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Status Inflict/Resist
Time for a spicy hot take here...

delete status inflict.

Or rather, delete it from Skill and Will. Let me explain where I'm coming from now. So, as it stands, status inflict and status resist have a similar relationship to evade vs hit. It tends to be very skewed one way or the other. Unless you're actively stacking status resist, anyone dedicated to or at least actively trying to pump their inflict will very easily land statuses on you. Conversely, if you are stacking it with SAN and Faith amongst other things the person trying to inflict you will never land their statuses. 

In my opinion, either side of this feels bad for one party involved. Instead, skills would have flat chances to inflict statuses akin to other RPGs. Take Pokemon for example, with some skills they have a flat 10% chance of inflicting paralysis. Scald has a 30% of burning, etc. 

Existing skills that inflict statuses can have the chance skill with their rank. This also encourages spending more points in existing skills that are typically just grabbed with 1 point solely for what they inflict, like Black Bubble and Black Static in Hexer. Even Underworld Flame sees some use like this. 

Now, as for existing things that buff status inflict, I think they can stay and just affect the chances of the statuses associated with the skills/spells.

For example, let's say at rank 5, wretched oil would have a 75% chance of inflicting its poison. 15% for each rank. Let's say that you're using LV 5 Huggessoa prayer. That 10% status inflict would now make Wretched Oil's poison have an 85% chance of success. Things like Payback from Hexer can instead give you a bonus inflict chance for your next status attempt. 

Now, where does status resist come in all of this, since I didn't say to delete that?

Instead of how it functions currently, status resist would serve as a means to 'resist' the effects of whatever you're inflicted. The returns of status resist from SAN and FAI would need to be tweaked heavily, but it would be something like this:

You're investing heavily in SAN and FAI under this new system and reach 50% status resist. This means that the LV associated with status effects would be reduced by 50%. So, for example, if you're inflicted with a LV 30 poison, your 50% status resist would instead make this LV 15 poison. Certain statuses would need to be exempt from this, and it would interact different with non-damage statuses (reducing duration for duration focused statuses, etc. Perhaps reducing the amount of Move you lose from Celsius, etc.)

This is just a rough draft of a very hot take, but yeah. Numbers are mostly just for example and not actual ideas for what they would be, but you get the gist of how this would work now.


Some final thoughts: I don't think a counterpart to status resist (a stat that empowers the duration or LV or your statuses by its %) is necessary because that seems like it'd lead to some really broken things like absurdly high level charms and poisons. I may have missed mentioning other things that'd need to be changed in regard to this, but again--it's a rough draft.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Perdition's post:
  • Akame
I honestly do not see such a change making anything better, especially not for how much of an overhaul this would need to be. I very much... do not see any of the benefit here, sorry. There are probably so many better, simpler ways to tackle a problem in this department than "delete mechanic" and all the things it would then require changing.
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity
[-] The following 1 user Likes WaifuApple's post:
  • Mr.SmileGod
Status Infliction being tied to Skill and Will is akin to skill slots being attached to Skill and Guile.

It stops builds from optimizing their stat spreads further, to gouge your status inflict means you're likely giving up something else in turn. Were builds allow to skate by without that choice, then we'd end up with further optimized builds, fewer choices, and Hexer in a position that would require a rework. In fact it would leave plenty of status effects in a succ or save situation.

I don't think this spicy hot take is keen.
[Image: giphy.gif]
I've said this before, deleting a mechanic that is in place for a possibly good reason is pointless, there is very little benefit I'm seeing here. This also seems more like an Issue with Hexers more than anything and like Apple has stated there are very likely much simpler and easier ways to go about it but I feel this is the opposite of that.
[Image: Empress_of_Light.gif]
^ ^^ ^^^ this aint it chief

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