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EXP discussion
So in light of a certain bug being fixed probably in the near future, people seem concerned about the future of leveling in SL2. I will also point to in a coming update ALL monsters will be gaining armour thus causing dungeons to take longer. Since this is such a contentious topic I thought I should go ahead and make this thread for people to state their opinions on it. Let me be clear this isn't to discuss the bug or the upcoming monster armour change but rather what people want from EXP in general in SL2.

Me personally? I'm quite mixed on the subject. On the one hand it can be a pain to grind up those new characters, especially when you have done it so many times before. But on the other hand perhaps people shouldn't be making so many characters. I like combat being more challenging but I'd also like to see it be equally rewarding and less of a time sink.
[Image: 1599085341408.gif]
I'd rather monsters were more lethal. The game already heavily rewards glass cannons with AoE clears. Giving them the chance to continue doing that while also making that more dangerous to make tanking something you might actually need in a PvE would mean the optimal clear time remains around the same the same but you have to be smarter about it at all levels.
FaeLenx post_id=36819 time=1559976655 user_id=2063 Wrote:I'd rather monsters were more lethal. The game already heavily rewards glass cannons with AoE clears. Giving them the chance to continue doing that while also making that more dangerous to make tanking something you might actually need in a PvE would mean the optimal clear time remains around the same the same but you have to be smarter about it at all levels.

The only issue I see with the monsters being more Lethal is that they tend to apply at low levels as well, meaning the lower leveled players are gonna have a slight disadvantage if they don't have the damage to kill them before they do. People tend not to be smart when it comes to just clearing dungeons they want to get it cleared so they can be PvP ready or not spend hours grinding. There are already plans to make their armor better much like the Jammers have currently. Making them more Lethal in my opinion is little much to say the least.

Im with Noxid when they say I'd like to see combat more challenging but again making monsters more lethal doesn't seem to be the way in my opinion.
[Image: Empress_of_Light.gif]
Possibly one good idea on how to accommodate for players looking for a casual time vs players looking to hardcore grind could be re-evaluating and adjusting the dungeon prefixes and giving them larger amounts of difficulty, in turn giving more EXP as a result, vastly more than it is currently. (Each prefix adds about 5 or 10% more EXP from monster encounters for example.)

For example, in a giant dungeon the area you explore is much much bigger, you could also give a special tag to monsters which makes them actually giant, increasing their Strength and HP by a larger amount, this sort of dungeon rewards 25% more monster EXP.

Stylish Dungeons could have rare monsters that activate their own form of demon translation, granting them access to boss skills usually not used by them.

Mixed Dungeons could have any monster appear in any fight, so you could possibly have a wings of fire appear with a grindylow in the same fight.

Right now the grind process is getting to 50 or up to 55, then abusing percentage EXP all the way until 60 as its clearly the best way to grind, monster exp doesn't come close at that point.

Stuff like that.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
A lot of monsters are already fairly lethal, e.g: Wings of Fire & Grindylow, the real issue is just that exp gain from monsters is so fucking low it takes mountains of tedious fights to level up.

Also remove the EXP reduction from the arena altogether tbh, the numbers you fight there are generally more dangerous than a dungeon formation yet you're punished with less rewards for it.

Oh and make RP exp more frequent and remove that stupid trait that reduces black beast damage because all it does is reduce the rewards people get for fighting off the beasts.
In six months people will be asking to lower the EXP requirements again if this goes through, seeing as it's been lowered at least four times already (if I remember correctly). In any case, I'm all for it, seeing the context of the situation at hand.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
What bug are you referring to?

This one.
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity
A EXP change may be very much needed, and would benefit everybody as a whole. I have a couple thoughts on this - one which expands on the idea presented in this thread..

Mob Respawns: Add a condition whereby clearing a spatial core ejects the party from the dungeon and resets the mob spawns on the lower level - for the party clearing the core floor, the BDP registers as cleared. But other players can still come along and finish it off themselves, not getting as much exp as they would have if they killed all the monsters, but still expediting their own grind, even if alone.

Daily / Weekly Asago Quests: This is something which is done in a lot of MMOs and SL2 seems to gravitate more towards this genre than it does toward other styles of BYOND game. I would totally praise some sort of daily Asago mission to clear say... 4-5 BDPs and gain another wad of fat exp and a spatial core or something rarer for your trouble, on handing it in. Not easy to do, and grindy, but rewards you for your trouble. And for the weekly, set a goal to clear one of each type:
- Desert / Forest / Ice / Castle / etc.
- Crazy / Giant / Spacey / etc.

I recall another thread which spoke of a better pricing for Godly enchants. What if you swap them over to require tokens that you can only obtain from this weekly quest?

EXP Boost: Yeah, uh... Just increase the Exp from clearing BDPs? Bit of a cop-out, but the easiest to do.

(Edit) Future Content: I also recall Dev mentioning it was a shame the content wasn't explored as much as it is - perhaps for future story content added, provide a quest to go along with this which rewards an item that can be consumed for a fat wad of EXP too?
[Image: House_Banner_PNG.png]
my bad on making that other thread, didn't see this one, but jupiter expanded upon a lot of what i meant and so did some others, so

y'know, gucci. thank you all.

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