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PvP and Food Healing
After every battle, if you have recently eaten some food, you regain HP and FP. This is helpful for people trying to go through a dungeon without having to run out and Inn while hoping the dungeon doesn't collapse while they're gone.

....However, this feature has gone a little too far; it now allows players to go through devastating PvP fights and come out like they were only somewhat winded, flee a fight and get a hefty heal for their efforts, or stall RP/battle requests to trigger the heal that occurs on the tick of an in-game hour. This has caused no end of balancing disruptions, and makes any sort of attempt for attrition impossible, alongside allowing any group to outlast any number of onslaughts in a row as long as they aren't completely stomped by any given battle. Needless to say, this needs to stop.

The suggestion towards fixing this issue is as follows:

1. Food Healing no longer triggers from winning/losing/fleeing/otherwise ending a PvP battle. (Hunger meter will be similarly unaffected)
2. While outside of a dungeon, Food Healing will not occur on in-game hour ticks

These changes will prevent the aforementioned after-battle restores for PvP, whilst leaving PvE completely unaffected.

There is one request that pertains to an Event Tool, however:
3. When forcing a mob encounter on a player, the GM is given the option to potentially forbid Food Healing for that battle.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
just don't forget about bandages or they'll basically replace it seamlessly (minus fp)
"Joseph Jostar"' Wrote:just don't forget about bandages or they'll basically replace it seamlessly (minus fp)

If they use bandages, unless RPed properly or something I suppose, that's more on the side of rulebreaking than anything.
[Image: FgsMGD9.gif]
I agree, unless roleplayed properly using bandages before a fight happens would be likely be a bad thing, most fights that are supposed to be dramatic and character plot advancing are held in houses and would likely use automatic housekeepers but thats more than fine.

I agree with this change, if only to stop 4 man team comps built to destroy everything being able to contend 1 to 1 with several other 4 man team comps.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
If you're worried about bandage use how about making it so when you use them it plays an emote "X applied some bandages to their party" something like that.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
I don't like the idea of several four-man teams fighting a single four-man team. Due to the nature of roleplay on the game, if someone starts a fight somewhere public, it leads to a lot of people swarming to said fight once they hear about it OOCly- how is it fair that one team then has to fight more parties than ICly was going to originally take place? And due to Discord and other such things, the ability to track people OOCly hearing about said fights is nearly impossible. In the end, if one assumes the "single party" uses fugu, if each party fighting the other single party can't do more than 40% HP and FP damage to wear the single party thin, then it's not fair to let the single party be forced a loss due to OOC attrition.

In any case, I do agree with the notes made about bandages, as they can be invisibly abused as much as one wants as long as they have the items for such.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
I'd argue that Win should still trigger it.

Fleeing/leave battle should probably not give a healing tick, however.
I agree that PvP should not be affected by any type of food healing, if chosen a 'Serious'.

Spars should still behave normally.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I'm with Shujin in that I think only winning should tick the food heal. The only real offender I've seen from this in all my history of serious PVP and events is when fleeing occurs.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
I’m changing my opinion to be with that of Shujin and Fern’s, in addition to suggesting that the hourly food heal (not hunger) timer be disabled until inn rest upon end of PvP battle for the sake of PvP battles not being stalled to trigger the previously stated food heal timer.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]

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