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1 hit evade buffs rework
One hit evades are usually considered among the worse buffs around, cause they compete with Buffcap. Making them not compete with buffcap though might make them too strong.

So what if we changed how they worked a tiny bit:

1 hit evade buffs are changed to-> Level% chance to turn a hit into a glance. Also works against Autohits. 

that way it no longer competes with evade buff cap, and can be a useful addon against autohit meta giving dodgies a tiny bit of the much needed survivalbillity without fully making them untouchable.
What do we call autohits if they no longer automatically hit
[Image: 7voqr5AA_400x400.jpg]
the ones that hit automatically.
the attack formerly known as auto
I forgot that this buff should not work with Heavy Armor, or something. So that Doomwall tanks do not benefit from this unintentionally.
I'd just go for the straightforward solution, and make them last for a more generous number of attacks.
066: Birth of the Robot Emperor
Even if it works only with unarmored, this would be hella good on non-evade builds that use unarmored. Which is still many builds.

I would agree that it's best to just make it last more attacks.
I still think that does not solve the issue of them competing with Buff Cap, and still being kinda hella bad. Even if it were like 3 attacks, thats not even good for 1 v 1's in most cases cause of how many multihits people have naturally. The Buff is flawed in design in today's System.

If its a worry that tanks shouldn't benefit from it, which is fair, its fairly easy to make a clause for it. Something like only works when Cel>Def+Res, if you truly want to force it.
Multihits will counter them. 3 attacks is still a lot in most cases. Something having a counter is fine if it works 90% of the time otherwise.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
it doesn't is my point. You rarely benefit from the Evade it gives at all due to buffcap, the only times it even does something is in very inferior Dodge builds/Unfinished builds to begin with.

Why would you waste resources on, lets say a disengage for a 3 attacks puffer of 30 evade, if you could just use one of the evade buffs that do anywhere between 20-25 evade instead and use two of those to cap out. Thats pre buffs from Armor, like Mist armor or Sarasha Gi. It's inefficient, you can't tell me any of you is building a dodge character and calculates around 1 hit buffs to cap out on. And the rare times you might get some use out of it, people have very easy ways to get around it, without using multihit either.

I find it extremely funny how everyone agrees "Yeah dodge kinda sucks!", but when there is a suggestion that might atleast slightly push the balance back again cause there are about 25+autohits now: "Nah, I rather have it be how it is even if I get zero use out of it." I do fail to see the mathematical logic behind wanting something that gives you +0Evade for 3 attacks, in any optimized dodge build case. And if its for the not-optimized ones to get a bit of a puffer?... Maybe, just changing certain effects like mirage-walk to actually be real buffs instead, is the more fun thing to do to open more build variety.

The balance of hit and evade is very much calculated about you being at buffcap. And even then with use of flanking, and hit roids, you can reach 100% hit fairly easily.

I am not saying that my idea is the best, but.. # of attack evade buffs, is just a bad Buff in todays system. It was fine before, even powerful, when we didn't have a buff cap. That time is no more though. the only saving grace I can give some of those is, that they are passively built in some cases. But thats just a by product of the game being a slow buff fest at the moment, which again shoves the Momentum advantage to the slower people, tanks. Cause dodgies NEED to buff, to be in a reasonable dodge range. This is a flaw in the system, creating a scenario where the speedy people actually suck in the momentum economy, pseudo/fleurs just barely even it out.

So no, I do not think it works 90% of the time. More like 10% and thats a highball.

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