Whenever we decided that BoI mitigating the damage from 3 sources entirely was too much, we nerfed it to make it so that it reduces duration by 1 each time, making it last for 2 hits, and a round change.
Curses, such as Fellel's Fumble and Plisfa's Masochism (or whatever it's called) cause a person to always miss, or to never evade. While not overbearing on paper, missing three hits for the person afflicted is awful.
For three momentum, you make your opponent lose nine or more until they can attack back with basic attacks (and mind you, some builds don't use anything but basic attacks.) This isn't exactly balanced, and can rather continually be spammed again and again by the hexer for a low cost to themselves to make their opponent start racking up the negative effects that will almost certainly be the end of them.
Masochism? For 3m, you make certain your target takes the next 3 basic attacks (maybe autohits too?) It's bad, but not nearly as bad as Fellel's fumble because it doesn't net any real momentum loss outside of that. It's just 'meh why stop'.
I'd like to see that Fellel's Fumble and Masochism at least reduced the duration instead of the level whenever they take a hit to it. This way, a single hexer can fellel's someone... then that person (on the basic attacking side), can proceed to hit once, take it.. then hit again to lower the level... I'll just make a nice flow chart.
Combat Flow Chart
Hexer Fellel's
Hexer does other thing
--Attacker hits Hexer
--Attacker takes Fellel's
--Attacker misses Hexer
Hexer does stuff
Hexer Fellel's themself
--Attacker misses Hexer
--Attacker loses Fellel's
--Attacker hits Hexer
Conversely, they are prime candidates for increased cooldowns. Like Engineer robots. Take your flow chart and replace Fellels with Metalaegis; makes sense that skills such as those should have cooldowns instead of nerfing them to trade 3 momentum for 3 momentum.
Just so you know, it isn't nerfing them to trade 3 momentum for 3 momentum. This is suggesting nerfing them to make it 3 momentum for 6 momentum (if they spend that momentum attacking), instead of 3 momentum for.. like... 9.
If they get a cooldown, I'd like to see it be a nice big one, or that they can't place one on themself again until the current one expires (and then the new cooldown starts for the hexer)
I like Fellel's where it's at, you have ways to avoid it as a whole, and it having a cooldown would open up a window of opportunity to assault a hexer, cooldowns allow these skills to be strong.
There are plenty of ways to get around Fumble, and Masochism is basically the accuracy-dependent man's version of Buster Cannon.
I see nothing wrong here.
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
EDIT: Please disregard this post. I was trying to keep conscious after a lot of blood loss when I knocked a can over and stepped on it in the dark, since I needed to be able to keep pressure on the wound. Needless to say, it's not the most intelligent thing I've ever posted. I'll leave it in a spoiler tag so you can see what Lolzy is talking about, if you care.
I feel that, in the past, I'd have been like "Um, why are you not sporting any autohits?"
However, under the new system, you need to sink points into guile if you want to do more crit damage, and since there's so few sources of acid damage, it's most likely a decent stat sink purely for the crit damage, and you're more likely to focus on attacks that can land crits. And while I'd like to argue that every build has it's weaknesses and that no build should be able to do everything...
I do definitely think that under the new system, it'd be in our best interest to have fewer ultimate hard counters that some builds absolutely cannot get around without judicious use of skills that character would not thematically be using - purely since it may not make sense from an IC standpoint to cover for that weakness. I'm not saying to make everything even. That would be stupid. I'm just saying we can ease off a little bit on hard counters to make some characters feel like they might have a shot... as opposed, to, say, an Akimbo MG against a Watchful Eye/ Cobra Stance/ Divine Blade Barrier Leporidae DH/Kensei.
So, I think the cooldown idea is a decent one, but of course, I realize I'm probably in the minority.
the guy building high crit has more than just high guile.
A) good cel
B) good skil
C) good luck
D) good str if weapon scales with it.
now lets go down the list of auto hits each class has that could spam these and be reasonable
All monk skills except the earth one, all Kensei/duelist autohits, all soldier autohits, Fray from VA, spellthief has spells for this, engineer has turrets to take fellel for him, Archer has Aerial deathray, and gunners are the only poor....oh wait not engineer has some gun autohits,
A lot of builds have very very few autohits, VA and MG immediately come to mind. This skill is one of the perfect candidates for the new cooldown system -- in fact, I'd argue all momentum efficient defensive skills are. Metalaegis, Fellels, Graft, and Medibot are prime examples.
"Ranylyn"' Wrote:EDIT: Please disregard this post. I was trying to keep conscious after a lot of blood loss when I knocked a can over and stepped on it in the dark, since I needed to be able to keep pressure on the wound. Needless to say, it's not the most intelligent thing I've ever posted. I'll leave it in a spoiler tag so you can see what Lolzy is talking about, if you care.
I'm going off topic here but call an ambulance or something next time you're losing a lot of blood, christ. Just thinking about this makes me nervous.
"Chaos"' Wrote:There are plenty of ways to get around Fumble, and Masochism is basically the accuracy-dependent man's version of Buster Cannon.
I see nothing wrong here.
Sort of agree with Chaos here. I'm not 100% against giving the curse skills a cooldown but, to me, if you all-in on doing basic attacks, it shouldn't be too surprising that things like humble fumble and blind are going to make you sad.