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[v.2.27c] Grand Disparity
Grand Finale doesn't do 30% less damage to monsters, as stated in it's description.

My damage without Grand Finale:
[Image: lbPHcnW.png]

And my damage with:
[Image: QJkd6O9.png]

If my understanding is correct, I should be doing 30% less damage. I wish I could say these are the same image, but they are not. I have tested this on actual monsters.

I believe this bug came about at around update 2.22/2.23, the optimisation changes.
number 1 GTer EU
It will do less damage to monsters who are outside of Parted Pain's HP threshold. What were the HP of these enemies when tested?
Full HP, every time. I had to start a new battle to reset my skill selection to no longer have Grand Finale. I measured the first hit of round 0, as to prevent Bloody Palms and Heaven Below from having an impact in the damage calculations.

I've typically noticed this through Grand Finale triggering the momentum restoration without any difference in damage on that hit.

For the sake of elaboration and clarity, I went into a BDP and tested this again:
[Image: GIzZ83D.png]
I'd need to bring them down to around 100 hp for Grand Finale to trigger, I believe. From that point on, I should see a 30% increase in the damage I deal to them, right? I have no items or statuses that change the damage I deal (I removed Heaven Below and my Bloody Palms), so as long as every attack is a critical, my numbers should be consistent.

[Image: fmMlVDO.png]
I get this number every time I hit them from the front when they are outside of Parted Pain's threshold.

[Image: CxWBUsx.png]
To double check I'll summon a youkai and have them attack the target.

[Image: R6vB3NU.png]
As expected, it does zero damage - they are within Parted Pain's HP threshold. I'll wait for the benefits of Synchro Summon to wear off, and attack. I should be doing 30% more damage. If 154 damage is 70%, I should deal 220 damage on my next attack from the front. Let's see.

[Image: 5OxG51M.png]
Same damage. As tested on Prinny, who I assume would count as a monster, I'm dealing 100% of my damage, each time. If not - these numbers add up when factoring in the Bandit Bruiser's DR - I am doing 100% damage to them.
number 1 GTer EU
How many Youkai do you have summoned when testing this? Does this issue still persist in the current live version?
Still present in the current version - and, when testing, either none, or one - the results are the same regardless of youkai summoned.
number 1 GTer EU
Dumb question maybe, but you do have Parted Pain equipped, yes?

In any case, test again in the next version when it's live, because I couldn't replicate this.
It's fixed as of 2.29.
number 1 GTer EU

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