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Spo's trait suggestions.
Here's the actual trait suggestions, a second parter to these threads, pick and choose however you'd like, I thought most of these were pretty unique and don't exactly draw a line of 'being mandatory.'

Elemental Affinity - Requires 15 WIL

You gain a slight elemental ATK bonus (15) when standing on a tile you own, the tile you are standing on decides the elemental attack you gain, however you trigger your own tile effects from now on, this trait will negate any absorb effects you have. (standing in your own cinders makes you take cinder damage for example.)

Cinder Tiles = Fire
Ice Tiles = Ice
Light Shafts = Light
Dark Water Tiles = Dark
Rain Tiles = Water
Air Shafts = Wind
Vines = Earth
Poison Tiles = Acid
Dark Cinders = Dark and Fire
Parry Fighter
While you are dual wielding weapons, any parry type ability has extra effects:
-Parry Chance is increased by a flat 10%
-Parrying a weapon also decreases the enemy's durability by 1
Bloody Accel - Requires Monster Hunter
You revel in the joy of bloodshed, on monsters that is, whenever you kill a monster (that is a non-summon type enemy) you will gain 3m, this can only activate once per turn, against your fated enemy the momentum bonus is doubled
True Dark - Requires Blind Fighting

You have been stricken an unfortunate curse, you are completely blind, whether you were born with it, had your eyes gouged out or damaged, or any other natural means, one thing is clear however, and that is the darkness in front of you, however this does not mean you are without any strengths for your weakness.

-You incur a hit penalty due to your disability, -50 hit similar to if you were blinded originally.

-You cannot trigger certain skill effects for yourself such if you were blinded before, such as Flottement, Snake Dancer.

-Your hit cannot be reduced by any other source. (Example: Blind, Kensei Passive, Blotch, Smokescreen, fear.)

-You are immune to gaze type attacks, such as Absolute death/fear, death gaze, spatial eyes, etc.
Tectonic Sensitivity - Requires True Dark

Your weakness will not stop you, you are able to sense your enemies through the earth, the cap on magnetism's hit bonus increases per 1 earth ATK you possess, this bonus does not apply to airborne enemies or enemies with the flight tag.
Shield Hero - Requires Hero history (Or not, this is purely flavor reason)

When you are equipped with a shield in your off hand and no weapon in your main hand, you are granted a special skill in place of your basic attack, Shield Slam, which lets you target an enemy in 1 range, dealing blunt damage equal to Scaled STR + 50% DEF, additionally this attack may stun a target if you are airborne, this attack is not available while you are guard broken.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
I dont think just increasing magnetism hit bonus will do much since you actually need to... magnetize something first and magnetism isn't exactly a common status that every class has.
For an earth mage it pretty much translates to more hit, which is undeniably good, you don't have to take it either.

You can rely on other people's magnetism as well more than likely.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Yeah but it really does nothing for the blind monk, blind swordman archetypes. Ironically it does something for the blind grandma with a gun........... :/

I think a flat 1 per 2 earth attack hit bonus, 1 per 1 for knocked down, and 0 for airborne would fill the same niche.

Or you could go the route of other blind supersenses, Maybe a sound based and smell (wind)
You do realize this is a disability trait and not a buff trait. It has perks to it to make it more bearable, but overall it's still a debuff rather than a cool extra buff.

For IC, more than anything else. If you want to play a blind monk or swordsman, it's not necessary to take this trait. You can still RP it out. None of it is mandatory.
Elemental Affinity, Parry Fighter and Bloody Accel are my absolute favorites of this list. They just sound very fun to use in general, really.

The others I think would be perfectly fine, and beyond that very interesting for RP. I don't really see any issues with them at all.
[Image: XVa5SaQ.png]
Absolutely love the sound of True Dark. Would 'any source' also include stuff like the inherent ranged inaccuracy on oracles? Parry Fighter is a little dangerously good though, considering how high you can get some of the parry skills to trigger at. Maybe have it lower durability on both weapons when it procs? Bloody Accel sounds wickedly awesome in PVE, really nice to have.
Not sure how I Feel about parry fighter, gonna make vent petale duelists even better, as well as sarasha gi users. I also don't think absolute death/fear are supposed to be eye-based, as its instilling your killing intent into them. Which I always felt was more like their own version of ki. The true dark stuff seems pretty interesting. A bit dangerous, but pretty interesting. And I also like Bloody Accel. More PVE-centric traits would be great!
Well the issue with dual wielding currently is that its very inferior compared to two-handing a weapon, this would give dual wielding a bit more versatility comparatively to two handing which gives more damage.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
While I like element affinity... Did you consider everyones favorite weapon switch item? Red letter? Free heal of your own cinder tiles in the hundreds for just running over them.

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