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It's against my morals
It'd be really neat if characters got a morality choice just like how we can choose their birth signs. This would obviously entail good, bad, and neutral. Each one benefits characters in some way however this could also tie into affecting their reputation tab.
Seems like something they'd use to gain the benefit, and then entirely ignore the IC implication of such a system.

Like prayer, or spirits, or star sign. Which are all rarely used as roleplay implements and just used for the cool, almost free shit they give you.
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: mQMYHlv.png]
"Ryuzaki" Wrote:Seems like something they'd use to gain the benefit, and then entirely ignore the IC implication of such a system.

Like prayer, or spirits, or star sign. Which are all rarely used as roleplay implements and just used for the cool, almost free shit they give you.

People do do this I will admit but I just really like all these things for IC reasons so I'd hope those that do get a slap on the wrist.
Alas, in our lovely 'rp-mandatory' game where anyone can do things ooc and go ooc when they want. They really won't, which is a shame. I try to keep IC as much as possible, but I can't really complain because I'm as guilty as everyone else.

Still, the idea itself could be amusing; throw up some suggestions for actual balance and what-not and let the big leagues debate it. Though, I personally can't see it being implemented.
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: mQMYHlv.png]
I'd totally use this for villain chars. Just so people know they're known assholes to NPC's.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
This would be nice, maybe...

...but honestly, I get 100% why it wouldn't be such a good idea.
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity
Sounds like a waste of time, in my opinion. We have profiles for this. It's not hard to put in OOC notes something like

Karma: Chaotic Evil

or whatever.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
"Snake" Wrote:Sounds like a waste of time, in my opinion. We have profiles for this. It's not hard to put in OOC notes something like

Karma: Chaotic Evil

or whatever.

Did you even really read what I wrote? Because it's not just lol text in a profile that says "Hey, I'm a hero." It works like the star signs and affects your reputation.
Star Signs at least give you a stat point and some elemental attack. They do have mechanic use aside being fluff that nobody ever cares about/is unknown for all but the player either way. This is still a waste of time in my eyes. Why even have such fluff if it doesn't have any effects behind it?

Unless if we give it, of course...
Quote:Lawful Evil = Takes 40% less damage from 'Good'. Deals 30% less damage to 'Evil'. Damage done will confuse 'Evil' foes for 3 rounds. Heals become 25% less effective on you. Ally buffs last -1 round.
Neutral Evil = Counts as 'Evil', deals 25% more damage to 'Good'. Heals become 25% less effective on you. Ally buffs last -1 round.
Chaotic Evil = Deals 20% more damage to anything. Takes 20% more damage from anything. Can attack anyone in combat, regardless if ally or foe. Heals become 25% less effective on you. Ally buffs last -1 round.

True Neutral = Nothing, but you can swap to other Neutrals, and back to this with no cooldown. Just not to Chaotic/Lawful, Neutral only.

Lawful Good = Takes 35% less damage from 'Evil'. Deals 30% less damage to 'Good'. Heals become 25% more effective on allies, and 25% less effective on you. Cannot drop a 'Good' person below 25% HP, ally or foe.
Neutral Good = Counts as 'Good', deals 25% more damage to 'Evil'. Cannot drop a 'Good' person below 25% HP, ally or foe.
Chaotic Good = Deals 35% more damage to 'Evil'. Can attack 'Evil' in combat, regardless if ally or foe. Cannot drop a 'Good' person below 25% HP, ally or foe.

It affecting reputation just makes me snore, since it's an unfinished mechanic.

Also, as a side-note. Make alignment changes take 3 OOC days to go through, to prevent people from swapping out nilly-willy to major alligmnent (Chaotic/Lawful) effects before a fight starts.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I prefer alignments and a character's nature to affect their own behavior, instead of offering a statistical bonus. Assigning bonuses to alignments gives incentive for a specific playstyle, when it should affect the social aspect of the game as opposed to the combative, mechanical part.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]

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