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Eyeing the Text
Would it be possible for the text in the lower lefthand corner to have a preference for making it bigger?

As of right now it is ridiculously tiny and hard to read if you use stretch to fit (or even don't use it, so long as you aren't using 200% mode).

Just having preferences for 1x > 2x > 3x would be ridiculously handy.

For reference:
[Image: 3fb3FVf.png]

In addition to that, the background behind it can sometimes make it more difficult to read. A size option would be excellent.
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]
What kind of resolution do you need to get that much scenery in the window, holy crap. My computer can't go beyond 1366x768.

Anyways, I'll support this for the people who need it. I don't, but I understand the request.
*loud burp*
1920x1080. 200% makes life easier because of being able to read shit. However double clicking folks and seeing their profile makes the entire game go to shit.

Would totally love 150% tbqh, but that's not the point.
150% would probably look ugly because of the, you know, pixel scaling issues. Hell, that's why I don't even use Stretch-to-Fit, but that's a personal choice. Just blurs everything too much for me.

I'm also on 1920x1080. Here's another reference, with some tile choice to emphasize the strain.
[Image: 17fc64c35c7fbc8177d99f92e47c0573.png]

If the text size could be increased, so would the black letter border, which would really help.
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]
I also play on my 1920x1080 screen, best way to watch 1080p videos and such, +1 to this.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I added a preference for 200% and 300% normal size for that specific thing.

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