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Blubber Body Enchant / 10*
Hello friends.

From the depths of Castle Geladyne I present my concoction.

The blubber body enchant. For Torsos.

Lump of Fat

A lump of fat collected from a Walrus. It's a little oily to the touch, but it doesn't seem to rot or lose its density.

On torso slots, grants the user the Blubber Body effect. Blubber Body causes enemies dealing physical damage within 1 range to be knocked back 1 tile. Blubber Body can only trigger once per round.

Or I guess we could have it as a 10-star item.

Armor of the North
A torso comprised of wolf pelts and a layer of walrus fat between it all. It's heavy, but you get the feeling it'll provide some decent protection.

Light Torso
Material: Cloth
Armor: 7
Magic Armor: 7
Weight: 20
Evade: 0

Increases weight by UL/2. Increases blunt resistance by UL*.5%.
Above 30 BW: Grant Blubber Body effect. Blubber Body causes enemies dealing physical damage within 1 range to be knocked back 1 tile. Blubber Body can only trigger once per round.
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Let's frickin go baby Smile

a heavy light armor with good defenses is pretty nice, and the niche effect is gonna be hilarious in pvp and useful in pve
Yes Please. I crave Violence. I wouldnt even use this, its just hilarious and I want more Funni-Enchant
I do like the concept, but in practice, I feel like this would be fairly egegious to melee attackers ?
066: Birth of the Robot Emperor
(05-31-2023, 05:45 AM)Ray2064 Wrote: I do like the concept, but in practice, I feel like this would be fairly egegious to melee attackers ?

This is an item that presents a possible issue for both the user and the enemy.

If you trigger a riposte or similar attack on an enemy, they get moved. If an enemy triggers this and ends your turn, you can't hurt them unless you have a movement attack, or you spare the momentum.

Fluer basically overrides it and still allows the attacker to take a second attack. (Though it prevents a third)
Magical damage ignores it (you could spam crescent rook + a physical attack and put yourself out of the range of the person wearing the armor).

It also only applies within one tile. Gigantic weapon users will be eating good for once.

Black Knights can't get indomitable from it. It cannot be given materials like Boulder. Even still, it presents an alternative torso for tanks that isn't just heavy armor with lots of free stats.
Thing is, basic attacking most of the time NEEDS those three attacks a round to remotely be worthwhile. Just by the case you've stated,you effectively screw your opponent out of 3M a turn constantly just by having an enchantment/torso slot.

Said person using the torso can also play around the aforementioned solutions rather easily -not only magic gap closers such as crescent rook are rare to not say class exclusive, that one can be played around rather easily (see, don't stand right in front of the opponent)
066: Birth of the Robot Emperor
(05-31-2023, 06:01 AM)Ray2064 Wrote: Thing is, basic attacking most of the time NEEDS those three attacks a round to remotely be worthwhile. Just by the case you've stated,you effectively screw your opponent out of 3M a turn constantly just by having an enchantment/torso slot.

Said person using the torso can also play around the aforementioned solutions rather easily -not only magic gap closers such as crescent rook are rare to not say class exclusive, that one can be played around rather easily (see, don't stand right in front of the opponent)
Low-momentum movement options like backflip, quick slide, and crane hop would easily allow you to counter it. It does nothing to ranged. Things like throwing daggers will also counter it. However, it does help against things like Cutthroat.

Momentum control is valuable but if you're reliant on getting three attacks in a round, then this is no worse than boneheart. In circumstances where it applies, it has potential to be decent. Where it doesn't, it does nothing. Most classes this affects has ways to get around it, like sidecut or magical attacks.

The most dangerous classes wearing this will be ranged users. But even then, it doesn't change much about their tactics.
Unfortunately its just too good against melee attackers, VAs, duelists, boxers and kick-focused Verglas would be unable to play the game entirely vs this armor or enchant. As funny as it is, I'll take a pass.
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After some brief testing, it turns out anti-knockback boots prevent it from working.

Go figure. Just slap on your favorite pair of Elytra or spiked treads.

I guess you could also make it count as a retaliatory effect for ghost hands.
As an enchantment, very overpowered. As an armor? This seems more fair. However it does sound like it would be overpowered. If it only applied to say, blunt damage or something, or had a UL% chance to proc. . . Then that would be more fair.

Additionally, certain techniques like Conduct: Jete can actually multi-hit somebody under the effects of blubber.
Balance needs to go hand in hand with not making people pull their hair out, and this would basically invalidate most physical attackers passively.

Winged serpent is already good enough at that.
To add an addendum, I do think we need 10 stars for all the new mobs. And this being the tusker's would make sense. But it still likely needs that UL% proc chance.
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