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Additive Damage Reduction
I believe every single instance of additive damage reduction should be changed to multiplicative, to avoid exponential scaling of their bonuses from getting out of hand.

To help give some context on exactly what I mean, most damage reduction in the game currently functions multiplicatively. An example of this would be having 50 scaled defense, and the 30% reduction from Wraithguard. Because these are applied after the previous reduction, you do not get 80% reduction from this combination -- instead, you get 65%. (50% damage reduced from defense, then another 30% reduction of the remaining 50% damage)

Additive damage reduction, however, does not follow this pattern. It instead adds a flat number to the grand total at the end of calculations, which provides exponentially more value the higher the base DR is. To exemplify this, imagine a world where your character has 100 health and 98% damage reduction. If something struck you for 100 damage, it would deal 2 damage (and thus take 50 attacks to kill you). Imagine, then, you gain a 1% additive DR, putting you at 99%. Now it takes 100 attacks to kill you, doubling your durability with only a 1% bonus.

Real Examples:
As it stands, physical DR has reached a point where, with additive DR, it can be pushed to very nearly 100%. The following is an example setup that is currently run, and even still there is room to take it to an even more egregious extreme.

[Image: 7TZ57Zt.png]

With 65% reduction from Defense, a tiny bit of extra mileage can be gained from Weathered Body -- which puts the end resulting DR at 68.5%. Then, additive DR can be piled on to achieve a far, far greater effect:

- Blessing of Old One-Eyed: 5%
- Weir Konnen: (51.04 * .2 ) = 10.208%
- Golden Glow: 10%

The end result is a baseline 93.708% physical damage reduction, which can be further amplified by resists such as Sayakana. As previously stated, this example isn't the theoretical maximum.

We're one additional additive DR away from people walking around with over 100% resistance to physical damage. These bonuses clash with the current system, overly reward people who have already invested in reduction, and are going to be a nightmare to balance so long as they remain different from all of their DR counterparts.

No additional additive DR should be added to the game. The following abilities are currently additive bonuses, and should be made multiplicative:

- Blessing of Old One-Eyed
- Weir Konnen
- Golden Glow
- Stand off
The stats of the screenshot are from my character.

My character also manages to do this to 150+ Scaled Weapon Attack.

[Image: unknown.png]

Making them multiplicative sounds good. It seems like there aren't that many others running this (besides myself) if at all, but it'd be good to prevent further problems.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
Yes, yes, and more yes. It's become certainly ridiculous with the right gimmicks.
I'm highly for this change. +1
There should be no more forms of additive DR in the game, mathematically they're just too good when piled together with more and more DR, which snowballs out of control very quickly and effectively doubles, triples and quintuples a player's effective health pool the more they get, I am absolutely for this change.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Yes this is a great idea

and can we make sure -all- forms of physical DR are buster cannonable
This is one change I can get behind. +1
[Image: BAWqB6P.png]
[Image: fa5d9fd2e3f77f27206bb134638b5f28.png]
Jesus christ, how can you guys think about these things?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
+1, Sounds fair
I still believe a hard cap of about 70-80ish DR, is also worth considering.

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