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Fortune Win
Hit and Evade buffs were recently tuned down to help diminish the impact of buff stacking, but the golden child was left untouched: Fortune Wind. This ability is the most effective evade buff in the game, often beating out blind (when blind fighting is accounted for). Please tune down the evade, as was discussed in the associated thread when these nerfs were being discussed.

[Image: ZUlCYzr.gif]

Keep in mind not only can it give more evade than this, but this is before ANY other buffs. (Southern Wind, Distortion)
You still had a chance to hit, whats your problem?

On a serious note, yeah, kinda seems like a oversight...It´s even useable on others, if memory serves me right.
I'd say give it the Distortion treatment. +2 Duration, bump it down to 50% Scaled Luck.
I have a nice gimmick for it, Dev said it once I'll just put here for reference.

Fortune Wind:
Rank 1: 20 FP, +1 Evade, +5% Scaled LUC
Rank 2: 25 FP, +2 Evade, +10% Scaled LUC, +1 Secondary Effect Range
Rank 3: 30 FP, +3 Evade, +15% Scaled LUC
Rank 4: 35 FP, +4 Evade, +20% Scaled LUC, +1 Secondary Effect Range
Rank 5: 40 FP, +5 Evade, +25% Scaled LUC

-It should scale from (Rank) Evade + (Rank) Scaled LUC with a duration of 1 round.

New Effect: Each successful dodge increases the Duration by 1 and LV by (Rank LV percentage)% of your scaled LUC, to a maximum of (2 * Rank LV percentage)% Scaled LUC and 4 rounds.

So it works like:
You use Fortune Wind LV 5 + 25% Scaled LUC, 1 round.
You dodge, Fortune Wind LV 5 + 50% Scaled LUC, 2 rounds.
You dodge, Fortune Wind LV 5 + 75% Scaled LUC, 3 rounds.
You dodge, Fortune Wind LV 5 + 100% Scaled LUC, 4 rounds.

Edit: Making stuff more clear.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"Shujin"' Wrote:You still had a chance to hit, whats your problem?

On a serious note, yeah, kinda seems like a oversight...It´s even useable on others, if memory serves me right.

it's able to be used on anyone and the evade is based on the caster's scaled luc (plus a bonus, because that wasn't enough). i'm not entirely sure, but i want to say it caps at around 60 or so?

even if it does get nerfed evade stacking will still be pretty bad, but it definitely still needs to happen

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