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Bravery Talent - Will (Fear)
Fear is in a pretty horrible place right now with the introduction of the Bravery Talent, and it was already easy to get around even before the talent rework.

With the Bravery Talent Will's existence, not only was it countered by a Shaitan's very existence, the Red Cape, Strong Legs (Priest), Steel Mind (Black Knight), Recklessness (Magic Gunner), and Cleanse Body (Martial Artist) before, but now it's effectiveness is reduced by -75% at max SR (SR * 25%), a measly -7.5 hit, and the duration is decreased by 3 (SR * 1).

Can we at least lower the fear hit reduction from Will to "SR * 10, or 15"? Just so, you know, it's not totally useless in decreasing hit in comparison to the large amount of hit buffs in the game. I'd actually like having the duration reduction part removed, since it really hurts a lot of fear-dependent items, skills and classes, but I doubt that'd happen.
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
I do agree that the Bravery talent is too effective against Fear and does pretty much invalidate it's primary use as a Hit Penalty. If it were up to me, I don't think I'd have it reduce the effectiveness of Fear's Hit Penalty.

Quote:I'd actually like having the duration reduction part removed, since it really hurts a lot of fear-dependent items, skills and classes, but I doubt that'd happen.

However, the talent only reduces the Duration of Fear of Death. If this is applying to more than that, I'm sure that's a bug.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
Fear is really a really dependent status effect for dodgy characters who aren't running Rogue, I'd agree that reducing it's effectiveness is a little bit needed here.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Yeah, you've said you don't want 'good-for-all' chars, then why do we have fearless people aside the Shaitans? This would fit better as a class innate, rather than a talent imo, so please consider it.
And as Spo said, this talent was too much of a straight punch in the nose of the most used builds, the 'brawlers', who have the 25-50% chance to dodge thanks to fear, so this talent needs a tone down.

[strike]Something like half effectiveness at max level?

SR * (-3 LV) Fear, so it becomes something like:

-30 Hit debuff to -15 Hit debuff.[/strike]

Edit: I'm on Exxy's train of thought.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
What if it was converted into Fear-only bonus Status Resistance (and lowered to something like +(SR*5)% at a max of SR3) instead of to the actual debuff itself?
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
A chance to resist auto-inflicted fears? Sure, can be.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I could go for that, Exxy. As Spoops said, fear is heavily depended on for dodgies who don't use Rogue. The -30 is really needed and never has been a problem since it can be easily avoided by Liquid Courage and the ones I mentioned before.
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
Hell, even the hesitation resistance is very strong.

But almost completely nullifying a status effect for 3 talent points is still a bit much yeah.

I also agree with Diz/Exxy's suggestion.
Kill it entirely. Make it a DEF/RES buff while outnumbered instead.

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