"Sephikus"' Wrote:In December you answered a question regarding time to use an ability with this
"Neus"' Wrote:[...]
2) About the same amount of time as it would take to do any other skill of the same Momentum cost.
Does this mean each point of momentum has a set duration(similar to how each turn in D&D last 6 seconds) or is it just that things that cost 3 momentum tend to take roughly the same amount of time?
Am I reading too much into things to assume 'Air', the Agency Gate lady outside Cellsvich, is actually a Vampire? She sells the Huggessoa religion item, has red eyes, and the way she reacts to vampires all seem to lead me to this conclusion.
1) It's a good estimate. I'm probably not going to be able to answer the question any more specifically.
2) Won't confirm or deny, but the hints are there.
"Raigen.Convict"' Wrote:When you speak an invocation, must you speak the exact words that the invocation chant in game says for you? Or icly could you alter the words and still do it?
Could you speak only a single word and still use the invocation?
Could you not have to speak at all?
1) Yes.
2) No.
3) No.
"Snake"' Wrote:Healcat question:
1- How the heck Remedia (Or any Inn, in general) heals Mechanations, Liches and Dullahans? Or does she get some help from her friend Yuna on parts she can't help without some engineering or blacksmithing?
Don't think about it too deeply.
"Sawrock"' Wrote:To add on Raigen's post, can invocations be translated to other languages?
"Lonestar"' Wrote:Cryomancy related question:
Is there a type of 'true ice' (unbreakable ice)? If yes, what would happen to the user if they tried such potent magic?
"Lolzytripd"' Wrote:How would the church react to spell thiefs stealing mercana
Specifically stealing shine knights.
Usually the church only makes a fuss over people using Mercana.
"iStabOreos"' Wrote:If you're not of Mereclan faith, would only using the bare minimum, lets say just from curate, would said character be hunted down by the church? And on that matter how much do priest and priestess frown upon those who abuse Mereclan dominated spells? (As an add-on to Lolztripd's question)
What is the 'bare minimum'? Generally, the church doesn't like people not of the fate using Mercana, but if you're not attracting attention they aren't going to be actively looking for you. Don't understand the second question, you'll have to clarify what you mean by 'Mercana dominated spells'.
"Snake"' Wrote:Priest questions:
1- How the hell can a Priest denounce an apostile or someone who blandly abuses Mercana without giving a hell to the tenents or warnings? (Both IC and OOC.)
2- Badlands Arena has this new trend where everybody seems to be a little trigger happy with Graft, Malmelo and Phoenix. Will the church ever pay attention to this?
Silvermists questions:
3- Speaking of which, can Vampires, when they lose a limb, reattach it like true Undead by using Silvermists?
4- What does 'Rejuvinate' means in Silvermists? Complete regeneration or just the same effects as a Graft?
1) Don't ask questions like this in retalation for IC/OOC stuff. I'm not going to make justifications for someone's IC actions or OOC behavior in this thread.
2) Dunno.
3) No.
4) I think we can infer what it means based on the effect, can't we? It rejuvenates just like most heals.
"Grandpa"' Wrote:Are terms like "what the hell" still used? Or are they mostly replaced with "what in Lazarus" or something like that? Or are they both used about the same amount/interchangeably?
They can both be used.
"Kavoir"' Wrote:Do Zerans tend to use the local wildlife in their cooking? Or do they stick to normal animals and if so do they import them to raise or are their normal animals there as well?
What are the limits of Cladis Mortem Null in terms of body used? Does mixing corpses work? Could you animate a zombie with metal through a major organ? I mean we know legs are not required.
1) Yes, they will use the unique monsters/critters as food, assuming they aren't poisonous.
2) Cladis Mortem Null only affects one body. Mixing corpses doesn't work. You could, provided the body was still in one piece. It will affect whatever part of the body the head is currently attached to.