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The Great Talent Split
Communion, Plain, Basic Fluency, Jump, Maintainence, Security, Harvest, Cooking, Gatherer.

There are two kinds of talents, those that help you in combat, and those that don't. Though the non-combat talents are flavorful and fun, high level play in SL2 involves a lot of very iterative build optimizations, making it difficult to justify taking the flavorful non-combat talents. (You can argue Plain helps in PvP, but you know what I mean.)

With the recent survey alluding to a possible stat dice system, and the introduction of the context menu, it seems likely we're going to be getting even more non-combat talents in the near future, something I support! But it does exasperate this character building struggle.

Therefore I suggest that Talents get split into two subsystems. Think two different tabs on the talents menu, whose points are tracked seperately.

Battle Talents keeps any talent or subtalent whose effect only applies during battle, affects battle weight, allows you to equip items your class normally couldn't, or ones that affect your battle stats, skill pool, or give combat buffs, like Depth, Possesion, or First Move. I would also put talents whose effect takes place both in and out of battle here, such as Performance or Prayer.

Domestic Talents keeps all the talents and subtalents whose effects only apply out of battle, including at the end of a battle like Healing, Food Supply, or talents that give bonus EXP. So it gets Jump, the Cooking, Harvest, and Security talents, among a number of others.

For talents whose subtalents fall into both tabs, like Astrology, the actual talent rank is the sum of both tabs for the purposes of game mechanics that reference a talent rank. The limit of 10 ranks in a specific talent could still be maintained by referencing the sum of both tabs as well.

60 points in both tabs might actually be a bit overkill, so I wouldn't be opposed to the number of talent points being lowered. Not to 30/30 though, I think that might be an upsetting loss in power for a lot of builds. My ideal would probably be something like 60 Battle, 20-30 Domestic, so an individual's domestic build would be more specialized from that of others. Maybe include a new Trait to swap these totals for characters who prefer to play the game more domestically, and maybe include a new Knowledge Aspect for extra domestic talent points, with Elic Re keeping battle talent points.
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