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Time and Why it matters
So, in a previous post,

"Neus" Wrote:Time is a game mechanic and shouldn't really be dragged into this considering I've said several times it's okay to outright ignore the passage of it and trying to play it straight can be confusing for everyone involved.

Dev said this. However there's issues, all around, with such things. IC constraints are tied to time, in a lot of ways. Characters can get jailed for 2 IC years. What's to stop them from outright ignoring time and say "oh, 2 years passed in 3 seconds. ggwp".

We've had cases of characters who were... like just born. Able adults at the ripe old age of 15-17 a few ooc months later, whilst the parents have not aged a day, nor has the parents compatriots (who probably had a child around the same time, and is still like 2 years old ic).

I really hate to say this, but time really needs to be regulated. It's silly that it has to be, but stupid outliers are making everything weird and wonky for everyone involved. I'm not gonna say something like Eternia's aging system, but just.. some way to make time not be stupid for some people, and not for other.
I've hated how time works forever, but I don't think this is a good idea. I'd rather just have it be policed- at least the whole "Suddenly spawning a fully grown child" thing, seeing as that's just poor roleplaying on their part. And if people say that about being jailed... Oh well? It's not like they're going to be let out for that. Unless this is a saturday morning kid's cartoon where they pull the wool over ol' Chaos' eyes again.
[Image: XVa5SaQ.png]
Well, cheesiest way to say it's possible is just to pull the card of 'God of Time is dead, so time perception is borked.' But eh... I dunno. That's just how I see everything ICly. Time is personal for each person, but it becomes a problem when you conflict with another person's. Especially in a universe where everybody wants to be the Main Character, and nobody is willing to be that Yamcha.

It's the same as saying "The Storyline is IC, everyone met Kinu and Ashe, and saw them fight in Bai Kai! Send help! We gotta stop Seto and Black Beasts!" This is... yeee... You get what I mean. Imagine if everyone took this literally and started RPing based on? (Which is what should be, in a sense, 'this' is SL's lore and world.)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I disagree really, because people should be able to roleplay whatever setting makes them feel more comfortable, infact I'd say outright stating what time is really isn't good for roleplay, being vague with your time is the better route to go since not every character can adhere to the same time rules.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I completely ignore time on some characters, but strictly adhere to the ingame date on others. It entirely depends on what I'm looking to do with that character. That being said...

Not to name any names, but there's been a few too many people that have gotten pregnant on day 1, given birth on day 2, and then played the 16 year old child on day 3. While the parent is still 20 or so.

I think it's completely fine to ignore the passage of time when children aren't involved.
I'd be fine with that, Soapy, except there's still conflicting matters of age.

Some characters grow older. Some do not. is one person really a liar? Is the other not?

It's weird and wonky, and doesn't make for that realistic (or un-realistic as it were) of a world whenever your friend turned 30, you met them when you were both 20, and you're still 20 (or going on 21) yourself.

I understand that people want their SAFE SPACE RPZ. GOTTA NOT LET TIME EVER AFFECT MY RPZ... but come on. Time is a factor that should be somewhat mandated, simply because it creates tons of continuity errors between folks that just flat out can't be ignored.
Sounds like a personal problem tbh.
Take from the wiki:

"Also, while people are welcome to age their characters if they want, please respect it if another player does not. Sigrogana is a very unique world where the blood of gods has trickled down to man, where magic exists, and some things are very hard to explain. Basically, hand waves are quite possible and helpful where needed, so it shouldn't break your immersion if the world doesn't move along with you."

There are plenty of times where I'm gone from a week to a month straight, giving me no access to SL2 (and it could be 6-8 months of downtime due to reasons).

Do I honestly feel like I should age my 16-18 year old characters even though they haven't had any character development, or interaction, due to my absence?

I'm not sure how much this affects you personally, Rendar, since I haven't seen you play the game in a long time.
[Image: 728daabd1d06463d4458817a55e80d3f09da5d88.gif]
            "Nothing good ever comes of her laughter. And she's always laughing."
[Image: ae1249ba537fe4f2c0b55eeb8655f8744028e0f7.gif]
I've been playing the game. I have a character active right now.
Personally I've never let it bother me as a whole, if time becomes an issue then just try not to acknowledge it as so large scale.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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