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I BOLDLY EMPHASIZE THAT... (Italics and Bold)
Hey there. Hi, how are ya? Hey, gorge, how are you?

Simple suggestion: allow us to bold and italicize within say, emote, shout, preach, sing, wemote, whisper, etc. Perhaps even OOC and LOOC, though those are kind of inconsequential to the idea (but I thought I'd toss them into this anyway). A lot of people want this so that we can properly add weight and emphasis to certain things/words our characters say instead of using / or -. / and - are fine but sometimes jarring and can ruin the flow for some, while bold and italics will hit the spot just right.

I'd like to think that implementing this wouldn't be hard, but perhaps using shortcuts via key strokes (such as alt + I or whatever is most convenient) would be the best way to put this in? Or perhaps just letting us use the html tags. Whatever way would be easiest for you to code, I wouldn't want this to suddenly turn into a headache.

Thanks for the consideration, and if any of you have any better way to implement, please post below!
[Image: Y8FFQj7.jpg]
^Mercala's Favorite Apparently
[Image: To2mAPS.png](heh)
I'd really love to express how nice this idea is. You have absolutely no idea at all.

Okay, maybe you do. Maybe, you're wondering what i'm getting at? I'm saying this idea is fucking GOOD mates.

As far as I see it, I see absolutely no reason not to have such a feature. Especially with the addition of the powerful New Chat.

Style sheets and shit are future or whatever. But yeah. I'm all for this.
Other BYOND games in general use the HTML tags for italics/bold in say, so I figure that should be the easiest way to do it... I have nothing else to say other than this would be pretty good.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]

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