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Damage Resistance vs Damage Resistance
Damage Resistance refers to your Physical/Magical DR given by DEF/RES and associated skills when applicable. (DEF/RES/Stand Off/Golden Glow/Weir Konnen)

Damage Resistance also refers to your Physical/Magical/Overall DR given to you by various sources such as Ogata Waraji/Nullstone Gauntlet/Turtle Shell, Weathered Body/1v1/Bulwark/Voidveil/Evasion/Wraithguard/Margin Manipulation/Indomitable

These resistances do not stack, but sometimes people think they do which leads to confusion, can we have one of these terms changed to something like 'Damage Protection' to cause less confusion in the future?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I've wanted something like this for awhile, mostly since after the GR, defenses and DRs became the same thing mechanically, but still applied at different parts of the formula.
To be honest, I actually did think they were the same thing (or at the very least, some part of the larger equation that involved both of them - which is somewhat true in a very backwards sense, but I still find it incredibly misleading).

Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
I never knew these were two seperate things in the first place. +1
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
In what way do they not stack?
Well, 40 DEF + Ogata Waraji + 1v1 is 51.4% total reduction, not 60%.
They stack, just not additively. But the first list all increase Phys/Mag Def (and say so in the descriptions), while the others say they reduce damage, which I think is enough of a distinction.
"Neus"' Wrote:They stack, just not additively. But the first list all increase Phys/Mag Def (and say so in the descriptions), while the others say they reduce damage, which I think is enough of a distinction.

I still think it's better to flat-out say they're two different methods of Damage Reduction/Negation/whatever-overall-term-you-want-to-use than to leave them as "Damage Resistance" and continuously cause confusion. They may be part of the larger goal like I previously mentioned but they play two completely different parts (think of it like having Left and Left instead of Left and Right).
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
I feel like there's enough evidence in this thread to warrant that there are still few people who actually understood what the wording on said items meant, from a first glance at least.

"Raigen.Convict"' Wrote:I never knew these were two seperate things in the first place. +1

"Exxy"' Wrote:To be honest, I actually did think they were the same thing

While it would be nice, it might not be a necessary change, do you have any other ideas to distinguish the two Dev?
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]

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