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Post your most optimal, unkillable, and detailed (equipment, skill, class, etc.) tank set-ups, along with what they're good at and what they struggle against.
Boxer. The Boxer class.

I think the term and 'role' of tanks are fine, but the fact that tanks can fulfill their role of soaking up and resisting damage IN ADDITION to doing LUDICROUS amounts of damage is absolutely insane and not fun to play against. Counters being few and not relying on outsmarting your opponent in the slightest.

Optimal Equipment for Boxers:


With the nerf of mutated turtle shells there are now a variety of options but one thing that a torso must always have in common with boxers are the use of the 'unarmored' type. This provides them with a free 10% phys and magic resistance thanks to the skill 'Weathered Body'. Other common torso items include a mutated Whynesfelt to prevent being hit by the same effective spell, boosting their 'tankiness'. Armor of Eyes - For reducing critical damage.


Ogata Warajis are the perfect combination to an unarmored body as they provide a 10% damage decrease for ALL physical attacks. The only other footwear I would ever subsitute the GODLY warajis are spiked threads to prevent being pushed around cinder tiles.


Magical Comet. This weapon has amazing scaling that a boxer will want to build as WIL further increases their tankiness thanks to the skill Weir Konnen. By allocating stats in both STR and WIL, the weapon will have a scaled weapon attack of 100+. The magical comet also allows boxers the route of Hexer, a very, very good tank class due to Endurance and free stats in Res and Def. Rebelling Brawler Glove. (Self-Explanatory, although it has been nerfed.)

OFF HAND: - (Must always be gloves or an unarmed weapon for Weathered Body)

Bloody Palms. This overall increases the damage output of tank boxers by a huge margin with the hunted passive as well as the claret call bonus. Nullstone Gauntlet for an amazing 10% magic damage reduction for ALL MAGIC.


Any 30% elemental resistance accessory. The elemental resistance accessories will make up for the lack of magic resistance and make elemental physical attacks a cherry tap. Spirit Jar - A PERCENTAGE HEAL. If you build for a high amount of HP, you get a huge chunk of that back with this jar, you won't be dying anytime soon with a percentage heal up your sleeve.


This is where the real fun starts. Getting Boxer without dashes is like going an ice cream stall and ordering a salad. The fact that a dash can COMPLETELY NULLIFY AN ACTION in addition to giving the boxer 3 momentum is an insane advantage. The dashes force players to make a guess on which dash was used, keeping the tank in action for much, much longer and letting them build up their boxer meter for added damage.

Azura Fist Class - Why does this exist? It scales of a defensive stat, resistance, and scales of your weapon attack which would be 100+. It also builds up 2 levels of boxer power if you land it on something and it also procs Nacheben which gives them a whopping 50% AoE damage magic spell against everyone around it. A tank boxer with resistance and a magic attack that does crazy damage? Why not.

Boxer/Hexer Class - Thanks to the Magical Comet, they can use two extremely powerful spells with excellent damage in the Hexer arsenal. Wretched Oil and Underworld flame and Black Bubble. With their respective synergy Hexes which cause damage over time while the tank boxer laughs at you as you tickle them to death. They also have a curse (Fellel's Fumble) that makes you miss them while they can smack you with Boxer autohits, which is always fun to play against.

Boxer/Grand Summoner Class - Astral Aegis gives 5+ def and res at max rank. A boxer tank will have plenty of FP to maintain either lower leveled youkai which provide the stats in good abundance or high level youkai which do the same but can do great damage. It forces players to focus on either the youkai or the boxer who can build up their boxer power Schwarz Sturm while having their youkai destroy you at the same time.

Boxer/Ghost Class - Wraithguard in accordance with boxer equipment and optimal stats make you very, very tanky.

Boxer/Black Knight Class - More physical resistance thanks to their passives and stalemate make them excellent against basic attackers that rely on physical damage.

Boxer/Monk - Golden Glow for 10% damage resistance from all damage.

Boxer/Verglas - Ice point block and excellent stat bonuses.


- Void assassins with a vorpal fang/s will completely ruin any boxer tanks day thanks to the completely *fun* based vorpal strikes. (Also works against anything that moves if the VA is lucky.)

- Other tank boxers with Korkenzieher. Korkenzieher will build up Sturm while being able to pelt down tank boxers at the same time as it bypasses dashes. Faster boxers who build up their sturm to 8 for grandupper will also win.

- Wretched Oil + Menov Fang combo. A tank boxer with high health will MELT to this. Unless they were a glykin or wyverntouched.

- Builds that rely on one very powerful strike to end the fight as soon as possible excluding void assassins.


