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Sanctity Resistances
The resistances Sanctity gives are jank, simply put. Some elements get it, some don't. Even on the stat page alone, not all of the elements are accounted for, which doesn't really make much sense to me.

So, simple suggestion: Make Sanctity give resistance to every damage type, save for maybe Akashic just to keep with the theme. Maybe Null as well? Past that, I don't think it'd really break anything to give it that little oomph, given Sanctity is far from being a premium stat (it's not a common damage type, it plays no role in hit checks, and its effects are minimal save for those that really need racials or want to avoid statuses).

6 Sanctity gives 1% resistance to the elements it protects, so at 60 scaled you'd have 10% DR (that is multiplicative, so ultimately it ends up being less), so I don't think this would be a particularly egregious change, and it might serve to place a little more value in a stat that I see put on the backburner pretty often.
please no
066: Birth of the Robot Emperor
Please, no thank you I'm not fond of making Nagas double up.
I don't see how having a complaint against a specific niche element / use case invalidates the entire idea. You could just as easily say 'add poison/physical to the exceptions' or something, instead of just going no to the whole idea.

People've complained about Nagas being OP for a while, anyway. Sounds more like a Naga problem than a SAN problem. SAN is just weirdly inconsistent. Why are Sound and Acid excluded when they're functionally the same as wind, fire, ice, etc? They get ele attack from stats, but not resistance from SAN.
The ones that are not included also do not have a star sign or luminary element attached.
SAN is in a weird spot. Its primary purpose is to enable racial benefits that scale off it, but some have far more desirable effects than others, thus making SAN a more worthwhile investment.

Races without any such things to get from building SAN often don't (invest into it), this change would only make it so the races that already want to build mid to high levels of SAN get even more out of their investment.

We already have the issue of status res being so polarizing due to this as it's often not worth buying solely for the status res if your race gets nothing out of the SAN, or so little it's not worth bothering.

San doesn't need to be any more important than it already is in the current state of the game.
(01-06-2024, 07:55 PM)Trexmaster Wrote: SAN is in a weird spot. Its primary purpose is to enable racial benefits that scale off it, but some have far more desirable effects than others, thus making SAN a more worthwhile investment.

Races without any such things to get from building SAN often don't (invest into it), this change would only make it so the races that already want to build mid to high levels of SAN get even more out of their investment.

We already have the issue of status res being so polarizing due to this as it's often not worth buying solely for the status res if your race gets nothing out of the SAN, or so little it's not worth bothering.

San doesn't need to be any more important than it already is in the current state of the game.

This is very fair, and I suppose I should've started outright with a racials balance post. Some are so minimal for so great a benefit (Glykin 20 investment, for example) and others are just... meh. Not all racials are created equally for certain. It just sucks to have a stat and its offshoots (especially status res) gated behind something that has to be balanced towards stuff that not everyone can use.
God no. The current elemental resistances of SAN are, as the name says, "elemental resistances", the mostly "physical" elements that you get buffeted with head on through most magics, which go directly against how well your body can resist it.

Some elements are intentionally rare to have any form of resistance to. Acid and Sound in particular require specific gear, rather than the power of a god/purity of soul, being elements that affect through matter itself to a molecular level if we're being nerdy about it.

It makes sense the way it is. At least in my eyes.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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