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My Fairy Drowned Woman
Asrai currently counts as Drowned Woman as you can see in the screenshot below.
What's the issue here? Just an icon error?
If you pay attention to the picture, it's the Youkai using another's name. ('Asrai' gets changed to 'Drowned Woman', instead of staying 'Asrai' in the tooltip.)

This is an old bug that nobody ever figured a proper way to reproduce, since it happens so randomly.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
It's the old bug that I mentioned in one of the youkai grinding threads but never managed to reproduce after the fact.

It's not just limited to Asrai and Drowned Woman. The bug is simply that any Summon command for an unsummoned youkai might randomly be swapped with one for a youkai that is summoned, making the former youkai unusable.

If someone could figure out how to properly reproduce it, it would be appreciated.
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]
I'll post this here again since this is the same issue.

[Image: 82554dc954.png]

It seems like simply summoning the youkai causes this. I'm unsure if it's solely from the hotbar or not, but in this case I used the hotbar 90% of the time, at one point getting this bug the very first time I summoned a Youkai (the summoned Youkai overtook the name of one of my other Youkai immediately).

To be more exact:

1. Have more than one Youkai available.
2. Summon a Youkai (using the hotbar is more likely to be the culprit)
3. There's a good chance one of your other available Youkai is now considered by the game to be the Youkai you just summoned for the purposes of being able to summon that Youkai (read: it will think it's already out thus block out the ability to summon them).

Possibly related, is the fact that when you summon a Youkai, the Unsummon skill will randomly pull from the names of other Youkai other players have (i.e. I'll randomly get my unnamed Hatsu named Stan by the Unsummon skill, reading 'Unsummon Stan' instead of 'Unsummon Hatsu') at times. This facet may be harder to test without other online players, but it remains a complete mystery to me why it happens. To note, nothing else about the Youkai or the skill changes, just the aesthetic name the skill uses.


I tested it with the hotbar to make sure, first try I got both of the issues I stated at once.
[Image: 50c5d86036.jpg]

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