09-13-2022, 07:45 PM
Everyone's welcome to pitch in their ideas and icons, I'll offer a format and my own ideas.
As for Dev, if this thread ends up interesting enough, sticky it up so others can see this without being dug into the torrents of PvP buff requests.
The Main Idea :
- Drinks are the counterpart for Food. Unlike food, a drink does not fill you, only refreshes on top of your full belly, so it does not grant EXP, but in exchange, it can be drank multiple times, but only one Bonus Effect can be had per drink
- Additionally, it will always recover 5% of your maximum HP and FP.
- Once you become Hungry (read: Food duration reaches 0), any drink Bonus Effect will also be removed.
- You cannot gain a drink Bonus Effect while Hungry.
- On use, you will display an automatic emote saying:
Ren Brown drinks a Jamba Juice.
- A small sound effect will be played. Sip, sip.
- Afterwards, you also immediately recover Physical and Mental Stamina equal to the values mentioned.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
Crafting Station:
Ingredients Needed:
- ?x ?
- ?x Pure Water (Recommended)
Phys. Stamina recovered: 1-40%
Mental Stamina recovered: 1-40%
Bonus Effect: If possible, balance bonus effect vs how much it restores. Higher recovery values = weak or no effects at all.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019251483704832093/unknown.png)
Name: Jamba Juice
Description: A juice made extra juicy for juicefying a good description for Devourer Of Neus, which doesn't need to be very huge for the sake of space so don't make it needlessly wordy. This may also turn you into Exodia, so be careful to not be flung in the sea.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Large Wooden Mixer
Ingredients Needed:
- 5x Tangerine
- 5x Banana
- 5x Grape
- 5x Apple
- 5x Milk
- 5x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 40%
Mental Stamina recovered: 40%
Bonus Effect: Fruity Obliteration - You're happy to have drank the Exodia of all drinks, increases all your stats by 100, and looking at an enemy will instantly defeat them. The drawback is that this is just an example and will never see the light of day.
Anyway, here's my personal pitch.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019270434417561671/unknown.png)
Name: Water Ration
Description: Refreshing water in a bottle. Simple, yet both essential for survival and effective at easing one's dry lips after any arduous labor.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 3x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 8%
Mental Stamina recovered: 2%
Bonus Effect: Hydrated - Feeling good and refreshed. Increases FP regeneration by 2.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019290461044752445/unknown.png)
Name: Black Coffee
Description: A bitter, energetic beverage which can easily keep you awake for hours. The favorite of skeptical scholars and jaded mages.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Large Wooden Mixer
Ingredients Needed:
- 3x Coffee Powder
- 3x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 5%
Mental Stamina recovered: 20%
Bonus Effect: Wide Awake - Grants immunity to the effects of skills that induce you to sleep. (Ex: Slithering Slumber, etc.)
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019302670755971102/unknown.png)
Name: Glass of Milk
Description: Sometimes warm, sometimes cold. All the times will be the best friend of your bones.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 3x Milk
Phys. Stamina recovered: 4%
Mental Stamina recovered: 8%
Bonus Effect: Calcium Intake - Healthier bones increase your Armor and Magic Armor by 2.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019303226283143370/unknown.png)
Name: Coffee Au Latte
Description: A warm, fancy drink which goes quite well on a cold morning moments before you start your day.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 1x Black Coffee
- 1x Glass of Milk
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 15%
Bonus Effect: Cozy - A warm drink which made your day a little comfier. Grants 10% Ice Resistance and +1 Move.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019304210694672385/unknown.png)
Name: Choccy Milk
Description: A drink more commonly known to be given to kings and champions, for they are epic.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 2x Cooking Chocolate
- 1x Sugar
- 1x Glass of Milk
Phys. Stamina recovered: 8%
Mental Stamina recovered: 12%
Bonus Effect: Feeling Epic - You feel unstoppable. Increases Status Resistance by 15%. Increases the chance of activating Die Hard by 25% and recover 2x more HP from it.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019323554594037790/unknown.png)
Name: Lemonade
Description: When life gave you lemons, you sure made the best out of it with a bit of water, ice and a dash of sugar. Goes well with hot climates.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 10x Lemons
- 5x Pure Water
- 1x Icicle
Phys. Stamina recovered: 20%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Chilled Drink - A cold drink in a hot day, what's there to not like? Increases Fire Resistance by 10%, but lowers your Ice Resistance by 10%.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019325272228642958/unknown.png)
Name: Fizzy Drink
Description: A wonderful accident in Alchemy, at first. Figures out you can make any water become carbonated when you mix an Icicle with Sugar, making it release tiny bubbles of cold air. Very popular with children and manchildren alike.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 5x Lemons
- 3x Sugar
- 10x Pure Water
- 2x Icicle
Phys. Stamina recovered: 20%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Hydrated - Feeling good and refreshed. Increases FP regeneration by 2.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019305034036547704/unknown.png)
Name: Beer
Description: An alcoholic drink made out of fermented hops. Faster to be made, but suffers from lower quality. Drink in moderation.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Fermenting Barrel
Ingredients Needed:
- 40x Hops
- 10x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Brave Inebriation - You feel a little drunk, yet braver. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Confusion. Ending your round next to an enemy will remove and grant immunity to Fear and Hesitation until your next round.
