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Crit here crit there! (duelist balance discussion)
The only real viable ways to get crit evade are via very select things

Black Knight (50)
Faith (1 per scaled fai)
LUC (1 per scaled LUC)
Boneheart (25)
Dragonscale (15 or something)

That's about it.

You more or less have to have two or even three of these before you begin to even remotely stand a chance of not being crit 100% of the time (or over 80% of the time) against a competent attacker since weapons can get crit as high as 40 or 50 with stuff. Toss in LUC (which you have to use your LUC to counter or fall behind)... Then you begin to fall behind in that you are now possibly using a stat you wouldn't normally use for the sheer fact of "please don't crit me"... Duelists currently get +30 (iirc) from Poise + perfect poise. This can be made better with their promo classes which can provide -15 critical evade to the opponent (-30 if you spend 3 momentum to also increase your damage against the target by 25%)... Or, if you're a ghost, you get +HIT and +CRIT (10) if your weapon is light enough. Which, as a ghost, you get more crit depending on how hurt you are.

Sooooo. What we come up with, here, is that crit evade is ridiculously hard to get. When Status Resistance became 'hard' to get, we introduced new items and enchantments to negate it. Crucifix is +10% status resist, +10% status resist from putting warding on your boots, trait for +10% status resist... etc.

I could say simply "NERF LUCK'S CRIT GIVEN" but that won't solve anything besides nerfing everyone and maybe getting duelists in the process. I'd say introduce another stat to Crit Evade's formula... One that no one will feel bad taking. Maybe vitality giving 1 crit evade and dropping FAI's crit evade back down to 0.5? This seems... plausible, to say the least with what we currently are given.


Or you know. Cap crit chance on a person at 50-75%. Then add a "minimum" crit of like.. 1% or something. I dunno. Seems sensible so this doesn't fuck literally everyone that uses basic attacks.. but it also adds a way so that crit stacking isn't stupid.
I don't see the problem. It just sounds like your builds that were crushing it in pvp were suddenly beaten by someone, the you had to go "plz nerf I ded"

If anything make fluer main class duelist only.

Did any of you even thing how screwed duelists are pve wise if you nerf fluer? they get chewed up by autohits.
Fleur is, quite simply, the method of dealing the most damage in the game right now. Three hits of 200+ damage is insane, especially when you don't need to multiclass it.

It needs a nerf, badly. That, or other classes need to be brought up to the same power.

also if a magic class was able to deal 600 damage in one turn you all would be screaming for nerfs. here's looking at you, posion
"MegaBlues"' Wrote:Fleur is, quite simply, the method of dealing the most damage in the game right now. Three hits of 200+ damage is insane, especially when you don't need to multiclass it.

It needs a nerf, badly. That, or other classes need to be brought up to the same power.

also if a magic class was able to deal 600 damage in one turn you all would be screaming for nerfs. here's looking at you, posion

Everyone knows you want to buff magic, but spamming it in every thread you create or comment in really should stop. And for the record, 200 damage per hit is far outside of how much damage that is usually done. You will only begin to hit those numbers against targets with low defense, no % reductions, or if you're using daggers.

Changing how Fleur works will toss the class into disarray, and likely leave it worse than when it started. If the issue is damage, crit damage can be addressed. If the issue is frequency, crit evade can be addressed. If the issue is crit versus autohit versus spells versus whatever, those can all be addressed. Changing those is FAR easier than changing Fleur.
Fluer has been in the state it's been for years.

All you need to do to put fluer in a good place

First Test
Change a lot of classes bonuses to crit to 50% effectiveness when subclassed.
Make Fluer main class duelist only. (this alleviates dagger dance shenanigans)

Second Test
If not fixed, increase the availability of crit evade

Kensei are supposed to crit and as much as I've wanted their passives nuked off the face of the earth,nothing was done about it so its the intended spirit of the class.
"Sawrock"' Wrote:I think Duelist is fine the way it is. Each class has a good ability(s), really. Duelists have fleur, Archers have pulling shot and long range, Summoners have their summons and install, Rogues have evasion, Martial Artists have meditate, Curates have good heals, Soldiers have HP tankiness as well as a good selection of weapon skills, etc.

I agree with this. But if anything, just make Fleur main class only since it seems to be the main problem.
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
I think Fleur being main class only is a good place to start.

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