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[Image: vsQhVkc.png]

Insulation isn't considered basically at all right now as an addition to Verglas' kit, the buff it grants only lasts 3 rounds and the people you would want to use it against tend to also have Winter's Bite themselves, you can justify it's usage in the Evoker or Ranger matchup generally but I see not a lot of use for it otherwise.

I'd like to suggest that it gain an HP Regen effect to accompany the ice resistance, scaling about the same as other HP Regens do, this would make it a lot more useful as a support button to throw on an ally or yourself. Naturally it would gain a cooldown of like 4-5+ rounds if it becomes an HP Regen.

I am also biased to suggest this as I've wanted for a way to get something similar to cryotherapy for Verglas for a while now, I was thinking it'd scale 15/30/45 HP Regen, with the 3 round duration this makes it a 135 HP Heal, 180 if you were to spirit it instead, this seems kinda low for a heal over time imo but matches up with Verglas' ability to use meditate to extend the effect and sustain longer, as well as the possible other boons it can grant.

More importantly (to me) it'd help me fill a thematic niche I've wanted to fill for a while now without changing my subclass, a completely selfish request on that end.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Sounds reasonable
Why not FP Recovery instead? Insulate could grant that, and additionally, increase your Healing recovery by X%, so if they meditate, they recover more HP and yaddas.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I'm gonna say it.

What if instead of an HP heal, it became an HP Bubble. Lasts for X amount of turns, but functions similar to Jarmor.
That'd make more sense. Also that kind of effect is cool, we should have more of those in the game
Barrier Healers: Coming to Sigrogana Legend 2 Soon.
I dont know which to pick. I like all these ideas but feel the fp regen with hp heal increase sounds best.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
As a long-time, Insulate buff advocate... And having managed to get it one Pseudo buff once, that actually really wasn't a buff (Frostbite immunity on something that doesn't trigger frost tiles, to begin with, is barely noticeable..)

I would also like if it had like a secondary option on top of what OP says when you have an IPG up, which consumes it in turn..Just because I like those interactions.

Be it a "Hp Bubble" or just a longer duration heal, doesn't really matter to me. But I personally tend more to "HP Bubble" because I think that's more unique. I understand cryotherapy though...But Both is good.

If HP bubble though...Make it not a 100% absorb, but more like.. 50% maybe?

200 damage, you have level 200 bubble, you receive 100 HP damage and level is reduced by 100 too, or something like that. Just so there is still a good chance to kill someone and they can't cook up a sudden full immunity at the end.

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