- Pray for Vorpal strikes

- Pray you have tank boxers

- Pray you have Wretched Oil and Menov Fang and they aren't a Glykin or Wyverntouched tank boxer

- A quick death
[Image: tenor.gif]
PM'd you my post. Though if you want me to post it here instead, I can. Explained why in the PM.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
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Void assassin BK
A dagger (atlaus abaniko for now due to scaling)
Adversity tunic mutated into heavy armor (40% Damage reduction in group fights)
Magnetic shield
Flame walker 30% fire resist
Isespian charm 30% earth resist
Sylph cloak 30% wind resist

With voidveil, dodgebuffs, and Bk passives I can omnitank and retain some dodge.
Anything attacking me.
Another Tank.
Boxer seems to be the biggest issue at the moment, it's so good, but not only that but Martial Artists in general have gained infamy as being the tankiest things on the server, tankier than any black knight or hexer should be, and that's absolutely disgusting.

Grand Summoner has risen in popularity as a tank class, not because it gives you inherit tankiness but because all of it's skills scale elemental attack, for example, one of my favorite characters before GR was a water mage, with 50 DEF/RES but like 42 VIT, that was their weakness pre-GR was the low HP, which was suiting because the character itself was a mechanation girl with a small, but dense frame.

But since GR, my favorite water damage class Grand Summoner has been thrown around left and right because of it's ability to build pure tank and do more damage than anyone in the game due to how elemental scaling works, for example that gif that Kameron8 posted was of my water mage doing the scummiest thing imaginable, spamming youkai spells, especially Parratea which heals damage as it deals damage, which is a catastrophic effect.

To further expand on this build, this girl was originally only meant to be a water mage, but due to water ATK being tied to VIT I feel guilty every day that this character is one of the tankiest and biggest magic damage dealers in the game, here's their stats, and they're able to nail people for 300 damage per parratea/drown/whirlpool usually.

[Image: 764e0e223a.png]
[Image: 77948319ff.png]

Not only that but my opinion is that some classes not meant to be tanks have been turning into tanks because VIT/DEF/RES are so overpowered when compared to Celerity, due to the change to %s, DEF and RES have become absolutely catastrophic at increasing your EFFECTIVE health pool, say someone has 800 health and 50% DR, which is mighty generous considering people are packing 70%+ these days, this 800 health tank effectively has 1600 health because he's only taking half the damage he should.

Further expanding on this, this is one of my highest effective health characters in the game currently.
[Image: 02867d722d.png]
[Image: b8cfcb6e41.png]
[Image: 26b7b3ca30.png]
[Image: ab8f69e4e2.png]

With all of these DRs (including one vs one) they are able to hit 73% total DR after all calculations, 1370/.27 would mean they effectively have 5074 health with all of these up, granted this setup has some weaknesses, but it is very strong, that being said this character's only form of actual damage is EI, they don't deal much damage otherwise.

Finally I'll be brought to self healing, as mentioned with Parratea, healing health is a huge deal, it effectively just diminishes anything your opponent can throw at you, this seems to be a huge issue with curates and glykins, Glykins having a racial that heals them passively and gives them poison immunity, and curates having access to Graft and Pheonix/Malmelo, though interference is a good counter to this, not everyone is rocking interference, and curates have a lot of status resist usually, like a dumb amount.

Those are two of my most prominent setups really, the healing tanks are just kind of unkillable walls of effective health until interference comes into play.

Side note:
Quote:Adversity tunic mutated into heavy armor (40% Damage reduction in group fights)
Do not believe this at all, adversity tunic isnt actually a problem you just need to not crowd around the person wearing it, that's all it is, also 40% damage reduction is only achieved if there are 5 people around the player, which in a 3v3 or 4v4, is not very likely at all.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
You forgot 'pray for them to disconnect so they can't fight back', K!

Now now, here goes a few that bother me:


CLASS COMBO: Verglas/Hexer

- Dragon Remains Rustic Magical Comet
- Leviathan/Gigantic Priest Robe
- Icejewel Bloody Palms
- Warwalk Ogata's Waraji
- Red Cape
- 30% Light Resistance Sunglasses (for Vampire)/Soul Jar (for Everyone non-Vampire)

First, you get a free +10 DEF/RES from Ice Point Guard, and a free 'Guard'.
Then you proceed to Shukuchi -> Freezing Heaven Kick -> Wretched Oil
If the enemy silences you, you Menov's Fang and Expand Ice eternally.
If the enemy lacks ways to silence you, you inflict Poison, Silence, Interference, Fear, Cancer, Gonorrhea, Leptospirosis, etc.

