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Lantern Bearer Damage Falloff
Lantern Bearer is being discussed a lot since Korvara and likely a big facelift for it is on the horizon. In the meantime to breathe a little bit of life into it, I was hoping to propose a quick change to it. It's not popular likely due to it costing a high amount of SP (Warding Light for RES, Farlight for Spell Range, Bask in Light and Hard Light for Elemental Res, and Eternal Flame for its great passive - That's 23 Skill Points, all in innates and passives..), lacky of flashiness and damage, I think. It has good utility but that can be hampered by the Damage Falloff as well. A lot of classes have similar range and better damage options. Isendo with Galren is 100% SWA, 100% Earth ATK and 4 range as the basic mage class. Magaisendo from Evoker gets to be a 3 tile wide spell at 5 range long with 100% SWA, 120% Earth ATK. Let's continue.

LB has pretty big range as everyone knows, 6 range Golem for instance with the farlight passive. But if someone's standing at the edge of that range, 6 squares away from you, what are you hit with? A whopping -60% damage penalty! Ouch.. If your spell doesn't get evaded or glanced on where it may as well have done 0 damage, or Geisted. Then to add on to that, your spells have to go through an opponent's Magic Defense, their Magic Armor, then to boot elemental resist as well.. I'll show this off with a Prinny. For Reference, I have a 131 SWA tome with 48 Earth ATK and Rank 5 Golem, 100% SWA, 120% Earth ATK. A more dedicated person with 80 Earth ATK would get 39 more damage on the spell, nothing too crazy. But let's show the numbers for me.

[Image: 7e9745f1200ca8863e43bd0909fcc35a.png]
In melee range shown here. Pretty alright for an AoE spelll on a Prinny. Nothing crazy, have definitely seen a lot bigger, but it's an easy to use spell with long range so the lack of damage is fine.

[Image: 65c415e091c6194de1c8132082216492.png]
And then at max range away from the Prinny.. now throw Magic Armor, Magic Defense, and Elemental Resistance into the mix, or a glance. A bit too much with the damage falloff, isn't it?

For the solution, I would like the damage falloff to be removed entirely. I personally think that's reasonable in current SL2, but if deemed too much, then at least having the falloff changed to 5% per range instead of 10% wouldn't be bad. If anyone's got other thoughts or suggestions, please leave them below. Thank you for your time.
[-] The following 1 user Likes PossumParty's post:
  • Miller
Troll idea: Have Guile make the damage falloff be smaller based on something like GUI/10 = 1% damage drop off removed per.

It's not necessarily a 60% drop off, since melee range has.. what. a 30% increase.

Lantern Bearer's benefit is it's a giant "Piss off" AoE that, with the addition of Rebia, can combo really nicely with some of it's other abilities. (Or, if you're a maniac. Typhur pairs REALLY well with Martial Artist and Demon Hunter)

Fenrir is 80/90/100/110/120% Ice ATK + 100% Scaled WPN ATK... Which will be the likely largest damage hit from most LBs... which if you have 75 Ice Attack, and 110 SWA.. that ends up being a whopping 200 base scaling. With 260 damage in melee range and 140 at the far edges.

Yes, I understand that 140 isn't that much, especially when you factor in: Magic Armor, Magic Defense, and Elemental Resist.. but you also have to remember.

This thing covers a friggin huge chunk of the battlefield, gives bonus stats, and applies a status affliction.

If we made the fall-off damage lower, to say 5%.. it's be 260 in melee, and somewhere in the range of 180ish at the farthest distance.

There is an arguement to be made that multiplier could come after mdef/armor/ele res are taken out.. but that'd hurt the up-close damage severely.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Rendar's post:
  • HaTeD
I like the guile idea. Especially if we can get a sound and acid circle in the same update
I would rather make all of LB's lantern spells ignore evasion, but make its gameplay fully based around this mechanic.

So the opposite, the fall-off should be rougher, but there should also be some form of compensation for it imo. Though the funny thing is how everyone would immediately use LB not for its theme but for its new gimmick, so 'meh'.

Also nah, the GUI idea is kind of bad. It's already hard enough to properly build something for LB imagine having to slot in something they'll never make use of since they don't do critical damage?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I have to agree, I don't really like the idea of guile at all, nothing at all in LB or Curate use anything related to Guile or Acid and it'd be a bit odd if they did. I don't think it fits the class fantasy. If there's a revamp of LB and it has guile scaling spells or what not, it'd be fine, but for this thread I'm just going for a quick change to have LB in a better spot than it is now.

Personally I want the damage fall off removed, which would include the bonus damage for an enemy being in melee range. Just a simple 100% SWA, 120% Elemental ATK spell with 6 range, no doubts about what damage you're getting.

If that's too much then maybe the scaling could be toned down to 100% SWA, 110% Elemental ATK.

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