Outside of combat, when using Say or Shout, it may sometimes be replaced by funny drunken speech. When using Emotes, it may be replaced by a hiccup instead.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019305862399008768/unknown.png)
Name: Ale
Description: An alcoholic drink made specifically out of fermented corn and malt. Unlike its counterpart, the Beer, it is extra creamy. Drink in moderation.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Fermenting Barrel
Ingredients Needed:
- 40x Corn
- 10x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Tough Inebriation - You feel a little drunk, yet tougher. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Confusion, and your Armor and Magic Armor are increased by 2 per enemy in the battle.
Outside of combat, when using Say or Shout, it may sometimes be replaced by funny drunken speech. When using Emotes, it may be replaced by a hiccup instead.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019308309267894282/unknown.png)
Name: Wine
Description: An alcoholic drink made specifically out of fermented grapes. Takes a long time to be made, but it doesn't make you too drunk. Drink in moderation.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Fermenting Barrel
Ingredients Needed:
- 40x Grape
- 10x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Modest Inebriation - You feel a little drunk, yet flirty. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Confusion, and gain +20 to the LV of any Charm you inflict, or are inflicted by.
Outside of combat, when using Say or Shout, it may sometimes be replaced by funny drunken speech. When using Emotes, it may be replaced by a hiccup instead.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019309974381408406/unknown.png)
Name: Saké
Description: An alcoholic drink which is similar to Wine, but made of Rice instead. Takes a long time to be made, but it doesn't make you too drunk. Drink in moderation.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Fermenting Barrel
Ingredients Needed:
- 40x Rice
- 10x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Disciplined Inebriation - You feel a little drunk, yet deadly. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Confusion, and gain 25% Critical Damage, but lose 50 Critical.
Outside of combat, when using Say or Shout, it may sometimes be replaced by funny (JAPANESE) drunken speech. When using Emotes, it may be replaced by a hiccup instead.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019311021606838292/unknown.png)
Name: Vodka
Description: An alcoholic drink made by your Komrades, which burns all the way down to your stomach and leaves an immediate warm feeling. Drink in moderation.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Fermenting Barrel
Ingredients Needed:
- 40x Flour
- 10x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Warm Inebriation - You feel a little drunk and warmer. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Confusion, and gain 15% Fire Weakness and Ice Resistance. There is a 50% chance you will ignore Ice Sheets when walking through them.
Outside of combat, when using Say or Shout, it may sometimes be replaced by funny drunken (RUSSIAN) speech. When using Emotes, it may be replaced by a hiccup instead.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019315261494542436/unknown.png)
Name: Blue Matador (DONATION ITEM)
Description: Falsely advertised to give you wings. In truth, it gives your cabrone brain the horns, so it learns faster, or else...
Ingredients Needed:
- 10 Patrions
Phys. Stamina recovered: 15%
Mental Stamina recovered: 15%
Bonus Effect: Know All Gains - Increases EXP gained in combat by 25%. Increases Crafting EXP gained by 2.
the great drinkening.zip (Size: 3.86 KB / Downloads: 157)
As for Dev, if this thread ends up interesting enough, sticky it up so others can see this without being dug into the torrents of PvP buff requests.
