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Orkam Drehen's pull.
Can the pull be stopped by spiked threads or effects that ignore knockback? Can the skill be 'disabled' if the Boxer is immobilized or slowed by celsius?

Eff this skill with all my salt, Forced Move is a kid's play compared to this thing's pull. And Forced Move exists to give Soldiers the role of drawing all attention to themselves, like in any sane RPG.
So why a Martial Artist has a better way to do it than a class that IS supposed to be doing map-wide pulls?

Schwarz Sturm levels doesn't justify the utility of this skill's pull. While the range itself is '''fine''', if there was counterplay to the pulling part, I would appreciate a lot.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Treads don't need to be made any less consistent or any more of a hard counter to certain builds.

If anything I'd say just make it pull less.
Maybe it can pull 3 instead of 6 squares. Anything to make it atleast in pair with Forced Move.

The only thing I dislike is the way it makes you end infront of the Boxer, so you can't flank them from the diagonals.

And Immobilize making this skill unusable is still something I would deeply wish for, it adds counterplay to Orkam spammers. It's not like if there's only this skill in Boxer's skill tree, right?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
So the range is fine, and it needs to more consistently pull people across the map, but the skill is overpowering because you can pull from across the map-- and you deleted the post to instead say it could pull less, okay.

As for diagonals, a melee class with a pull that won't bring people into melee range from five feet away might as well not even have the skill in the first place. You should know that better than anyone, given what you did while it was bugged.
Boxer got balanced into a corner, it's their only answer to kiting from a competent enemy. Geist Schritt (Drei) is the same as moving, but can only be used once per turn and doesn't do damage. Without Orkam no Boxer would ever get above four or five SS level because the enemy would fuck right off. As long as the opponent avoids moving in diagonals, Korkenzeiher won't save you.

I'd personally direct the major power cuts to Geist or consider letting Korkenzeiher be readjusted so Orkam can take a hit as well.
I think a huge damage nerf is all Boxer needs to be balanced, otherwise they'd get kited to all hell and back, that's for another thread though.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
And I think that the SS system and it resetting to 0 if you use anything but boxer commands (EVEN MOVEMENT) means Boxer would be bad if it's damage was nerfed to be more in line with other classes, because then it completely loses the versatility that allows other classes to compete. If Boxer's damage gets a nerf, then SS should be cut in half with a non-boxer command instead of reset to 0.
*loud burp*
Caution: Salty Diz.
I know this is slightly out of place but most of my salt lies in what it does with it's skills are better versions of what other classes' do with theirs (like Koonie pointed out with the "Rook's" Orkam Drehen making the Knight's Forced Move look like a paper windmill next to a jet engine).

Nothing about this class is justified. It has fairly obscene damage output that piggybacks on existing skill concepts (example: a better Evasion that just so happens to be a limited-time buff, Orkam, etc) and a energy meter that doesn't really need to be drained after it's set in PvP due to the Finishers seeming lack-luster compared to other avenues of possibilities (mainly going back to the obscene damage output).

Anyway, back on-topic: I would honestly rather see damage nerfs, Orkam Hurricane to have less range (and possibly have it and other certain Boxer Skills not give a SS level if used back-to-back) in exchange for Boxers not being entirely crippled by being without Move (maybe once per turn without resetting SS levels if not flat-out removing that specific restriction, idk).
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
Boxer's balance is a lot tighter than people take it for. Out of everyone here, Kameron's has the best idea on how to handle Orkam.

That being said, I'm not opposed to Orkam's pull going from (Rank+1) tiles to (Rank) tiles to start off with.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
Can confirm, this skill is actual bullshit.

Dude was half the damn map away and just went "YOINK". There was legitimately no counterplay to get away aside form just killing his ass asap.

Seriously. Forced Move pulls you for 2m in a relatively 'short' range.. but doesn't deal damage.

This deals damage and pulls your ass real close for 3m. This is hardly balanced, and hardly fair to anyone. If you think otherwise, you are actually not a person.

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