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Lore Questions: December (2016)
Science related quesions:

1-what kind of advancements have been made technologically in terms of science (like what Qwarence did and also stuff like genes/mutation/other sciences)?

2-Based on that is it thinkable to have scientists devoted to taking apart and reconstructing monsters via Alchemy/Magic/whathaveyou?

3-How classified would such studies be in the countries?

4-Can this idea be used for events? (aka having some weird expermit nr. xy running around?)

5-A)Can we play a Scientist that does study that? (With GM approval?)B)Would the empire allow such experiments when supervised by them?

Unrelated questions:
-B.D.P Reports are mostly OOC with the Level info, but is there actually a way ICly to measure it´s danger level pre entering in some way?
-Same with Monsters? Could there be a way to ICly categorize them by maybe reading their focus or using some device? Maybe a F-S dangerrate system?
To what degree are Vampires affected by alcohol? Are they immune to the effects of alcohol poisoning like getting drunk or do they just have a really high resistance/processing rate of the ethanol?
Question One: So, how about the elemental gods, Nayrif (I think) and such, there are followers of them, yes? (if so I'd like to see those added as religions)

Question two: Abilities from Hexer like 'Plisfas Masochism" and "Menovs Fang" seem to be mentioning names. Are there beings that Hexers would commonly know associated with these spells or are they just skill names too like 'Mare Wing'?

Question Three: Regarding lore, are there generally a lot of stories of heroic deeds involving the youkai of the east and west gates, Seiryuu and Byakko?

Question Four: Do youkai bleed? (asside from maybe Drowned woman or something similar which would be obvious)

Question Five: How are youkai produced? Asexually or Sexually?

Question Six: If youkai are summoned out of combat, is sustaining them any easier? Or is the strain still the same?
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
Techinically late, and I apologize, but I had a few questions I wanted to ask (unfortunately I can only think of two for now):

-What fundamentally differentiates Ki from (traditional) Focus?

-Typically it's disallowed to draw weapons in Cellsvich due to others getting the wrong impression, yet there's an archery target in the main square's district. Why is this?
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
How does Boxer's Grand Upper actually work? I understand from a mechanical perspective it's hard to interpret it as anything other than 'that person has been smacked into low orbit', terms of RP, how does that work? What limitations are there on how Grand Upper can be interpreted in RP? (or just refer to the first question I asked)

While I'm on the subject of applying combat skills to RP....

How long does it take to create and then detonate a Voidgate? Are there any counter measures to someone trying to do that (assuming they're being actively watched and the victim knows without a doubt what they're doing).

How quickly can one utilize Blink and Swap Position? Is there any sort of resistance possible with Swap Position (i.e. can a potential target of Swap Position do anything to prevent being affected/what can stop Swap Position from working)? Can Blink be interrupted by anything beyond obscuring their line of sight?
For Wyverns, despite their distaste for the cold, could their possibly be Wyverns that might live in the mountainous areas of Lordwain? Even if it's only a few.

If so, would these ice wyverns have built a tolerance for the cold somehow?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
What is Mysterious ICly? Is it something like Record Erasure, or just somehow being hard to read?

Is Negotiate literally just working out a deal with an enemy, or is something more magical at work?

Distortion manipulates waves of light around someone, and invisible weapon makes things nearly invisible, is it at all possible to do something similar to make someone nearly invisible and how taxing would these things be to maintain ICly?

Given that slave trade exists, I assume it's safe to assume some unsavory people keep the more exotic races as 'pets'?

Is it possible to enter the Astral Plane/a summoning house without actually being at a door?

Elements are all the rage nowadays, and the only real non-elemental spells in the game are Essence Blast and Judgment Blade.
How much generic, non-elemental magic is there, really? Is it split into different applications, like how elements are?
Are Gravity and/or Time magic known or rumored to exist in any way, shape, or form? If so, how commonly?

Zerans are said to be equal, yet their government is run by noble houses. Am I wrong to think this would be something of a social issue? How much power do these houses hold over the common citizens, exactly?
I was re-reading the Onigan Noble Houses thread, and got curious about pronounciation.