The Main Idea :
- Drinks are the counterpart for Food. Unlike food, a drink does not fill you, only refreshes on top of your full belly, so it does not grant EXP, but in exchange, it can be drank multiple times, but only one Bonus Effect can be had per drink
- Additionally, it will always recover 5% of your maximum HP and FP.
- Once you become Hungry (read: Food duration reaches 0), any drink Bonus Effect will also be removed.
- You cannot gain a drink Bonus Effect while Hungry.
- On use, you will display an automatic emote saying:
Ren Brown drinks a Jamba Juice.
- A small sound effect will be played. Sip, sip.
- Afterwards, you also immediately recover Physical and Mental Stamina equal to the values mentioned.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
Crafting Station:
Ingredients Needed:
- ?x ?
- ?x Pure Water (Recommended)
Phys. Stamina recovered: 1-40%
Mental Stamina recovered: 1-40%
Bonus Effect: If possible, balance bonus effect vs how much it restores. Higher recovery values = weak or no effects at all.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019251483704832093/unknown.png)
Name: Jamba Juice
Description: A juice made extra juicy for juicefying a good description for Devourer Of Neus, which doesn't need to be very huge for the sake of space so don't make it needlessly wordy. This may also turn you into Exodia, so be careful to not be flung in the sea.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Large Wooden Mixer
Ingredients Needed:
- 5x Tangerine
- 5x Banana
- 5x Grape
- 5x Apple
- 5x Milk
- 5x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 40%
Mental Stamina recovered: 40%
Bonus Effect: Fruity Obliteration - You're happy to have drank the Exodia of all drinks, increases all your stats by 100, and looking at an enemy will instantly defeat them. The drawback is that this is just an example and will never see the light of day.
Anyway, here's my personal pitch.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019270434417561671/unknown.png)
Name: Water Ration
Description: Refreshing water in a bottle. Simple, yet both essential for survival and effective at easing one's dry lips after any arduous labor.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 3x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 8%
Mental Stamina recovered: 2%
Bonus Effect: Hydrated - Feeling good and refreshed. Increases FP regeneration by 2.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019290461044752445/unknown.png)
Name: Black Coffee
Description: A bitter, energetic beverage which can easily keep you awake for hours. The favorite of skeptical scholars and jaded mages.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Large Wooden Mixer
Ingredients Needed:
- 3x Coffee Powder
- 3x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 5%
Mental Stamina recovered: 20%
Bonus Effect: Wide Awake - Grants immunity to the effects of skills that induce you to sleep. (Ex: Slithering Slumber, etc.)
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019302670755971102/unknown.png)
Name: Glass of Milk
Description: Sometimes warm, sometimes cold. All the times will be the best friend of your bones.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 3x Milk
Phys. Stamina recovered: 4%
Mental Stamina recovered: 8%
Bonus Effect: Calcium Intake - Healthier bones increase your Armor and Magic Armor by 2.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019303226283143370/unknown.png)
Name: Coffee Au Latte
Description: A warm, fancy drink which goes quite well on a cold morning moments before you start your day.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 1x Black Coffee
- 1x Glass of Milk
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 15%
Bonus Effect: Cozy - A warm drink which made your day a little comfier. Grants 10% Ice Resistance and +1 Move.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019304210694672385/unknown.png)
Name: Choccy Milk
Description: A drink more commonly known to be given to kings and champions, for they are epic.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 2x Cooking Chocolate
- 1x Sugar
- 1x Glass of Milk
Phys. Stamina recovered: 8%
Mental Stamina recovered: 12%
Bonus Effect: Feeling Epic - You feel unstoppable. Increases Status Resistance by 15%. Increases the chance of activating Die Hard by 25% and recover 2x more HP from it.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019323554594037790/unknown.png)
Name: Lemonade
Description: When life gave you lemons, you sure made the best out of it with a bit of water, ice and a dash of sugar. Goes well with hot climates.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 10x Lemons
- 5x Pure Water
- 1x Icicle
Phys. Stamina recovered: 20%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Chilled Drink - A cold drink in a hot day, what's there to not like? Increases Fire Resistance by 10%, but lowers your Ice Resistance by 10%.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019325272228642958/unknown.png)
Name: Fizzy Drink
Description: A wonderful accident in Alchemy, at first. Figures out you can make any water become carbonated when you mix an Icicle with Sugar, making it release tiny bubbles of cold air. Very popular with children and manchildren alike.
