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Banks and Prices
Let's have a talk about bank storage prices (and the ludicrous cost therein to raise the price)... as opposed to just buying a house. A house gives you 1400 storage slots, though realistically you might use 26 or so for A-Z sorting... So lets just assume you do use the 174 for crates... 1218...

That isn't including any floor planners (which will give you more storage than the bank expansion will, for the most part. Though it has been a bit since I last checked!) This type of system also allows for numerous other things that the current bank just doesn't provide.. such as...

Actual sorting of items
Communal banking (if you trust in that shit)
WAY more storage (provided you don't want/care to have a house)

Rightnow I have 392 bank slots... 14 asago cards (350 storage capacity) + 10 base... meaning I've bought 32 slots.. and my 33rd slot will cost 5000 murai.

A bank card costs 125 asagos for 25 slots...
A house ticket costs 500 asagos for 1218 (and if you want a house, you can literally have this bank on an alt, etc.)

Something really needs to give here. Either with Banking getting an overhaul and prices adjusted (seriously, 5k murai for 1 slot? That will only exponentially get higher.)

I don't exactly have a good idea on how to fix this issue.. but we should at least discuss what to do about it, because for some older players.. sneezing out 50k+ murai might not be awful, but for someone new to the game, just spending 20k+ to get 10~ extra bank slots (up to 20 now!) is kind of.. well. Ridiculous. Especially considering house storage exists and is just outright better if you can trust folks, or just drop money.
I can totally agree with the pricing for banking being changed. But I can't see a clear cut suggestion for how to go about fixing this outlined here.
As I said, I don't have one outside of making bank slots a linear thing, with something like slotamountbought x 2. So the first slot is 2 murai, the 2nd is 4, 3rd is 6.. etc etc.

This would still create a desire for, after a certain point, that it would be cheaer / easier to simply just use the cards ( 125 asagos is roughly 12.5k murai.. so 25 slots.. you can probably figure out when that'd be useful)

Of course, something like slotamountbought^2.. which would put the 33rd slot at almost 1/5th of the price that it is right now... and muchh more manageable
I always thought that bank slots were limited to stop save file inflation, but from this perspective, it's a little silly just how much more effective it is to have a house.

Using the above math, and the fact that an Asago goes on the player market for 100 Murai, you can get a house full of storage, 1218 slots, for 50k Murai. That's about 42 Murai per slot, which is absolutely ridiculous when you consider how much Murai a single bank slot can cost.

I would suggest the Bank to be given a flat fee per slot and a potential cap if file size is too much of an issue, since having player housing being delegated to warehouses doesn't seem very fun.
Not to mention I'm not sure if player housing is exactly the most reliable storage method (I believe there have been lost save files for houses before that affect items, maybe I'm remembering that wrong-- it is 5 AM here after all).

Knocking down the cost per Bank Slot Increase would be a good start. If there's a concern for a limit, I'd say just pick either 100 or 200 and try it out.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
"Exxy" Wrote:Not to mention I'm not sure if player housing is exactly the most reliable storage method (I believe there have been lost save files for houses before that affect items, maybe I'm remembering that wrong-- it is 5 AM here after all).

Whooboy, my friend has a museum with almost every single item in game, and it's all been collected and set up in the past four months. If that save file gets lost, that is NOT okay. While you're fixing the bank, please fix player houses to not have that kind of error involved?
I know Dev can reroll saves, I'm just not sure if it's 100% reliable. It wasn't meant to serve as a scare tactic; more-so just to say "this is an uncertain method."
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
Its not really an error, its just all the houses are one save file, and the bigger that file gets the easier it is to be corrupted. Dev can pull and reload a single key and slots house but it still might not be perfect. Also the bigger the file becomes the longer it takes to save the entire set for reference.
They actually aren't the same save file, the floors are stored individually. The larger the inventory of items on a floor, the longer it takes to save, and in some very rare cases that might lead to the save being corrupted, although it is quite rare and may not be related to that, since we haven't been able to pinpoint the issue.

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