Is the C in Cyre hard or soft? Is it pronounced like Sire, Seer, Keer (like Queer without the U) or Kire (like Fire but with a K?)
*loud burp*
"Snake"' Wrote:Questions for next year! Hue Hue Hue, Merry Xmas!

1- Can a 'Kigal' be made from the replica, by a mage who worked on it for over a whole lifetime until death, or is it simply something that cannot be achieved at all without divine intervention like Ashe's Vajistra?

There's no such thing as 'a' Kigal, there's only 'the' Kigal. And no.

"Kameron8"' Wrote:1. Do Vampires endanger their secret identity if they use Silvermists or Lunar Lunatism? Or is it something that can be subtle and unrecognizable even to people who are trained to know about Vampires?

2. Would a basic 'Sleep' spell exist? I imagine it would be a fairly basic illusion spell, but it'd be good to know if that were actually the case.

1) Normal people could probably be fooled by saying it's magic but it's a risk, yes, especially Lunar Lunatism.
2) Nothing that makes someone fall asleep on the spot, at least.

"Trexmaster"' Wrote:It's been said before that you can't loop around the world, and references were made to the 'known world', so, this leads me to--

What prevents someone from looping around the world?

What encompasses the known world, and what lies at its very borders (if this isn't answered by the prior question).

1) Turbulent seas, not being able to carry enough supplies, supplies eventually expiring, sea monsters. No one doubts that there's more out there but getting there has had hang-ups.
2) The Great Six is the known world, pretty much. It extends a bit beyond that but it's mostly sea with a few small islands.

"Sarah54321"' Wrote:Do lizardmen have genitalia?

Do they copulate like regular humanoid creatures?

1) Yes.
2) More or less.

"Soapy"' Wrote:Wtf is a divine soul

A divine soul, as in, the soul of something like a God.

"Raigen.Convict"' Wrote:Is there a figure like Santa for Yuletide?


"Soapy"' Wrote:If there's no doctrine, what are some common aspects of Huggessoan worship/worshippers (if there are any beyond "they likely wear funeral attire&quotWink?

Are Doriad capable of actually creating plants, or do they just make existing plants/seeds grow really fast?

Can anyone else create/control plants in such a manner? (I'm guessing Druids, but they aren't in yet.)

Is luck an actual 'statistic' in Sigrogana, beyond Redtails? On that note, are Redtails actually capable of stealing it?

Quote:Losing your life in the pursuit of greater power is not very praiseworthy or intelligent, and so liches are not allowed to be peers in Karaten.
Is this universally true, as in Karaten despises all liches without exception?

Not exactly a lore question, but how do you suggest Oracles RP being able to see the future, since the player obviously can't?

The only thing I've really seen done is having visions of 'possible futures' which is... kind of useless. My (basically ripped from a tabletop RPG) idea was, as something is happening/about to happen, (roll dice to) decide if the character saw a vision of it earlier, and if so, whether they took reasonable steps in hopes of affecting events.

1) Most of them are vampires.
2) The latter.
3) Druids, maybe some others not yet mentioned.
4) As much as it is in the real world. Who knows? Probably not.
5) In any official capacity, yes. In any society there are bound to be those who have different opinions.
6) Be vague and mysterious, plan out future events with RP partners and have visions pertaining to that.

"MakeshiftWalrus"' Wrote:-How strong are the teeth of Wyverntouched and Vampires? Are their fangs in particular stronger than the rest of their teeth?

-Mechanations with fake blood. For obvious reasons it's not something that would replenish itself biologically, but could this replenish itself magically? Would say, a Vampire be able be able to feed from this, if the 'Blood' was rich in focus?

-Is it possible for Vampires to shield themselves from the sun's draining waves with weak magical barriers or wards, almost like a parasol?

-Both Hyoya and Oniga are known for their skilled swordsmen. Which city would hold the title for undisputed best swordsmen in the world, though?

-Speaking of Hyoya, what type of rule is present there? Is there a noble family with claim to the city, or simply some kind of mayor?