- Susceptible to Critical Hits.
They lack ways to increase their Critical Evade with this, though their tankiness can let them survive for long enough as they cripple the enemy into oblivion with status effect, followed by expand ice meme. You can outdamage people before they try anything with this setup while surviving for long enough.
Though, even if 'Critical Hits' are their weakness, it's not a big deal, since you have Fellel's Fumble to protect you from 3 attacks.

- Priests or Spellthieves with Sanctuary.
That prevents terraform from Expand Ice.


CLASS COMBO: Lantern Bearer/Hexer

- Rebellion Water Tome/ Screamer Tome
- Leviathan/Gigantic Priest Robe
- Bloody Palms
- Warwalk Ogata's Waraji
- Soul Jar
- Red Cape

First, you start by buffing your RES with Brighten, as well as from your friends. If the enemy has a lot of people who can inflict silence. Apply Silence Immunity to the whole party with Rebia.
Now, wait for them to approach, if they don't get close. Blink towards them and perform the usual a Hexer does. (inflict Poison, Silence, Interference, Fear, Cancer, Gonorrhea, Leptospirosis, etc.) While becoming immune to Basic Hits and Vorpal due to Fellel's Fumble.

Right, now your enemy must be in a pool of their own putrid blood, if they try to damage you. Use Phoenix and Graft.
If you see the status effects are going, re-apply them. Don't forget to stay immune to silence. And if they manage to silence you, use Silent Prayer.


- 'Supposed' to be Silence.
But that doesn't exist for this setup, sorry.

- (Class that inflicts silence)/Hexers.
Sometimes this works, as they can inflict an auto-silence and Strangling Etacof after. Though if they have screamer? Nope.

- Disconnection.
(If they have Screamer)


CLASS COMBO: Black Knight/Priest

- Rebellion Battleaxe
- Bleached Turtle Shell
- Fang-Faced Shield
- Warwalk Spiked Threads
- Soul Jar
- Red Cape

Sanctuary, Brighten, Malmelo, Bright Bishop, Guard, Bright Bishop, Guard, Bright Bishop, Malmelo, Bright Bishop, Guard, Bright Bishop, Guard, Bright Bishop, Malmelo, Bright Bishop, Guard, Bright Bishop, Guard, Bright Bishop, Malmelo, Bright Bishop, Guard, Bright Bishop, Guard, Bright Bishop, Malmelo, Bright Bishop, Guard, Bright Bishop, Guard, Bright Bishop... (etc)

And forget about the word 'Critical Hit', since you have like 50 FAI plus 50 Critical Evade from BK and 25 Critical Evade from Bleached Fang

- Silence, maybe? Nope, Silent Prayer.


CLASS COMBO: Kensei/Demon Hunter (Matador)

- Rebellion Magmic Fuuma
- Leviathan Priest Robe
- Firejewel Nihilist
- Warwalk Ogata's Waraji
- Soul Jar
- Mars Badge

Crystal Rose, Charge, Run away, Crystal Rose, Charge, Run away, Crystal Rose, Charge, Run away, Crystal Rose, Charge, Run away, Crystal Rose, Charge, Run away, Crystal Rose, Charge, Run away, Crystal Rose, Charge, Run away, Crystal Rose, Charge, Run away, Crystal Rose, Charge, Run away... (etc)


- Firewalk.
- Fire Resist.
- Priests or Spellthieves with Sanctuary.
- Martial Artists with Shukuchi + Heaven Kick + Expand Ice.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Grand Summoner and Priest
Rebelling 1 star Chorus fully upgraded
Fully upgraded Armor of Eyes
Blue Iron Sheild with 3 def and 30% dark res
Ogatas Waraji
Lucky Amulet
Spirit Mirror

Grand Summoner:
Max rank Soul Chains
Max Rank Judgement Blade
Max Rank Summon Storm
Rank 4 Spirit regeneration.
Max Rank Astral Aegis
Max Rank Absorb Ether and New Heights
Max Rank Auto Summon

Base Summoner:
Maxed skills:
The Contract
Affinity: Fairy, Beast, Night, Dragon, Avian and Mystic

Maxed Skills:
Second Chance
Silent Prayer
Pacifists Boon
Rank 2 Rescue

Maxed Skills:
Holy Spark
Divine Shower
Shine Knights
Mercalan Mist
Staff Mastery

White Spirits:
Judgement Blade
Holy Spark
Shine Knights
Divine Shower

[Image: 46a9ce8a8f029d2053ed8e2ccd30e512.png]

Contracted Youkai:
[Image: 624d0f652a425745867ebf99f775c5be.png]
[Image: ee043945414c49f253015703c11d5c23.png]

Area of effect attacks
Movement crippling
High Ranged attacks
Interference Shell's charge effect.
Area of effect silence (keeps youkai from spell-casting)
Abusing elemental weaknesses of youkai
Maxed Resistance targets
The ability to ignore defense.
High elemental resistance.

