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A winter wonder land. (With monsters)
Yeah this by no means a fully formed idea and I'd much rather discuss it and iron it out before actually throwing it at dev.

Ice dungeon type! Tundra, Mountain, Ice Cave, something like that for the name. Overworld sprite should be appropriate. Ice Cave with a recolor of the tunnel would probably be easiest. Personally, I lean toward making it Mountain for thematic reasons.

Should I leave mechanical stuff up to dev and just hand him this clump of ideas to do with as he pleases or should I work on giving them abilities and such.

Mob ideas
Frostbite Spider, a fast and physically tough mob.
Rime-blue Wyrm, a bulky flying mob resembling a dragon.
Goliath, a hulking humanoid looking like a yeti or ice golem.
Visage, a small, but moderately tough humanoid that summons creatures (undead? new ice youkai mobs?) to attack, though it has piss poor damage output on it's own. Maaaaybe debuff capabilities?

Boss idea
Snow Cap, a massive turtle-like creature covered in thick ice.

A lunge attack to move a short (long?) distance and damage/knock out of the way players in the path?
A slam of AoE ice damage.
Passively creates ice tiles on it's space and all adjacent spaces including while moving?
Possibly inflict Slow when it deals damage.

Second phase the shell breaks and it gets very fast and mean? Automatic Expanding Ice each turn (as the verglas skill)?
Please don't lynch me, I'm too young!
An ice mountain would be a pretty cool niche idea; having the stairs go "up" in this dungeon instead of down.

Ideas for Normal Mobs
-As for the Spiders, I would love to see something like -1 Move per basic they manage to perform on you that would last around 2 Turns (refreshable on hit with a cap or -3 or -4).
-All would receive heavy Resists to ice.
-I'm tempted to say a few more mob ideas are needed.

-Can't think of much at the time for the other types you listed. . .

Thoughts on the Boss Monster

-I'm 100% fine with it being some ice-turtle-thing.
-I would not like to see it inflicting Slow.
-I would be game to see it perform an attack similar to Ice Point (although en masse) that would be a bit more annoying to deal with.
-I would also like to see some type of effect take place, either in the boss fight or something that persists through the whole instance's fights (like taking hail damage equal to LV*5 per turn).
-I would like to see it have a move similar to Wraithguard that allows it to tank more damage (possibly refer to it as Withdraw) or to have the mechanic be a Passive Skill that slowly builds up over time.
-Possibly have it follow other similar boss tropes (I.E. Give it Demon Translation or some skill similar).

Final Thoughts (Edited In)

-By no means would I like for this to be an "easy" dungeon (and I 100% expect people to complain about for some reason the things I listed would make them too OP. . . 1, not all are meant to pass through but I would love to see all do so.[strike]2, Suck it up Koonie/Airde.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
Believe me when I say that a very concrete idea with whatever icons are needed to back it up will be far more likely to make it in than just telling Dev, "I want new dungeons/bosses/enemies/etc."
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
Ice resist goes without saying. But this is america, where redbull got sued for their slogan. So I'll write something up.
As far a I'm aware, Slow is a -X to move. Same thing you suggest the spiders have. If I am mistaken, the -X to move is the intention for the Snow Cap to slow. But ice points, that's an idea.

Thanks for the tip, Chaos.


New Dungeon: Mountain, this BDP is covered in snow and ice with stairs going up instead of down.

Frostheart race type: Creatures infused with cold, they have 50% ice resistance and 50% fire weakness. Frostheart creatures do not break ice tiles when they pass over them.

Boss: Snow Cap
A Snow Cap is an enormous tortoise with dark blue skin and a substantial shell made of thick ice.
Kneel: The Snow Cap bows and uses its shell to protect itself, reducing damage by X% where X is equal to it's level for 4(?) turns. (AI priority to maintain this buff?)
Glacial Splinter: A powerful stomp breaks up the ice and causes it to jut up in places. 3(?) Ice points appear at random within 5(?) range circle and ice tiles appear within 2(?) tiles of the ice points. Standing where an ice point forms deals ?% Ice ATK damage. (Should this prioritize tiles with players on them?)
Cold World: The Snow Cap leaves a trail of snow and ice in it's wake. Ice tiles form in adjacent tiles while moving.
Ice-Cold Shell: The Snow Cap's shell inflicts Frost on attackers within 1 range for 2 rounds. When a creature inflicted with Frost takes physical damage, the ice breaks and deals bonus ?% Ice ATK damage.
Deep Freeze: Ice tiles and points created by the Snow Cap last for Level/10+1 rounds. (completely arbitrary duration)