-In regards to 'Hyoyan justice', is the ordinary citizen allowed to carry out these acts of vigilantism? Or is there a special military police in charge of disposing of unwanted guests?

1) Pretty strong.
2) No. Mechanations don't have a circulatory system. Any focus they have operates their bodies, and it isn't contained in any sort of liquid. Since vampires can only absorb focus through blood, Mechanations are completely useless to them for feeding purposes.
3) No. If you're in the sunlight, they affect you. Even a physical blocker like a parasol will only help so much if you're standing outside on a clear day.
4) In terms of skill, Oniga is almost certainly the victor. However, Hyoyain train to battle on ice and snow, so if the strongest Hyoyain and the strongest Onigan swordsman met on a frozen lake, the Hyoyain would probably win. Outside of their element, though, they're only slightly above average.
5) Hyoya doesn't really have a government, it's pretty much a monastery. The persons in charge there would be the masters of the respective arts, one for Hyoyain and one for Verglas. The actual 'town' of Hyoya is smaller than Lispool, and more or less follow the same laws as it, probably because the Mercalan faith is so prominent.
6) Hyoyain justice is only reserved for monsters and outlaws, short of something like murder or other violent crimes, in which case you get exiled. Not a fun thing, considering how cold it is on Lordwain, and between the faith and the disciplined warriors, it's very rare that anything requiring Hyoyain justice occurs within the town.

"Shujin"' Wrote:Science related quesions:

1-what kind of advancements have been made technologically in terms of science (like what Qwarence did and also stuff like genes/mutation/other sciences)?

2-Based on that is it thinkable to have scientists devoted to taking apart and reconstructing monsters via Alchemy/Magic/whathaveyou?

3-How classified would such studies be in the countries?

4-Can this idea be used for events? (aka having some weird expermit nr. xy running around?)

5-A)Can we play a Scientist that does study that? (With GM approval?)B)Would the empire allow such experiments when supervised by them?

Unrelated questions:
-B.D.P Reports are mostly OOC with the Level info, but is there actually a way ICly to measure it´s danger level pre entering in some way?
-Same with Monsters? Could there be a way to ICly categorize them by maybe reading their focus or using some device? Maybe a F-S dangerrate system?

1) A little too general of a question, sorry.
2) Yes.
3) Fairly under the rug, as you might expect.
4) Sure.
5A) Sure.
5B) Almost certainly not.
6) The level is a little OOC but I consider it somewhat IC too as a general 'level' reading based on its energy/power emanation.
7) We can assume the monsters inside a BDP are going to have power relative to the power of the BDP itself, but other than that, probably hard to tell most of the time.

"Latto"' Wrote:To what degree are Vampires affected by alcohol? Are they immune to the effects of alcohol poisoning like getting drunk or do they just have a really high resistance/processing rate of the ethanol?

A lesser rate, for sure.

"Raigen.Convict"' Wrote:Question One: So, how about the elemental gods, Nayrif (I think) and such, there are followers of them, yes? (if so I'd like to see those added as religions)

Question two: Abilities from Hexer like 'Plisfas Masochism" and "Menovs Fang" seem to be mentioning names. Are there beings that Hexers would commonly know associated with these spells or are they just skill names too like 'Mare Wing'?

Question Three: Regarding lore, are there generally a lot of stories of heroic deeds involving the youkai of the east and west gates, Seiryuu and Byakko?

Question Four: Do youkai bleed? (asside from maybe Drowned woman or something similar which would be obvious)

Question Five: How are youkai produced? Asexually or Sexually?

Question Six: If youkai are summoned out of combat, is sustaining them any easier? Or is the strain still the same?

1) I don't think many people would worship elemental gods, but maybe. I don't know if they would make sense as religions, because worship is so rare.
2) They're just names, really, but they're names associated with curses so we can assume they're evil spirits or demons of some kind.
3) Seiryuu and Byakko are more like guardian spirits in those places. Not really heroes.
4) Some can, some can't.
5) No one knows. They come from a different world, after all.
6) Summoning them at all causes the same level of strain.

