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Melee weapons ending turn early
When making a new character, I found that using a melee weapon appears to automatically end your turn as though you're out of stamina after moving. This was tested with a longsword and with bare fists, as well as with a tome to make sure it didn't apply to all weapons. It seems that regardless of class, skills, traits, stats, or anything else for that matter, using a melee weapon including your bare fists causes your turn to end after moving regardless of your remaining momentum. It doesn't apply to any other actions as far as i can tell, I was still able to attack and then choose to make other actions afterwards regardless of if I had the momentum to actually do anything else or not.

Something down the line must stop this bug from happening because I imagine it would have been identified as soon as it came to be otherwise. At the moment I have no idea what that is, all of this testing was done on a fresh character.

EDIT - The tactician trait seems to immediately fix this bug.
I also noticed this when making a new character. I think Dev mentioned already knowing about it though so it might be fixed now.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
Still around me and the only other person in my party are affected by it.
You have 6 Momentum. Moving uses 3. Attacking with ANY weapon uses 3. That's why your turn ends. Tactician boosts you to 7 Momentum. Attacking twice doubles Momentum used (3 the first time, 4 the second). This is a penalty for using the same attack/skill/ability/moving twice in a round, the additional 1 Momentum.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: She left me for WoW?! THIS IS BULLSHIT

Quote:Underwhelmed green-haired girl shouts "BITING EACH OTHER IS NOT A LIZARD SEX THING."
Miv, they should still have 3 m after movement. They're saying they do not get that 3 m post movement.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
As Reigen said.

Moving takes Three Attack takes another 3. that's 6.

Attacking twice would take 7

The same goes for the Reverse I should be able to move after attacking. attacking takes 3 moving takes 3

If it helps I am not Over Encumbered I am not statused I am using a Spear and a Wisp Cloak
your turn will automatically end if you don't have 4 momentum or another offensive skill in your slot pool.

Just get tactician its mandatory, theres no reason not tot take it.
AS has been stated three times now TWICE BY ME

It's not that I lack the momentum to take another action. i'm not that much of an idiot it's the game automatically ending my turn.

Also it's kinda hard to get tact if i can't win battle because i can only take one action at a time.(thus can't get exp or skill/trait points) and it's not just me the other person i was partied with had it as well.
Dev won't spend time fixing this because its not worth his time.

He is reworking traits, 7 momentum will likely become base after this, then you will never encounter this bug again.

until then all I can tell you to do is do the laplace net quests, kill jammers, dump points into skill until you unlock tactician. you only need 15 damn skill to unlock it.
if i was a new player this would make me quit the game. as this isn't a small bug ITS A MAJOR GAME BREAKING HINDERANCE

enjoy your one allocated action ai out numbers you and gets more actions then you.

and if it's as simple fix as you say then why not just immediately make all characters base momentum 7 huh.

It's a bug it's a huge detriment to playing and it's preventing me from recommending this game to friends and i wonder how many people quit over it if the game is this old

Especially people who don't know the tactician trait exists or that it apparently magically fixes it.

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