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Crafting and Legend Extensions
Okay, from what I've understood (via the Wikia), you have a cap on just how many "Crafting Levels" you can acquire that's shared across all types of crafting. This cap is based on (Character Level / 10). The Wikia then goes on to state that the highest amount of "Crafting Levels" you can invest in to any one type of crafting is 4, and since all crafting types start off at level 1, you should basically "cap" at Level 5, no? Bearing that in mind, my plan was to invest 2 of my 6 (my character would be at level 60) "Crafting Levels" into Enchanting, putting it at level 3, and my remaining 4 into Metalwork, putting it at level 5. Afterwards, I would gain the two relevant Legend Extending Traits to boost each crafting level by 1 point to have mastery in all weapons for metalwork and mastery for the highest level of difficulty for enchanting. Granted, I didn't follow the plan in this exact order, but I figured order would hardly matter once the end result was the same. However, I've now ended up with both my Metalwork and Enchanting somehow being capped at Level 4 each and I've used both Legend Extending Traits to help reach them to this point. That is to say, thus far, I've only actually levelled each of the two crafting types twice each by "training" but they've both been capped off before I could use my final 2 "Crafting Levels" in Metalwork. Based on what the Wikia says, as well as a few others online, this seems to be a bug of sorts as it seems that somehow, the Legend Extending Traits are "capping" their respective crafting type.
the LE doesn't increase the level of your crafting level it just +1s the skill level down by the difficulty.

if you have level 4 in both it sounds like you mucked up and leveled them up
I don't understand what you mean by "+1s the skill level down by the difficulty". The "+1s" bit sounds like addition but the "down by" sounds like subtraction so I'm confused by what you're saying. As in, the skill level is increased by one and then downed by the diff - ... What? I genuinely have no idea how to understand what you're trying to say.

And even if I got them both to level 4, level 5 should be the cap at Character Level 60 but I still can't go up any further so that doesn't make sense either way.
What they mean is down by the difficulty of the item on the screen to craft it, there is another number that is what your Effective Level is for crafting that item. This is where all those LE bonuses and Talent bonuses are added in. The LE bonus isn't a raw level of Metalwork or whatever, it's a +1 level modifier.
So there's no bug here, right, just confusion?
Oh, I think understand that. Alright, not a bug then it seems. On a side note, someone should probably correct the Wikia.

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