Crafting Station: Mixing Bowl
Ingredients Needed:
- 5x Lemons
- 3x Sugar
- 10x Pure Water
- 2x Icicle
Phys. Stamina recovered: 20%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Hydrated - Feeling good and refreshed. Increases FP regeneration by 2.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019305034036547704/unknown.png)
Name: Beer
Description: An alcoholic drink made out of fermented hops. Faster to be made, but suffers from lower quality. Drink in moderation.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Fermenting Barrel
Ingredients Needed:
- 40x Hops
- 10x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Brave Inebriation - You feel a little drunk, yet braver. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Confusion. Ending your round next to an enemy will remove and grant immunity to Fear and Hesitation until your next round.
Outside of combat, when using Say or Shout, it may sometimes be replaced by funny drunken speech. When using Emotes, it may be replaced by a hiccup instead.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019305862399008768/unknown.png)
Name: Ale
Description: An alcoholic drink made specifically out of fermented corn and malt. Unlike its counterpart, the Beer, it is extra creamy. Drink in moderation.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Fermenting Barrel
Ingredients Needed:
- 40x Corn
- 10x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Tough Inebriation - You feel a little drunk, yet tougher. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Confusion, and your Armor and Magic Armor are increased by 2 per enemy in the battle.
Outside of combat, when using Say or Shout, it may sometimes be replaced by funny drunken speech. When using Emotes, it may be replaced by a hiccup instead.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019308309267894282/unknown.png)
Name: Wine
Description: An alcoholic drink made specifically out of fermented grapes. Takes a long time to be made, but it doesn't make you too drunk. Drink in moderation.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Fermenting Barrel
Ingredients Needed:
- 40x Grape
- 10x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Modest Inebriation - You feel a little drunk, yet flirty. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Confusion, and gain +20 to the LV of any Charm you inflict, or are inflicted by.
Outside of combat, when using Say or Shout, it may sometimes be replaced by funny drunken speech. When using Emotes, it may be replaced by a hiccup instead.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019309974381408406/unknown.png)
Name: Saké
Description: An alcoholic drink which is similar to Wine, but made of Rice instead. Takes a long time to be made, but it doesn't make you too drunk. Drink in moderation.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Fermenting Barrel
Ingredients Needed:
- 40x Rice
- 10x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Disciplined Inebriation - You feel a little drunk, yet deadly. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Confusion, and gain 25% Critical Damage, but lose 50 Critical.
Outside of combat, when using Say or Shout, it may sometimes be replaced by funny (JAPANESE) drunken speech. When using Emotes, it may be replaced by a hiccup instead.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019311021606838292/unknown.png)
Name: Vodka
Description: An alcoholic drink made by your Komrades, which burns all the way down to your stomach and leaves an immediate warm feeling. Drink in moderation.
Crafting Station: (Placeable) Fermenting Barrel
Ingredients Needed:
- 40x Flour
- 10x Pure Water
Phys. Stamina recovered: 10%
Mental Stamina recovered: 10%
Bonus Effect: Warm Inebriation - You feel a little drunk and warmer. At the start of every round, you are inflicted with Confusion, and gain 15% Fire Weakness and Ice Resistance. There is a 50% chance you will ignore Ice Sheets when walking through them.
Outside of combat, when using Say or Shout, it may sometimes be replaced by funny drunken (RUSSIAN) speech. When using Emotes, it may be replaced by a hiccup instead.
Icon (or Reference for Iconners):
![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019315261494542436/unknown.png)
Name: Blue Matador (DONATION ITEM)
Description: Falsely advertised to give you wings. In truth, it gives your cabrone brain the horns, so it learns faster, or else...
Ingredients Needed:
- 10 Patrions
Phys. Stamina recovered: 15%
Mental Stamina recovered: 15%
Bonus Effect: Know All Gains - Increases EXP gained in combat by 25%. Increases Crafting EXP gained by 2.

![[Image: unknown.png]](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/568875587502997518/1019333032768962600/unknown.png)
![[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]](https://s.abcnews.com/images/Lifestyle/ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg)