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Lore Questions: August 2021
Is there a scenario in where a heron child can be born to a corbie/non-heron parent similarly to how grimalkin may be born from Felidaes? Or is this entirely unrelated.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
An extensive but necessary question this time. They're tied because I like to attach whenever you say "They have no rights" in a race's lore to Shaitans, which I may have misunderstood the real reasons:

1- What are the political views on "created races", "evil races" and "corrupted" in the Empire? (I.E, do they have any rights? Laws defending them? How generally accepted they are? Etc.) (I.E, Created races are Mechanations and Homunculi. Evil Races are Liches, Dullahan and Vampires.)

What about those races on Kysei?





(small bonus as a nail in the coffin, not mandatory to be answered!)
2- We all know (or misinterpreted) Shaitan are treated as a non-existing race because of their hideous claws and violent behavior. Could you clarify the reason why the Empire, being so notorious to be smart, does this odd slip that is contest that Shaitans don't exist, while the rest of the world, and even General Phobos, have and are solid proof of the 'otherwises'.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
A question about Lantern Bearers. Could hypothetically, a sizeable flame such as a forest or house fire be imbued with a Psuedo-Elemental given a large amount of Focus? Like from a crowd of mages? Or is there a limit to what can be done? Would doing so improve the strength of the magic cast?
When it comes to reproduction of fusion based Chimera, (The only known ones to be able to reproduce as far as we have been told.) Would the off-spring of chimera*XRace retain traits/blessings of only the non-homunculi or would they also inherit some physical traits such as eye color/hair color, height etc. As far as I'm aware also, they would only receive the non-homonculi's blessing as has been stated already, but this is a question for other physical traits. (EI no horns tails etc)
So if a homunculus' body isn't maintained properly, what happens? Do they fall apart?
Do fairies exist in the world? If yes, do they live in mechana forest or elsewhere?

How do they act, and what is known about them?

If they're not real, do papillions who make fairy illusions just naturally use that imagery or are fairies part of folklore?
My questions this month pertain to the magical weaponry conjured by artificers, or rather what ways they could be utilized.

1. Can such weapons conjured purely out of focus alone, or do they morph from a base weapon akin to the Forgrint/Grandovyn/Rexys tomes?

2. Would it possible for conjured weapons to be something that has more intricate mechanics behind its usage beyond just stabbing/slashing? (Bows, crossbows, guns, etc)

3. If the answer to the above question is yes, would the projectiles also be artificed with the weapon accordingly, and would they be weaker/stronger than a normal projectile?
[Image: Rabbit.PNG]
Church Knights are able to take action on foreign soil due to a lack of church support being detrimental to a nation's state of affairs. My question: Does the pact/treaty(s) that enable this behavior have a specific name? An international legal document whose name can be invoked in order to communicate why the church is allowed do what it does. Something cool sounding like 'The White-Gold Concordat' from the Elder Scrolls.
(08-06-2021, 02:49 AM)Blissey Wrote: You've been doing really awesome with answering lore questions. I'm glad this format is working out for you. On to my next question OTM:

You mentioned specific magical tattoos that could abate/restrict usage of a certain domain last month. My question is: does the Church have a higher form of this tattoo that could drastically limit or limit enough the usage of Mercana on one who has been dubbed an abuser, but really didn't abuse Mercana for the purposes of evil (intentionally or otherwise) (evil being: those who use Mercana to heal their villainous grunts, or to create monstrosities, or (in less extreme cases but still questionable) those who heal an entire town and refuse to cease their abuse after being warned, and continue to do so anyway without any real ill intent)? If so, how would it be dispelled, if at all (if one were able to dispel it anyway/would want to risk it)?

I'm only asking because since we know Mercala values life above all, I think it's important to see if the Church has other methods in play to handle abusers that are worthy of being judged/flagged by a Church Knight, other than potentially putting them to the sword or incarcerating them.

I totally understand why the Church wouldn't employ any method of utterly removing Mercana from someone though, since I imagine Mercala sees it as a gift from her to mortal-kind, even though it can be abused (quoth your fire analogy many moons ago). Sorry my question is so complicated.

1) Not much in the way of 'higher form'. You make magical tattoos more powerful by making them larger (as in, covering more of the body).
2) Magical tattoos can be removed magically. However, the process is gradual and can be painful, especially the person removing it is different from the person who applied it.