Playstyle: Utilize auto-summon and size up the opponent, if they're slower, summon more youkai and use quickness, if they go first and approach, use sanctuary and create a bunker. If they go first and buff themselves, proceed to do the same as with slower targets. Utilize the heavy amount of utility priest spells provide along with positioning youkai with total control and using every passive and spell they have to their fullest effect, and remember about soul chains into judgement blade dealing over 200 damage on low resistance targets.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
thats completely true spoops, I just pve a lot more than I PVP and adversity tunic is amazing vs PVE and summoners
I got a Boxer/BK.

[Image: a5387b655f.png]
Shaman, all VIT + SKI traits, Sharper Claws
(and there's still room for improvement)

[Image: 4ae210fd9f.png]
Items aren't exactly optimized. Bonehart on torso, Rebelling on Fists. Otaku shoes ruined and Fake Badge is a lil' useless. Ring of Knight is more of a last resort, but still really useful.

GS allows for survival against mages and other high-damaging autohits while stalemate practically deals with everything basic attack wise. Sturm Shreik is good at screwing mages, too, if it LANDS.
Full skill list includes:
Meditate, Stalemate, Urawaza, Cleanse Body, Geldoren, Shukuchi, Checkmate, Felhook, Sturm Shreik, Felsmanege, Orkam Drehen, Prophylaxis, GS Zwei, GS Enis, Fegen, Light Tomahawk, and Nachbeben.
I sometimes switch things out like Nachbeben for Watchful Eye, or whatever.

Basically, anyone who relies on basic attacks is really fucked while autohit physical attacks is only kinda fucked. Mages can really mess her up due to low RES. Boxer skills taking a lot of FP is also a problem. So, if she isn't spammed to death with magic, she can hold her own pretty great.
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            "Nothing good ever comes of her laughter. And she's always laughing."
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Here's a few simple setups that I've used to great effect but that I don't have any special gear for or anything. Just some PVE tank builds that would likely get laughed off the battlefield in PVP, but are convenient and easy for lazy and safe PVE solos. I personally don't think any of these (except maybe the last one) would actually be an issue in PVP due to things like reliance on normal attacks and dependance on very specific sequences of actions that could easily be countered just by moving.

Stats: 80 base Sanctity (not joking) and high Skill/Will/Def/Res/Vit
Equipment: Mugendai, any heavy armor, anything else.
How it works: Hanging. Indomitable. Coil. Between indomitable, black wind, and coil, you have a 36% physical DR and 60% guard, while healing about 20 HP/FP - in addition to the 20 FP/turn from GS + Absorbtion.
Noteworthy Notes: I am NOT joking when I say I joined a 10* hunting party against level 65 bandits while at level 25 to hold a magnifying glass for the party and get some exp out of it, and the bandits could not concievably win against me when the party was stuck on the other side of the map and I had to hold my own. Still, against anything that blocks normal attacks, like spirit pain, it's hard countered.

Stats: Who gives a crap, it's not the stats that matter, it's the bonuses.
Equipment: A multishot gun.
How it works: Sadistic Renewal + multishot gun = multiple procs per action. Astral Aegis. Just see for yourself: (I spent time getting Death Knighting up to make this as hilarious as possible; I wouldn't normally go so many actions without sustaining my FP.) For the record, the base defense is like 22 (+10 from Astral Belt, +10 from Death Knighting, +35 from R5 Astral Aegis with 7 Youkai out)
Noteworthy notes: This works in PVE because the AI focuses down the summoner. In PVP, it would NOT be hard to take down the Youkai, and the summoner itself is basically completely dependant on spamming normal attacks just to sustain it's FP, or the whole thing completely falls apart.

Stats: High San/Fai/Def/Res/Vit
Equipment: Any tome scaling with any of your stats, preferably Fai or San, so a Chorusaf or Mugendai or something. Also, an adversity tunic. Also a shield for Bulwark.
How it works: Get ganked. Graft + Styx Shout. Styx Shout counts as a normal attack, so you get multiple procs of FP recovery for attacking with a tome. Adversity. Your FP is at 100% all the time. Your sustain is never an issue. And the adversity tunic shaves off a significant chunk of the damage you take.
Noteworthy Notes: Bunker formation can make you a bit tankier still.

Stats: Vit/Def/Res/San
Equipment: Heavy armor. Nihilist.
How it works: Parraeta x 18892.
Noteworthy notes: Somehow, 18892 became my favorite number when I was like, six. Because I liked how it sounded.
*loud burp*

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