"Exxy"' Wrote:Techinically late, and I apologize, but I had a few questions I wanted to ask (unfortunately I can only think of two for now):

-What fundamentally differentiates Ki from (traditional) Focus?

-Typically it's disallowed to draw weapons in Cellsvich due to others getting the wrong impression, yet there's an archery target in the main square's district. Why is this?

1) Everything that's alive has focus. Ki is similar to focus, but it's more potent and powerful, however it's more spiritual in nature. This means those without the proper training and discipline can't actually use Ki.
2) Because drawing your weapons in public and practising archery in front of a target are completely different things.

"Trexmaster"' Wrote:How does Boxer's Grand Upper actually work? I understand from a mechanical perspective it's hard to interpret it as anything other than 'that person has been smacked into low orbit', terms of RP, how does that work? What limitations are there on how Grand Upper can be interpreted in RP? (or just refer to the first question I asked)

While I'm on the subject of applying combat skills to RP....

How long does it take to create and then detonate a Voidgate? Are there any counter measures to someone trying to do that (assuming they're being actively watched and the victim knows without a doubt what they're doing).

How quickly can one utilize Blink and Swap Position? Is there any sort of resistance possible with Swap Position (i.e. can a potential target of Swap Position do anything to prevent being affected/what can stop Swap Position from working)? Can Blink be interrupted by anything beyond obscuring their line of sight?

1) I don't understand the question. They get punched into low orbit should be easy to interpret, don't you think?
2) About the same amount of time as it would take to do any other skill of the same Momentum cost.
3) They're spells so they require an incantation, like any other spell.

"Spoops"' Wrote:For Wyverns, despite their distaste for the cold, could their possibly be Wyverns that might live in the mountainous areas of Lordwain? Even if it's only a few.

If so, would these ice wyverns have built a tolerance for the cold somehow?

In the Wyverntouched racial description hints, there are a lot of varieties of wyverns, some of which live even in snowy mountains.

"Soapy"' Wrote:What is Mysterious ICly? Is it something like Record Erasure, or just somehow being hard to read?

Is Negotiate literally just working out a deal with an enemy, or is something more magical at work?

Distortion manipulates waves of light around someone, and invisible weapon makes things nearly invisible, is it at all possible to do something similar to make someone nearly invisible and how taxing would these things be to maintain ICly?

Given that slave trade exists, I assume it's safe to assume some unsavory people keep the more exotic races as 'pets'?

Is it possible to enter the Astral Plane/a summoning house without actually being at a door?

Elements are all the rage nowadays, and the only real non-elemental spells in the game are Essence Blast and Judgment Blade.
How much generic, non-elemental magic is there, really? Is it split into different applications, like how elements are?
Are Gravity and/or Time magic known or rumored to exist in any way, shape, or form? If so, how commonly?

Zerans are said to be equal, yet their government is run by noble houses. Am I wrong to think this would be something of a social issue? How much power do these houses hold over the common citizens, exactly?

1) I don't know if it really has any IC effect aside from making people think you're mysterious.
2) You make them an offer they can't refuse.
3) If someone were standing still it wouldn't be too difficult, but moving while invisible has all sorts of problems. For things like weapons, it's much simpler, because those typically don't change shape much.
4) I'm sure some people do that if they can get away with it.
5) The only way in and out through the Astral Plane is through the doors.
6) I'd say there's more than is represented in game, but generally it's weaker than elemental magic because there is no elemental god power cosigning it.
7) Gravity is a secondary of earth magic, time isn't influenced by magic.
8) The High Council holds influence over everything on Alstalsia. Higher government is a fact in every society so I don't think it would be an issue. Not to mention most Zerans are tied, in one way or another, to one of the noble houses that sit on the council.

"Ranylyn"' Wrote:I was re-reading the Onigan Noble Houses thread, and got curious about pronounciation.

Is the C in Cyre hard or soft? Is it pronounced like Sire, Seer, Keer (like Queer without the U) or Kire (like Fire but with a K?)

It's pronounced just like 'sire'.

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