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IC exposure and why it's important.
Everything your character does is a step up on the road towards a legend. Every deed, a page. Every exchange, a story. And through your actions, the world remembers... unless nobody knows about it. Whoops!

As you can see, I've made some changes to the in-character forum. In short, it's now an in-character category. Right now, it has a lot of relatively empty forums, and I'm counting on the community to change that.

A lot of people believe that nothing ever changes in SL2's world, and to a point, that's true. Some people feel this weakens the roleplay aspect of our roleplaying game, which can also be true. I am also always thinking about ways to improve that, and while this change is not the sum of my intended actions, it is one of them. But like roleplay itself, it is not a one person job. Let's talk about what the forums are there for, and why it's important that they're used.

First of all, the forums are there to serve as a record for things you've done in game; big and small. "But if you were there, you don't need a record, because you saw it." A logical statement, however, not all of us can be there. Myself and GMs, for example, might not be around, or busy with something else, during the time your roleplay occurs. The same goes for anyone else who might be interested in what's going on. Which is where we get into why it's important; if a tree falls in the forest and no one's around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Things such as event summaries or 'reactive reports' by IC parties help echo the sounds of activity through everyone, which makes the world feel more alive, even if the person reading it wasn't there or is involved. An increased awareness of activity leads to healthier attitudes and more excited RPers, who also want to be active. The same goes for some other forums I have added, like character biographies and journals. On a higher level, it lets me view things that happened in-game, even if I was not able to be there in person, which means that I, as the person who currently controls 'the world', can decide if I want to leave an imprint of it, or perform a 'reaction' by IC parties that players do not control.

As I said before, this is not the sum of my ideas for improving the roleplaying aspect of the game, but it is what I would call baby steps. If you want the world of SL2 to feel more alive, then give some serious consideration to utilizing the new In-Character forums as much as you can. If you have suggestions for additional forums, you can post them here. I'll also be moving topics from the existing In-Character forum to forums in that category where I feel appropriate, but if you are the topic author and think it might be better in a different forum, feel free to post in those topics about it.

tl;dr - Post in the new IC forums. Also share this forum post with people in-game so they are aware of it.

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