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Idea - Drop Amplifier
Hello! First time I ever made a thread in this part of the forum, I think. This time I feel like it's necessary, though.

Currently, the number of increasingly hard to get items has only been increasing over time, particularly in Korvara. Between things like the boss 10* items, the items in the level 40-60 areas, the ever increasing pool of items of any rarity, and now the Dark Amplifier fights, the means to obtain them is never really anything more than just "sit next to the relevant spawns, wait until they appear, beat them up, repeat until you get the item."

And it's not like the items are easy to get, either - it took me a week to get the Gryphon Wings, and literally a full month to get Thunder Hooves. And this is with help, mind you - I've had a number of wonderful people helping me out each time, and I appreciate that they spent their time to help me.

But that shouldn't be how it goes, should it? Heck, even then, I know of several people that are still struggling and unable to use what they planned for their characters because RNG simply wasn't on their side.

I'm not one to say "no grinding ever", but this only really incentivizes those items to never be used due to the fact that a month's worth of playtime or more will be spent away from all other players in one corner of the map, only staying with the people that are interested in getting the item they need rather than RP. This really shouldn't be the case - if someone wants a rare item, they should have to spend time and effort into getting it, certainly, but not this much of it. This is a roleplaying game, after all, not a grindfest, and people with jobs or various other obligations shouldn't be forced to spend what free time they have monotonously going after the same foes over and over again.

SO, what ideas could we use to fix this without completely shattering the idea of grinding for the weapons you want?

The idea I'm proposing is a craftable, consumable item, likely using Cypelle, Raremetal and/or Dark Shards to make, that would provide you with a buff when used out of battle that automatically guarantees a single 10* item to drop from the next battle, if the enemies fought have a 10* item allocated to them and they match or exceed the minimum level limit required for them to drop it (IE level 56). The item chosen would be random, based on the enemies in the encounter - so if, for example, you're fighting a Hippogriph and a Vect Wasp, you have a 50% chance to obtain a Gryphon Wing and a 50% chance to get a Buzzing Chakram.

My general thought for the requirements to craft the Drop Amplifier (name pending) would be... 50 Cypelle, 20 Raremetal Shards, 10 Dark Shards and 3000 Murai, for example. This would provide a pretty effective Cypelle sink, while simultaneously removing the need to sit in front of one spawn forever, as you can instead grind elsewhere to build up the items needed for an amplifier. Obviously, the numbers can be adjusted at will, this is just an example rather than a hard rule.

If the boss 10* drop would be considered above the standard enemy 10* drops for whatever reason, a second version could be included that provides a chance to obtain boss 10* items as well, but costs more materials to make, or is even made from the first version as a base.

Would this make it too easy to get items? I would say no, though it likely depends on the baseline of how long one would normally be expected to hunt for a specific item. My general expectation is that if an individual spent more than 3-5 days to obtain a single item, it's absolutely gone too far - they came to have fun, after all, and sitting in a volcano looking for a fire whip is definitely not that for the wide majority of people in this game. Not to mention, most 10* items are balanced much like the rest of the items are, they just have a wider variety of effects - making them this absurdly time consuming to obtain is not healthy for anyone that plays the game.
Also, this only guarantees a 10*, not what 10* will drop, and most encounters are 2-3 enemies. Even with this item, you're still rolling the dice, and you might need to make a few extra to guarantee the item you want, which is gonna cost a lot of materials at the end of the day.

Would a similar idea exist for 8-9* items? Perhaps! Maybe even a version for boss enchants! It would really depend on if people want it to make obtaining things like the Crazy Coyote or the Roaring Rose or whatever just a tad less RNG dependent. I would personally appreciate seeing an idea like that in the future as well, but I can understand if it's turned down for any reason. The important one at the moment is the 10* one in particular, where it's become the most problematic RNG-wise and can become crucial to a given build.

Aaaaand that's the full idea! Obviously there would be room for refinement, changing numbers and whatnot, but I wholeheartedly believe the wide majority of people have gotten tired of the extreme rarity of some of these drops, and items like this making things easier should inject some more build variety into the game while also giving people incentive to do more than simply camp out at the boss of whatever dungeon they're going through.
[-] The following 10 users Like SolAndLuna's post:
  • Autumn, Fern, Lonestar, Miller, MothEnthusiast, Poruku, Senna, Toffee, Treantfence, Trexmaster
It's just a katana.

(Fully supported. The grind for rare items is utterly ridiculous.)
[-] The following 2 users Like Entropy's post:
  • Autumn, Fern
I'm all for giving more uses for cypelle, especially to go toward making drop farming less tortuous.

Almost no one wants to roleplay during the process of farming out gear. It's novel the first few times then quickly gets stale. So the less likely it is we'll have people spending weeks or more at a time trying to find one item the better, so they can do more of that roleplaying on this roleplay mandatory game.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Trexmaster's post:
  • Fern
Yes yes and yes, full support of this being implimented next update.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
[-] The following 1 user Likes Raigen.Convict's post:
  • Fern
Event nodes, have sometimes chances to spawn rare shit, by exploring.

While I am not against the OP, I think such things could be better implemented in a breathing world rather than being just a checkbox you tick at the crystal.
(08-03-2024, 05:19 AM)Shujin Wrote: Event nodes, have sometimes chances to spawn rare shit, by exploring.

While I am not against the OP, I think such things could be better implemented in a breathing world rather than being just a checkbox you tick at the crystal.

While I don't disagree with that as an idea, I genuinely think your suggestion is better fleshed out in its own thread instead of being attached to this one.

The idea I've proposed solves a fundamentally different issue, is the thing - the kinds of event nodes you described only help with 8-9* items, after all, whereas mine presently looks at 10* items as the main focus - particularly the ones that have become increasingly problematic to grind for due to things like the Dark Amplifier upgrade. I did mention potentially applying a similar idea for 8-9* items, but that was secondary, not the main focus of the thread.

It's apples and oranges, and while you could include both, they really shouldn't be competing for space in the same thread.
Would be nice to have this for other rarities, but yeah, we definitely need something like this. If I had a penny for every time I saw someone lament that they have been grinding for a specific item for days on end with nothing to show for it, I'd have probably like 15 pennies, which isn't a lot of money but still.
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  • MothEnthusiast
(08-03-2024, 06:24 AM)SolAndLuna Wrote:
(08-03-2024, 05:19 AM)Shujin Wrote: Event nodes, have sometimes chances to spawn rare shit, by exploring.

While I am not against the OP, I think such things could be better implemented in a breathing world rather than being just a checkbox you tick at the crystal.

While I don't disagree with that as an idea, I genuinely think your suggestion is better fleshed out in its own thread instead of being attached to this one.

The idea I've proposed solves a fundamentally different issue, is the thing - the kinds of event nodes you described only help with 8-9* items, after all, whereas mine presently looks at 10* items as the main focus - particularly the ones that have become increasingly problematic to grind for due to things like the Dark Amplifier upgrade. I did mention potentially applying a similar idea for 8-9* items, but that was secondary, not the main focus of the thread.

It's apples and oranges, and while you could include both, they really shouldn't be competing for space in the same thread.
I wouldn't say they serve different purposes, if you just make it happen. There could be events nodes that let you fight a boss or high level mobs with increased drop chance for example, but yeah obviously I know what you mean. I have just spend the last month grinding for a Dancing shiv and probably need at least another.

So I think, depening on how they are implemented they could very much serve a similar purpose, just not as easy as a 100% garuntee, which is fair. But I am not sure if it should be THAT easy.

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