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Snake Dancer vs Status
Auto-hit attacks that have a status infliction associated with them still trigger their status when the attack is dodged through Cobra Stance's Snake Dancer passive. It's most easily visible in cases like Wings of Fire's Immolate or Barghest's Demon Drool still causing Burn and Poison respectively when it triggers, but presumably it works in about all other cases too. (Pretty sure I got blinded by a Shadow Guardian's Raven that I dodged too...)
It dodges the damage. Not the actual effects tied with the attack.
Enemies still 'hit' you while you're cobra dodging, it'd be so troublesome to deal with otherwise.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I guess, but it is all stylized as 'dodging' the attack in the blink of an eye. Whether things follow the mechanics exactly as they're written or are supposed to follow some unwritten rule of common sense is kind of a toss-up in this game so it'd be nice to get some feedback from the big man while we're here.

That, and it just feels kind of weird to be horribly burned by flames you supposedly 'dodged' or suffer a crippling wound from a stab in the same manner...
Well, if it makes you feel any better I would have it -not- dodge the Sears/other spells you're literally standing in the middle of (among a few other things).

It was most likely to allow Status Inflicts like the ones you mentioned in giving it some poor form of balance (if you have to ask why I say 'poor balance' take a look on the forums on the subject Topic of Cobra, I'm honestly surprised it took this long for all of this bull$@!t to come out over it; it's been a long time coming - squirreling a bit, sorry).

EDIT: Very small edit.
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Exxy Izzy
IF you dodged status inflictions a hexer would literally never poison a cobra with danger sense, again I believe this to be fair and balanced.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
"Spoops" Wrote:IF you dodged status inflictions a hexer would literally never poison a cobra with danger sense, again I believe this to be fair and balanced.

Just like how multi-shot guns always do little/no damage to a Matador?

I think that this change + Sderg's proposed nerfs from the other topic would go great hand-in-hand.
"Take it for granted. I dare you."

[Image: 142v2wn.png]

[Image: 21b2ouq.png]
I'm with Dave on this one, sorry. A complete dodge is still a dodge, regardless how OP it is.
It's also like I posted on the Wiki, Cobra is the strongest stance of DH, but also the most fragile, as it can be shut-down by Blind, Knockdown and (maybe it also should be) Immobilize.

Evasion, you partially dodge the attack, avoiding SOME of the damage. It's not even that OP but it's also shut-down by a list of effects. (Invoking, Guarding, Stunned or Knocked Down.)
Cobra uh... slickest dodge, ya'hear?! Dodges 100% of the damage, but how do you dodge only damage from a direct attack but still get hit? Idk.

Solid, accurate example: (And some quality RP from me.)
Overpowered Hexer: "Wretched Oil."
*Cobra Dodger does a jedi backflip, avoiding the mud.*
Cobra Dodger: "Lol, i completle doge ur mud slap cos i am see u, eat mai snek!"
Cobra Dodger: "..."
*Cobra Dodger vomits because poison and dies a second after*
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"Spoops" Wrote:Enemies still 'hit' you while you're cobra dodging, it'd be so troublesome to deal with otherwise.

This. This is another example of suspending reality becoming necessary for the sake of game balance. Being able to gain momentum off of crits on Cobra dodges, apply statuses, etc, is necessary. Can you imagine trying to dense thunder a demon hunter, or Ruby Beam blind them, only for it to be dodged and the status not applied? It'd be full immunity to damage in far more situations than it already is.
Yeah, but, that's with Derg's tune-down on Cobra in mind. (2 dances if main class, 1 dance if off-class.) And besides, if the enemy's a Monk in this case, they can Sun Flare to blind.
Ruby Beam, just run behind them and use it while hoping they don't have Watchful Eye.

What I mean is, if Snake Dancer triggers, they dodge damage + effects. Or just make them unable to avoid the infliction of KD, Immobilize and Blind, specifically.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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