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PvP zone
It would be nice if there was a way to engage in pvp that isn't just random spars in an arena. I don't like the fact that 99% of pvp that happens in this game is completely inconsequential. I love pvp and I wish I could engage in it in a more regular, rewarding fashion.

Playing a "bad guy", aka antagonist, isn't really a great way to engage in pvp

First of all, many people you engage with don't enjoy pvp. I don't want to force people into playing pvp.

Secondly, getting into a fight must happen through rp. It's not reliable, unless you're playing some psychopath that just attacks literally everyone. But even if you do, finding a person who isn't in the safety of a town isn't as easy as it sounds.

And thirdly, if you lose as a bad guy, it makes sense that you would get arrested or killed. Thus you need to make a whole new character again if you wanna do more.

Fourthly, people can take losses very personally. It can cause ooc bad feelings.

What's the solution?

I've made many suggestions on this subject in the past, but I think this is a more simple version.

I would like a zone, gamemode, or mechanic, that has people engage in pvp organically and gain rewards for winning. This would ideally take the form of an area, with a sort of safe hub that acts as a bandit town. Anyone fighting in the area would get loot when they win a fight, and those who lose don't actually lose any of their precious items, they just lose like a normal pvp match.

This would mean that characters are aware this is a dangerous area, but they can go there to fight "bad guys" or other people. Essentially it would be like a bandit dungeon but instead of bandit mobs it would be me, I'd be the bandit mob. High risk moderate reward! There could be some lore justification for this, like having a "bounty" on people, and it goes both ways. So the bandits give you loot if you beat a bounty hunter kind of deal? I dunno. It could also be magic, or a god, or something like that. Or alternatively, just don't make reference to that mechanic, just make it so the loot you get is purely a gameplay thing. After all, it doesn't make much sense already to get 30 gold out of a creature made of pure fire.

Then just have a way to check if there's people in the area so ppl know when it's active and can go there and look for a fight. We would roleplay as normal and have a serious fight and the winner gets loot. The loser gets to escape if they want, or they can die if they consent. It's a win-win.

This would mean pvp enjoyers get to fight each other, instead of getting in conflict with people who aren't into pvp. And it would make pvp actually rewarding, making it actually fun.
I upvoted this idea when you suggested it last time and i upvote again. Let Polk cook.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water

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