(08-06-2021, 05:35 AM)Shadbase Wrote: HI I HAVE DORIAD QUESTIONS Smile

- Do Doriads have any further communication with their forest compared to normal plants? (Not in the "I can see ALL", but know when things are damaged and etc.)
- Are Doriads technically related to other Doriads in any way? Are Doriads from the same forest "related"?
- Do Doriads that come from certain flowers/trees have the smell of that plant (if applicable)? (Air mentions Doriads smelling like flowers, I'm pretty sure.)
- Does Song of Nature work ICly the same way as mechanically - that they can just grow flowers out of the ground from thin air?
- If a Doriad gets amnesia, would it be possible for them to remember things from their forest as they do when first born if they were returned there?
- Are Doriads and Alraune connected at all?

1) Maybe slightly more than normal, but still, very limited.
2) No. Not biologically but they may see themselves that way.
3) Doriads only come from trees, you are free to do this if you wish though.
4) Yes, though it's limited by their focus and depends on the land they're attempting to grow them from.
5) I'm not sure what exactly is being asked, but if you want to do that, it's probably fine.
6) Alraunes are not the same thing as Doriads but they have some similarities as plant people.

(08-06-2021, 05:36 AM)Sawrock Wrote: has a chimp ever escaped

yes, i think he posted this question

(08-09-2021, 03:32 AM)Kaylee64 Wrote: If Karaten wants to capture and study Papillions, how do they get out of Kysei?
Do Papillions need to avoid all mage guild locations to avoid high risk of capture, or just Karaten itself?

1/2) You'll have to elaborate on where you got this assumption, but in general, Papilions are illusionists, so hiding is their specialty.

(08-09-2021, 02:58 PM)Mr.SmileGod Wrote: What's a general idea of the process of becoming a High Mage in Karaten? (Would there be a lot of paperwork, examples of accomplishments required, etc?)

Would it be possible for a Papilion to become one, and what would the reaction be to one trying / possibly succeeding?

1) Generally you are likely to be given the title of High Mage if you have great magical skill, or have contributed to the art in some way (through study or spellmaking, etc.)
2) If they were not known to be a Papilion, it would be possible, but otherwise I don't think Karaten would be comfortable giving them a title.

(08-09-2021, 11:11 PM)Tanasinn Wrote: How many Sun's Ichor survived the Church Knight's purging, and what would the general church response be to finding out there are still living members?

1) Unknown. Some, at least.
2) If the members are not continuing the Sun's Ichor actions, then they probably would be left alone. If they were then the response would be the same as the first time.

(08-11-2021, 11:09 AM)The Alpha Bat Wrote: Dragon time.

1) What's the Mercalan church's official take on Ryart? Was he a happy little accident they'd mention then try to brush under the rug or an important part of Mercala's lore and also considered worthy of worship?

2) Is Hyatt believed to have come from the Dragon Mirror?

3) Is Bai Kai?

4) Do the general populaces see dragons, outside of the aforementioned, as just really large monsters crazy people might try to hunt rather than semi-divine beings?

1) They do not really worship Ryart and it's only acknowledged in the sense that it shows Mercala's compassion for all life.
2) Yes.
3) Yes.
4) Depends on where you're from. Oniga does not view them that way, but in other places, most likely.

(08-13-2021, 04:11 AM)Treantfence Wrote: Do Chimeras retain any memories from what may have been used in the fusion component of their creation?

Like say if something used in the fusion was a knight of some kind, would the chimera carry any of the memories of that person.

1) No, they do not.

(08-16-2021, 01:26 AM)Skimmy2 Wrote: Regarding each of Mercala's Voices throughout history, is there any formalized training given to them by The Church? Proper etiquette/social skills as an example.

Like wise how much care is given into recording each individual Voice? Are each of them meticulously documented in the annals of history by scribes or is there not much effort put into it?

1) Yes, they are given formal training and their expectations, and so on.
2) They are recorded into the history of the church by the church itself, yes.

(08-16-2021, 06:47 AM)Autumn Wrote: Is there a scenario in where a heron child can be born to a corbie/non-heron parent similarly to how grimalkin may be born from Felidaes? Or is this entirely unrelated.

1) No, that is very different, since Grimalkins are just an offshoot of Felidae. Herons are a completely different race from Corbies.

