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Make Summoners great again. (Discussion)
Personally I agree that'd be too strong, unless we overhauled all of their abilities overall to FIT that kind of system.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
I think giving them 4SP per level(that is not distributed by players) would be a good starting point, right now youkai are in a really good spot damage wise but they'll die instantly, which is not good because losing friendship with them is so harmful.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I'm agreeing with Spoops idea here, it'd be a start. Like they said, they are all completely glass cannon, which makes evoking their skills more worth it than summoning.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Just something I noticed. How are even summoners weak?

The pain comes after a Summon Storm, where 7 'glass cannons' (read: paper-worth in HP but still, high damage dealers, often on a minimum of 120 magic damage, aside their utilities like blinding, immobilize or inflicting silence.) come to fight you at once and gangbang you down to death. The sheer numbers plus the fact they may resist one proc of your AoE damage can be annoying as heck. Especially if the Summoner is being a Priest for the Mass Grafts and buffing their defenses with Sanctuary, or giving them a 7 round 'Shukuchi' on Quickness, making it impossible to run away from them.

Now imagine that, but with each Youkai being a player character-worth of survivability and damage? Ew. Just making anything slightly remind me of PvE and grinding makes me sick. Why bring this hell we've been through to PvP? Nein.

I'd only agree on a Youkai being 'strong and tanky' as a player character if there was a Bonder feature at only 1 bonded Youkai, tho'. Maybe a small tweak in Synchro Summon?
Just remove the 'you also gain the effects of this skill' part, and put 'the skill's duration and bonuses are doubled (tripled if 100% friendship) if you only have one bonded Youkai'. And bam, solved the 'Youkai are useless' part of this deal.

Bonders are pretty 'mandatory' to bring out a true Youkai's potential.
G.Summoners should use them like units, the 'grand' part comes from the number of Youkai they can summon at once to overpower the enemy with sheer numbers.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I agree with Kunai on the bonder thing. I was moreso going for toning back the damage youkai dealt to give them a little more survivability so they didn't feel so ungodly awful to fight for everyone, and so they didn't feel so glass cannon to use, Glass cannons can be fun but in this case they aren't when every single one save for a few are. But it's a good idea nonetheless. It'd make sense that if grand summoners can summon a large number of them at once that they aren't overbearingly strong per hit right? Since the popular ones all do autohits, they may as well not deal 1/4 someones hp per hit.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Okay, I had a thought of how to help make install maybe a little better, when using install, the only stats not affected would be aptitude and sanctity, that way no one gets shafted by having sanctity as a corrupted or not having that bit of aptitude to keep your +1 to all stats and such. At least in theory from what I know this should work. Also from using it on numerous enemy types, Phase Python at level 60 is very underwhelming, I suggest either boosting the strength stat itself on it or boosting its power on the 'weapon' it uses.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water

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