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RENTing Aids
Title aside, Aid is currently a skill in Monk's repoirtoire that restores the target's HP by your Scaled WIL.

This is a very poor healing move on it's own, and won't actually ever be utilized outside of generating ki and moving a few squares at once. While, normally, I might be fine with this, this is sad. Why is it sad? This is a class built around Ki. You are managing your ki level through your attacks utilizing ki, your resistance utilizes ki... Why is Aid an exception?

Aid, right now, is used at the start of a fight for a monk... Generate extra ki.. then just left alone. I'd like to see Ki have added benefits if used whilst at certain ki levels (on other folks), but also have it's heal bonus increased.

The healing will change based upon your current ki level.

0-9 = Scaled WIL
10-19 = Scaled WIL*2
20-29 = SCALED WIL*3
30 = SCALED WIL*3 + Revive

However, these effects are halved if used on yourself ( in return, you gain additional KI for using it upon yourself). This will, at 40 scaled will, make a fully charged aid provide 120 health to an ally, and revive them. OR, 60 health to yourself and give 6 ki. (Numbers are a WIP, and subject to change.)

It could, also, possibly gain a ki usage cost if you use it on an ally instead of yourself of 3-6. Meaning that you can only get one revive in that way a round. This method will also save it from needing to have a cooldown dropped on it.. because the skill, itself, stops such abuse. A person can, technically, use it twice a round at 30 ki to recover SCALED WIL*6 health (or scaled wil*3 for yourself). However, this burns Momentum, FP, and ki. A resource that is needed to actually use the skill itself.

There's plenty of other ideas that could come up with this, but I feel like this would be a very interesting mechanic to change Aid up, considering no one uses it except at the start of a fight to build up ki faster than POWER UP
The heal is definitely absolute trash and it's only used for the movement + ki, absolutely.

I was hesitant to suggest bufffing the heal itself because of this, but I'd be down for trying your suggestion.

Dev has also said that monk is in need of another look, so I'll reserve final judgment until I have more details about other changes.
*loud burp*
Monk as a whole needs a larger overall rework, this could be part of it for sure, but just adding more things that need maxed out ki to be worth while doesn't fix their issues.
"Rendar"' Wrote:0-9 = Scaled WIL
10-19 = Scaled WIL*2
20-29 = SCALED WIL*3
30 = SCALED WIL*3 + Revive

Now make it half-effective when used on yourself, and bam. Thematic. They're 'made' to be annoying in fights and even more annoying in team fights due to their protective nature, and people's salt took this gimmick away from them, that they had pre-nerf. Nobody's using monk because Boxer and Verglas outshines them.

AND IT REALLY... 'REALLY'... needs a review on those offensive skills's scaling numbers. Like... 'really'? 90%? That makes it dramatically weaker than a basic hit.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
What about:

Aid (Max SR of 3):

SR 1: Heals Ki*1 to selected party member (self-included). Generates 2 Ki.
SR 2: Heals Ki*2 to selected party member (self-included). Generates 4 Ki.
SR 3: Heals Ki*3 to party members other than caster and gains the ability to Revive, Heals Ki*2 to caster. Generates 6 Ki.

This is a bit of future-proofing on my part (as it will come at the decision of increasing damage output and losing your Ki that you built up or consistent healing in my future redux thread).
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Exxy Izzy

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