(08-18-2021, 03:20 PM)Snake Wrote: An extensive but necessary question this time. They're tied because I like to attach whenever you say "They have no rights" in a race's lore to Shaitans, which I may have misunderstood the real reasons:

1- What are the political views on "created races", "evil races" and "corrupted" in the Empire? (I.E, do they have any rights? Laws defending them? How generally accepted they are? Etc.) (I.E, Created races are Mechanations and Homunculi. Evil Races are Liches, Dullahan and Vampires.)

What about those races on Kysei?





(small bonus as a nail in the coffin, not mandatory to be answered!)
2- We all know (or misinterpreted) Shaitan are treated as a non-existing race because of their hideous claws and violent behavior. Could you clarify the reason why the Empire, being so notorious to be smart, does this odd slip that is contest that Shaitans don't exist, while the rest of the world, and even General Phobos, have and are solid proof of the 'otherwises'.

1) In general, assume races of a unique/'monstrous' origin are tolerated in proportion to how little that identity openly affects the population. A lich that hides their form would be much more tolerated than one who went around and frightened the towns people, etc. Beyond that, in various regions, assume the same thing, unless there is a lore reason why they wouldn't be (IE, liches and Karaten will never get along).
2) Generally, the Empire is less tolerant of Shaitans because they are so obviously corrupted, and have a reputation of being violent or insane. The reason for this isn't clear but it is what it is.

(08-21-2021, 12:27 AM)Yukiri Wrote: A question about Lantern Bearers. Could hypothetically, a sizeable flame such as a forest or house fire be imbued with a Psuedo-Elemental given a large amount of Focus? Like from a crowd of mages? Or is there a limit to what can be done? Would doing so improve the strength of the magic cast?

1) The lantern bearer has to use a special lantern to confine psuedo-elementals, so any flames outside of it are (generally) not able to be enchanted with them.

(08-23-2021, 10:16 PM)HaTeD Wrote: When it comes to reproduction of fusion based Chimera, (The only known ones to be able to reproduce as far as we have been told.) Would the off-spring of chimera*XRace retain traits/blessings of only the non-homunculi or would they also inherit some physical traits such as eye color/hair color, height etc. As far as I'm aware also, they would only receive the non-homonculi's blessing as has been stated already, but this is a question for other physical traits. (EI no horns tails etc)

1) I think things like eye color, etc., that aren't related to physical mutations or special absorbed racial features (like fish tails, etc.) would be possible to pass down.

(08-29-2021, 06:18 AM)chimeranyx Wrote: So if a homunculus' body isn't maintained properly, what happens? Do they fall apart?

1) Essentially, which leads to them dying.

(08-29-2021, 06:52 PM)Poruku Wrote: Do fairies exist in the world? If yes, do they live in mechana forest or elsewhere?

How do they act, and what is known about them?

If they're not real, do papillions who make fairy illusions just naturally use that imagery or are fairies part of folklore?

1) Yes, though they are rare, and are mainly seen as youkai for that reason. Generally, they inhabit any sort of magical forest, but Mechana Forest is too dangerous for them, I expect.
2) Varies from fairy to fairy, but about what you'd expect. Whimsical pranksters, sometimes to the point of maliciousness.

(08-31-2021, 06:08 AM)InsainArcaneBirdbrain Wrote: My questions this month pertain to the magical weaponry conjured by artificers, or rather what ways they could be utilized.

1. Can such weapons conjured purely out of focus alone, or do they morph from a base weapon akin to the Forgrint/Grandovyn/Rexys tomes?

2. Would it possible for conjured weapons to be something that has more intricate mechanics behind its usage beyond just stabbing/slashing? (Bows, crossbows, guns, etc)

3. If the answer to the above question is yes, would the projectiles also be artificed with the weapon accordingly, and would they be weaker/stronger than a normal projectile?

1) Artificiers can make weapons purely from focus, yes. They require focus to maintain, as you'd expect.
2) Bows and crossbows perhaps. Guns would be pushing it, I think.
3) Yes, and I imagine they would be weaker than an actual projectile, since they would likely fade away after hitting the target and have less mass behind them.

(09-02-2021, 05:08 AM)Turadis Wrote: Church Knights are able to take action on foreign soil due to a lack of church support being detrimental to a nation's state of affairs. My question: Does the pact/treaty(s) that enable this behavior have a specific name? An international legal document whose name can be invoked in order to communicate why the church is allowed do what it does. Something cool sounding like 'The White-Gold Concordat' from the Elder Scrolls.

1) As of right now, it does not have a specific name. Something to keep in mind when/if the Church lore gets fleshed out more, or if someone has a nice idea for one.

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