Frostbite Spider, a fast and physically tough mob. It's a blue spider, what else is there to say?
-Frostbite (like really, what other name would it be): Inflict -1 movement for 2 rounds. Stacks to -3. Duration is refreshed when applied.
Rime-blue Wyrm, a bulky flying reptile with two wings and two arms.
-Snowfall: This unit leaves ice tiles where it moves.
-Expanding Ice(?)
Goliath, a hulking humanoid looking like a yeti and is the apex back-handing predator in the wild.
-Heavy Hitter: On hit, knocks the target back one tile.
Visage, a small spirit that haunts the mountain passes and hunts for travelers to curse and beset with evil spirits. While it is frail and cowardly, it uses minions and curses to protect itself.
-Summon Icicles: Creates a tough and moderately dangerous flying ice crystal that casts (Miu/Famiuga/Libegrande?) and has a 3 range basic attack that deals ice damage. (AI priority to keep at least two summoned?)
-Coldsnap: A curse, 3 range. Inflicts the target with a curse that causes breaking ice tiles to deal ice damage (probably less than the youkai ability, Frostbite) and slows movement by 1 for 3 rounds.
...And the icons for them? We got the programmer, the idea, where are the resources? We don't have specific developers for each thing in this game, just. a. programmer.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I'll worry about that when the ideas are set in.. well, I hesitate to say stone so I'll say clay. Though the spider mob already exists and merely needs to be recolored, fortunately.
Please don't lynch me, I'm too young!
Updating without feedback :| So expect something to be horrid.

New Dungeon: Mountain, this BDP is covered in snow and ice with stairs going up instead of down.

Frostheart race type: Creatures infused with cold, they have 50% ice resistance and 50% fire weakness. Frostheart creatures do not break ice tiles when they pass over them.

Boss: Snow Cap
A Snow Cap is an enormous tortoise with dark blue skin and a substantial shell made of thick ice. They roam the peaks of mountains and attack anything that enters it's territory.
Kneel: The Snow Cap bows and uses its shell to protect itself, reducing damage by 10+X% where X is equal to it's level for 3 turns. AI priority to maintain this buff, similarly to Legume action priority.
Glacial Splinter: A powerful stomp breaks up the ice and causes it to jut up in places. 3 Ice points appear at random within 5 range circle and ice tiles appear within a 2 range circle of the ice points. Standing where an ice point forms deals 200% Ice ATK physical damage.
Cold World: The Snow Cap leaves a trail of snow and ice in it's wake. Ice tiles form in adjacent tiles while moving.
Ice-Cold Shell: The Snow Cap's shell inflicts Frost on attackers within 1 range for 2 rounds. When a creature inflicted with Frost takes physical damage, the ice breaks and deals bonus 50% Ice ATK magic damage and inflicts Frostbite level X where X is equal to Snow Cap's level for 2 rounds.
Deep Freeze: Ice tiles and points created by the Snow Cap last for Level/10+1 rounds.


Frostbite Spider, a fast and physically tough mob. These vicious creatures rush down their prey and attempt to kill it as quickly as possible
-Blood Chill: Inflict -1 movement and take 10% more Ice damage for two rounds. Stacks up to three times. Duration is refreshed when applied.
Rime-blue Wyrm, a fast, flying reptile with two wings and two arms. It prefers to keep distance with it's prey, killing them slowly and safely to later eat at it's leisure.
-Snowfall: This unit leaves ice tiles where it moves.
-Expanding Ice. Used every three rounds if able.
Goliath, a hulking humanoid looking like a yeti and is the apex back-handing predator in the wild.
-Heavy Hitter: On hit, knocks the target back one tile.
-Terrifying Toughness: Inflicts Hesitation level 30 when dealt less than 30 damage.
Visage, a small spirit that haunts the mountain passes and hunts for travelers to curse and beset with evil spirits. While it is frail and cowardly, it uses minions and curses to protect itself. AI prioritizes maintaining range from enemies.
-Summon Icicles: Creates a tough and moderately dangerous flying ice crystal that casts Libegrande and has a 3 range basic attack that deals ice magic damage. Visages prioritize this spell if there are less than two Icicles on the field.
-Coldsnap: A curse, 3 range. Inflicts the target with a curse for 5 rounds that amplifies ice damage taken by 50% and causes them to create a 2 range circle of ice tiles on round start. These ice tiles are not 'friendly' tiles.
-Black Hail Storm: Rank B Invocation. Deals 70% Ice ATK and 70% Darkness ATK magic damage to all enemies and has a 10% chance to spawn an ice point on every tile. Ice points create ice tiles within 3 range. Ice points spawned on enemy tiles causes them to take 150% Ice ATK physical damage. AI checks each turn if Black Hail Storm has been cast. If it has been cast, it will cast it again if able. Once cast 3 times (and properly invoked), the AI no longer prioritizes Black Hail Storm.
Please don't lynch me, I'm too young!
I could give it a try, to make certain differnt Icons for this.
I started with Ice monsters a while ago but kinda forgot about that project. But things like the turtle (In small) and the Ice Goliath I had done already or atleast mostly done (Reshading/Coloring mostly)

As seen here:

I could restart the project, if I get some ideas tossed in my direction. But don´t expect masterpieces! I am just mediocore at best.
I'd be quite happy to get a folder of sprites prepared for this, feel free to have at it. The turtle is just about perfect by the way.
Please don't lynch me, I'm too young!

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