appear with said items? Or is this possible at all?

If yes, can they be brought forth without these items at times as well? Would it be at the will of the summoner or the youkai?

And Can Youkai summon themselves from the summoners contract list?

Where specifically do youkai go when they are contracted as well? Are they aware of the summoners action while not summoned?

1/2) No.
3) No.
4) They become contracts on the summoner's body; they are aware of the summoner's actions while they are not summoned.

"[url= Wrote:Chaos » Mon May 09, 2016 12:43 am[/url]"]Quick round of questions for our newest class:

1. Is there a specific manner for how Spellthiefs keep hold of their stolen spells, or does it vary from person to person?

2. How long does it take for a robbed caster to get their spell back?

3. Amongst civilizations in general, how legal is spell-snatching?

1) I've thought of them as being stored in cards or pages.
2) They can get it back after the battle in-game, so probably then.
3) Probably as legal as tearing a book out of a page or thieving in general.

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