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Mirror bro
can we add the mirror knight fight to the statue of memories in the arena, it was an extremely fun fight.
I think the only thing really stopping me from adding him to one of the random dungeon themes as a boss is that he'd need a unique enchantment and a 10* item, or else he'd be a bit of a 'waste' to fight at high levels.
A mirror shield with a UL% chance to reflect like the accessory item, or on guard gains a fresh status of spirit mirror?

In pve it could summon a random clone of another player ul% of the time at the start of battle.

Inverted enchantment, weapon inflicts the On hit effects of the opponents weapon back at them.
I've actually been mulling over the idea of a 10* item, which I believe may be somewhat fitting for the boss. Essentially, a Stasis Robe, which makes one resistant to status infliction in place of one's natural resistance to it, in exchange for lesser effectiveness of healing effects.

I was thinking an Unarmored torso with high magic armor, which gives UL*4 - SAN*2 status resistance and -UL*4% healing received from all effects. Functionally, it would replace one's status resistance from SAN with an amount just under what soft capping SAN would give, leaving a race that doesn't benefit from SAN with the potential to stack enough resistance to bring a decent Hexer under 100% infliction chance, at a hefty cost.

It would be a rather large stat boost for a single item, but even humans tend to get a small chunk of SAN from aptitude. I believe all of the races with existing healing penalties gain large benefit from SAN, so it wouldn't be a very large benefit for them to use. Additionally, the healing penalty would leave poorer synergy with most Faith builds, since they usually involve healing, leaving it difficult to maximize the status resist boost while ignoring the penalty.

It's not really meant to make one able to completely shut down all status infliction, but allow Corrupted/humans/etc. to reach a high enough level of status resistance that building more makes any difference. Additionally, a significant healing penalty on an item would make low healing numbers no longer a way to instantly OOCly be certain that a character is a vampire. And would leave circumstances in which one couldn't just throw healing magic at a non-vampire to find out with OOC certainty they're not a vampire.

It may be a bit too much, but to better fit the boss, perhaps on a successful status resistance it could 'reflect' the infliction, performing an inflict check against the attacker for the same status using the attacker's inflict vs the attacker's resist. In either case, if an icon is needed, I have someone willing to make one for it.
[Image: 34838e9c78aaab4cfa3e2dabd2135899.png]

We've already seen time-and-time again with Vampires that only gaining 25% healing is next to friggin useless to 'balance out' something. Because about only 3 things actually utilize heals a lot.

Try giving something like reduced elemental attack (-UL*2 (or 3)) elemental attack to all of them. Makes it an actual negative effect that will, almost assuredly, affect everyone that wears it while still providing a hefty boon.
I think a torso item that summons a copied player in PvE and gives some damage retaliation could be a suitable idea.

Vampires have several significant exceptions to their healing penalty, including a racial. All the races that would benefit from this item would also be able to PR high potion, whereas there are builds while don't utilize elemental attack, or don't use it to a significant degree. But the downside's also to prevent synergy with builds that greatly benefit from the other status inflict stat, Faith. Without it, one could only start to drift into the range where status resist does anything, which makes the 'hefty boon' less significant than it seems. Against most focused status inflict builds, you need about 100 resist before it begins to do anything.

But Dev seems to like another idea for the item, so there's not a lot of reason to argue about it here. I believe I'll post another thread about it later.
[Image: 34838e9c78aaab4cfa3e2dabd2135899.png]

Enchantment should be for Torso or Shield, could be the Magic Retaliation LV50 passive, with full effect in Heavy Armor/Shield, LV25 in Light Armor and LV10 in Unarmored.

The torso should be a heavy armor that debuffs enemy LUC and SKI by 5+UL if they hit you with Pierce or Blunt damage, and UL * 2 chance to summon a copied player in PvE. (I'm also a big fan of the copied player part.)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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